It is the purpose of this title to establish procedures and guidelines for the town of Loomis to implement the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as adopted by the Secretary of Resources of the state of California.
(Ord. 135 § 1, 1993)
This title shall apply to each department, agency, commission, board or office of the town which is responsible for the initiation, processing, review or approval of environmental impact reports as the same are defined in the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970.
(Ord. 135 § 1, 1993)
The town council shall, by resolution, adopt the procedures and guidelines necessary to carry out the purpose of this title. The procedures and guidelines shall be consistent with the guidelines established by the Secretary of Resources of the state of California, and may provide for, but not be necessarily limited to the following:
The preparation, review and approval of environmental impact reports for town initiated projects;
The review and comment on of environmental impact reports or statements from other governmental agencies;
The preparation, review and approval of environmental impact reports for private development on privately owned land for which a permit, lease, license, funding or other entitlement of use is required from the town;
The reasonable opportunity for anyone interested in any project to review and comment upon environmental impact reports prepared by the town;
Exemptions of various projects from the requirement of preparation of environmental impact reports;
The preparation, notice of and filing of negative declarations.
(Ord. 135 § 1, 1993)
The provisions of this title and the provisions of any resolution implementing this title shall be construed so that in the event there is conflict or ambiguity between the provisions of this title, and the provisions of any code or ordinance or regulation of the town, the provisions of this title and the provisions of any implementing resolution shall govern to the extent permitted by law.
(Ord. 135 § 1, 1993)