Any person charged with any criminal offense or where, by ordinance, a possibility exists of an individual being imprisoned, shall have the right of trial by jury upon giving notice to the municipal judge, in writing, at least 10 days, excluding Sundays and legal holidays, prior to the trial date set by the municipal court.
(Ord. 428-A § 1, 1962; Ord. 581-A, 1973; Ord. 834-A, 1989)
The jury shall consist of six persons duly sworn to try the cause for which they are called, and the jury shall be selected as hereinafter provided.
(Ord. 428-A § 2, 1962)
That in order to act as a juror of the municipal court of the City of Warrenton, a person shall have the qualifications described in Chapter 10 of the Oregon Revised Statutes and, in addition thereto, must be an inhabitant and registered voter within the City at the time he or she is summoned.
(Ord. 428-A § 3, 1962)
The auditor and police judge of the City of Warrenton shall keep in his or her office a current list of the registered voters of the City. This list shall be updated in April of each year and shall constitute the jury list.
(Ord. 428-A § 4, 1962; Ord. 748-A, 1983)
The auditor and police judge of the City of Warrenton shall keep in his or her office a box, which is known as the "jury box." This box shall contain on a separate ballot, the name of each person on the current jury list. Each ballot shall be folded as nearly alike as practicable so that the name cannot be seen.
(Ord. 428-A § 5, 1962; Ord. 748-A, 1983)
When a jury is demanded in the municipal court of the City of Warrenton, Oregon, as hereinabove set forth, the auditor and police judge shall set a time prior to the trial for drawing the jury. At least seven days prior to the drawing he or she shall notify the parties by mail of the time set. Any party not present at the time so directed shall waive their right to their preemptory challenges, under Section 1.12.080. At the time set for drawing the jury, the auditor and police judge, or, at his or her direction, the court clerk of the City of Warrenton, shall draw from the jury box 12 ballots, or any greater number necessary, until the names of 12 persons who are deemed able to attend at the time and place required are obtained. The auditor and police judge, or court clerk, must make and sign a list of the 12 names thus drawn. On motion of either party, the auditor and police judge, or court clerk, shall then draw four additional names which shall be added to said list and designated as alternates.
(Ord. 428-A § 6, 1962; Ord. 748-A, 1983)
When it appears to the auditor and police judge, or court clerk, that a person whose name is drawn is dead or resides outside the City, the ballot must be destroyed. If auditor and police judge, or court clerk, has good reason to believe that a person whose name is drawn is unwell or temporarily absent from the City, the ballot must be laid aside without the name thereon being entered on the list drawn. The ballot shall be returned to the jury box when the drawing is completed.
(Ord. 428-A § 7, 1962; Ord. 748-A , 1983)
Immediately after the drawing is completed, and the 12 names drawn, the parties may then select a jury by each striking from the list three names, alternately, commencing with the defendant. The first six names remaining on said list shall be summoned as principal jurors in the action. Any names thereafter remaining shall be summoned as alternates.
If alternate names are drawn pursuant to Section 1.12.060, any preemptory challenges not used in selecting those summoned in subsection A of this section may be used to strike the names of alternates. No other preemptory challenges shall be allowed. The remaining names on the alternate list shall be summoned as alternate jurors in the action.
(Ord. 428-A § 8, 1962; Ord. 748-A , 1983)
The names of the six jurors and alternates selected, as provided in the preceding section, must be inserted in the order to summon a jury; and thereafter the auditor and police judge shall transmit such order to one of the police officers of the City of Warrenton, who shall summon the six persons and alternates so drawn and listed to serve as jurors in the pending cause. The order shall require said jurors and alternates to appear before the municipal court at the time of trial of the cause. Any police officer of the City shall serve the order by giving notice to each person selected of the time and place he or she is required to appear and for what purpose, and return the same according to the direction therein with the names of the person summoned verified by his or her own certificate.
The six principal persons drawn and summoned, as hereinabove provided, shall constitute the jury for the trial of the cause then pending before the municipal court of the City of Warrenton, Oregon. If at time of trial on voir dire, any of the six principal jurors are found to be disqualified by challenge for cause, their places on the jury shall be filled by the alternate jurors herein summoned.
If, at time of trial, additional jurors are needed, the court may direct a police officer of the City of Warrenton, to summon forthwith from the body of the City persons whose names are upon the jury list and who have qualifications as jurors, the number of persons necessary in the court's opinion, to serve in the court in the interest of justice.
(Ord. 428-A § 9, 1962; Ord. 748-A , 1983)
If a person duly summoned to attend the municipal court as a juror fails to attend as required, or to give a valid excuse therefor, he or she may be fined by the municipal judge in a sum not to exceed $10.00.
(Ord. 428-A § 10, 1962)
Six of the six trial jurors must concur to render a verdict.
(Ord. 428-A § 11, 1962)
Jurors who appear at the trial and serve as jurors shall receive as compensation for such services the sum of $10.00 for each day of attendance upon the municipal court.
(Ord. 428-A § 13, 1962; Ord. 1063-A § 1, 2003)