Obstructing Free Passageway. It is unlawful for any person having charge or control of any lot or premises, either as owner, agent, lessee, tenant or otherwise, to allow any limb, twig or leaves of any tree, bush, shrub or vine growing in or upon or bordering the sidewalk or sidewalk space of any public street, alley or public way in front of such lot or premises, or upon premises abutting upon such sidewalk or sidewalk space, to interfere with or obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles along such sidewalk or sidewalk space, street, alley or public way.
Height When Overhanging. All lower limbs, branches, twigs and leaves of each and every tree, bush, shrub and vine, growing in or upon, or overhanging any public sidewalk or sidewalk space or public way, shall be kept trimmed and removed so that at all times no portion of such tree, bush, shrub or vine shall hang nearer than 9 feet above the level of the sidewalk, sidewalk space or public way; provided, however, that whenever any portion of any such tree, bush, shrub or vine extends over or upon the street, alley or public way in front of or adjoining the lot or premises, the same shall be trimmed so that at no time shall any portion of same hang over the street, alley or public way at a height of less than 9 feet from the top of the curb along the street or alley where there is a curb, and not less than 10 feet above the surface of the street or alley where there is no curb. Upon all paved streets, alleys and public ways, the trees, bushes, shrubs and vines shall be trimmed at such a height as the superintendent of streets may direct, to enable a vacuum cleaner to properly clean the paved street, or any other device that may be required on such street, alley or public way.
To Be Kept Trimmed. It shall be the duty of every person having charge or control of any lot or premises, either as owner, agent, lessee, tenant or otherwise, to trim or cause to be trimmed at all times, all overhanging limbs, branches, twigs, and leaves to conform to and in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
When Removed by Superintendent of Streets—Collection of Costs. Should any person having charge and control of any lot or premises, either as owner, agent, lessee, tenant, or otherwise, fail, neglect or refuse to trim or cause to be trimmed, any tree, bush, shrub or vine as provided herein, the superintendent of streets shall have the power and it shall be his or her duty to trim or cause to be trimmed, such tree, bush, shrub or vine in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The cost of the work and hauling shall be charged to and become a valid lien against the lot or premises, recoverable in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Code 1954 §§ 19.1—19.4)
It is unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed, any obstruction or nuisance in any street, alley or public place within the city, except when permitted by a provision of this Code.
(Code 1954 § 19.5)
Except as provided in this chapter and Section 17.16.130, it is unlawful for any person to leave or cause to be left, place or cause to be placed, on any sidewalk, alley, gutter or street within the city, any produce, wares, merchandise, store boxes, other substances or material, objects or implements whatsoever of any class, kind or character, except for short periods during the loading or discarding of such articles; provided, however, that bicycles may be placed in the gutter or street.
(Code 1954 § 19.6; Ord. 1533 § 1; Ord. 1750 § 10)
Except as provided in this chapter, no stand of any sort for vending of fruit or other merchandise, or for the purpose of transacting any business whatsoever shall be allowed on any sidewalk within the city.
(Code 1954 § 19.7; Ord. 1533 § 2)
No person shall use any portion of the streets or highways of the business district of the city for the display of any automobile, truck or other motor vehicle or other kinds of automobile goods or merchandise that may be a part of the stock of such establishment, or which may be offered for sale, trade or exchange in any manner whatsoever by any person, or in any way carry on or conduct any kind of business, or any kind of repair business whatsoever, over a period of more than 30 consecutive minutes within the restricted business district.
(Code 1954 § 19.8)