The purpose of this chapter is to provide basic and flexible standards for development of vehicle and bicycle parking. The design of parking areas is critically important to the viability of some commercial areas, pedestrian and driver safety, the efficient and safe operation of adjoining streets, and community image and livability. Historically, some communities have required more parking than is necessary for some land uses, paving extensive areas of land that could be put to better use. Because vehicle parking facilities can occupy large amounts of land, they must be planned and designed carefully to use the land efficiently while maintaining the visual character of the community. This chapter recognizes that each development has unique parking needs by providing a flexible approach for determining parking space requirements (i.e., "minimum" and "performance-based" standards). This chapter also provides standards for bicycle parking because many people use bicycles for recreation, commuting, and general transportation. Children as well as adults need safe and adequate spaces to park their bicycles throughout the community.
All developments in the City of Warrenton shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
At the time a structure is erected or enlarged, or the use of a structure or parcel of land is changed within any zone in the City, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with requirements in this section, chapter, and Code, unless greater requirements are otherwise established. The minimum number of required off-street vehicle parking spaces (i.e., parking that is located in parking lots and garages and not in the street right-of-way) shall be determined based on the standards in Table 16.128.030.A.
General Provisions.
Groups of four or more off-street parking spaces shall be served by a driveway or aisle so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street or right-of-way, other than an alley, will be required. Section 16.120.020 contains driveway opening and width standards.
Service drives or aisles to off-street parking areas shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic and to provide maximum safety to pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic on the site.
Service drives or aisles shall be clearly and permanently marked and defined through the use of bumper rails, fences, buildings, walls, painting, or other appropriate markers.
Fractional space requirements shall be counted as a whole space.
All parking lots shall be designed and constructed to meet the City standards of Section 16.120.020, this chapter, Chapter 16.136, and this Code.
Uses not specifically listed above shall furnish parking as required by the Community Development Director, who shall consider uses similar to those listed in Table 16.128.030.A and the Institute of Traffic Engineers Parking Generation as guides for determining requirements for other uses.
Parking spaces and parking areas may be used for transit related uses such as transit stops and park- and-ride/rideshare areas, provided minimum parking space requirements can still be met.
Parking areas that have designated employee parking and more than 20 automobile parking spaces shall provide at least 10% of the employee parking spaces (minimum two spaces) as preferential carpool and vanpool parking spaces. Preferential carpool and vanpool parking spaces shall be closer to the employee entrance of the building than other parking spaces, with the exception of ADA accessible parking spaces.
Sites that are adjacent to existing or planned transit stops or are in the General Commercial (C-1) and Commercial Mixed Use (C-MU) districts are subject to maximum off-street vehicle parking requirements. The maximum number of off-street vehicle parking spaces allowed per site shall be equal to the minimum number of required spaces, pursuant to Table 16.128.030.A, multiplied by a factor of:
1.2 spaces for uses fronting a street with adjacent on-street parking spaces; or
1.5 spaces, for uses not fronting a street with adjacent on-street parking; or
A factor determined according to a parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional/registered engineer and submitted by the applicant.
The applicant may propose a parking space standard that is different than the standard in Table 16.128.030.A, for review and action by the Community Development Director through a variance procedure, pursuant to Chapter 16.272. The applicant's proposal shall consist of a written request and a parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional/registered engineer. The parking analysis, at a minimum, shall assess the average parking demand and available supply for existing and proposed uses on the subject site; opportunities for shared parking with other uses in the vicinity; existing public parking in the vicinity; transportation options existing or planned near the site, such as frequent transit service, carpools, or private shuttles; and other relevant factors.
The Community Development Director may reduce or waive the off-street parking standards for sites with one or more of the following features:
Site has a transit stop with existing or planned frequent transit service (30-minute headway or less) located adjacent to it, and the site's frontage is improved with a transit stop shelter, consistent with the standards of the applicable transit service provider: Allow up to a 20% reduction to the standard number of automobile parking spaces;
Site has dedicated parking spaces for carpool/vanpool vehicles: Allow up to a 10% reduction to the standard number of automobile parking spaces;
Site has dedicated parking spaces for motorcycle and/or scooter or electric carts: Allow reductions to the standard dimensions for parking spaces and the ratio of standard to compact parking spaces;
Available on-street parking spaces adjacent to the subject site in amounts equal to the proposed reductions to the standard number of parking spaces.
Site has more than the minimum number of required bicycle parking spaces: Allow up to 10% reduction to the number of automobile parking spaces.
The property is located in the downtown area as defined by the intersection of E Harbor Drive, S Main Avenue and 4th Street.
Table 16.128.030.A
Off-Street Parking Requirements
Parking Spaces Required
Residential Uses
Single-family detached dwelling (including manufactured home on individual lot)
2 spaces
Two- and three-family dwelling
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Multifamily and single-family attached dwelling
Studio units or 1-bedroom units less than 500 sq. ft.
1 space per unit
1-bedroom units 500 sq. ft. or larger
1.5 spaces per unit
2-bedroom units
1.75 spaces per unit
3-bedroom or greater units
2 spaces per unit
Senior housing; retirement complexes seniors 55+ years
1 space per unit
Rooming and boarding houses; dormitories
2 spaces per each 3 guest rooms, or 1 space per 3 beds, whichever is greater
Bed and breakfast
1 space per guest bedroom
Manufactured home parks
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Accessory dwelling
None if lot already contains at least 2 spaces; otherwise, 1 space is required
Commercial Uses
Auto, boat, or RV sales; retail nurseries and similar bulk retail uses
1 space per 1,000 square feet of the first 10,000 sq. ft. of gross land area plus 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft for the excess over 10,000 sq. ft. of gross land area and 1 space per 2 employees on the largest shift
General retail or personal services businesses including banks, salons, and markets
1 space per 350 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Shopping centers and multi-tenant commercial centers with:
Less than 25,000 sq. ft. gross leasable floor area
4 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area
At least 25,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area but not more than 400,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area
4 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area plus 8 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross restaurant or café area plus theater seating pursuant to this table (if applicable)
More than 400,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area
A special parking study shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted to the City-appointed engineer for review and approval. In no case shall the off-street parking requirement be less than that required for commercial centers with 25,000 to 400,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area
Furniture or appliance repair shop
1 space per 750 sq. ft. of retail store
Chapels and mortuaries
1 space per 4 fixed seats in the main chapel or 8 ft. of bench length
Hotels and motels
1 space per each guest room plus 1 space for the manager
Medical and dental offices
1 space per 350 sq. ft. of gross floor area
General offices providing on-site customer service
1 space per 450 sq. ft. of gross floor area
General offices not providing on-site customer service
1 space per employee on the largest shift
Restaurants, bars, cafés, ice cream parlors, and similar uses
1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of gross leasable floor area, whichever is less
Theaters, auditoriums, gymnasiums, and similar uses
1 space per 4 seats
Dance hall, skating rink
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of dance floor of skating area plus 1 space per 2 employees
Bowling alley
2 spaces for each lane plus 1 space for each employee
Espresso stand
1 space
Industrial Uses
Industrial uses, except warehousing
1 space per 2 employees on the largest shift or for each 700 sq. ft. of gross floor area, whichever is less, plus 1 space per company vehicle
Warehousing, including mini-storage warehouses
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area or for each 2 employees, whichever is greater, plus 1 space per company vehicle
Public utilities (gas, water, telephone, etc.)
1 space per 2 employees on the largest shift, plus 1 space per company vehicle; a minimum of 2 spaces is required
Wireless communication facilities
1 space
Passenger terminal
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Public, Recreational, and Institutional Uses
Child care centers having 13 or more children
1 space per 2 employees; a minimum of 2 spaces is required
Churches and similar places of worship
1 space per 4 fixed seats or 8 feet of bench length, or 72 sq. ft. of floor area not containing fixed seating, whichever is less
Club, lodge, or association
Spaces to meet the combined requirements of the uses being conducted, such as hotel, restaurant, auditorium, etc.
Golf, except miniature
8 spaces per hole, plus additional spaces for auxiliary uses set forth in this section
1 space per each 2 slips
Miniature golf
1 space per hole plus 1 space per employee
1.5 spaces per patient bed
1 space per 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Nursing and convalescent homes
1 space per 3 patient beds
Post office
1 space per 50 sq. ft. of patron service area, plus 1 space per employee
Rest homes or assisted living facilities
1 space per 2 patient beds or 1 space per apartment unit
Kindergarten, pre-school, or equivalent private or parochial school
1 space per employee
Elementary and junior high schools equivalent
1.5 spaces per classroom, or 1 space per 4 seats, or 8 feet of bench in auditorium, or assembly room, whichever is greater
High school or equivalent
1.5 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space per 10 students the school is designed to accommodate, or 1 space per 4 seats or 8 feet of bench in auditorium or assemble room, whichever is greater
Colleges, universities, trade schools, or equivalent
1.5 spaces per classroom plus 1 space per 5 students the school is designed to accommodate, plus requirements for on-campus student housing (if any)
Stadium, sports arena, or similar open assembly
1 space per 6 seats or 12 feet of bench length
RV park
1 off-street parking space shall be provided for each RV space, plus 1 additional space for each 6 RV spaces to provide for guest parking. Grouped parking spaces shall be located within 150 feet of the RV spaces served
Parking Location and Shared Parking.
Location. Vehicle parking is allowed only on approved parking shoulders (streets), within garages, carports and other structures, or on driveways or parking lots that have been developed in conformance with this Code. Parking and loading areas shall not be located in required yards adjacent to a street unless otherwise specifically permitted in this ordinance. Side and rear yards that are not adjacent to a street may be used for such areas when developed and maintained as required in this chapter. See also Chapter 16.120, Access and Circulation.
Off-Site Parking. Except for single-family, two-family, and three-family dwellings, the vehicle parking spaces required by this chapter may be located on another parcel of land, provided the parcel is within 200 feet or a reasonable walking distance of the use it serves. The distance from the parking area to the use shall be measured from the nearest parking space to a building entrance, following a sidewalk or other pedestrian route. The right to use the off-site parking must be evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, easement, or similar written instrument.
Mixed Uses. If more than one type of land use occupies a single structure or parcel of land, the total requirements for off-street automobile parking shall be the sum of the requirements for all uses, unless it can be shown that the peak parking demands are actually less (i.e., the uses operate on different days or at different times of the day). In that case, the total requirements shall be reduced accordingly.
Shared Parking. Required parking facilities for two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may be satisfied by the same parking facilities used jointly, to the extent that the owners or operators show that the need for parking facilities does not materially overlap (e.g., uses primarily of a daytime versus nighttime nature), and provided that the right of joint use is evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, contract, or similar written instrument establishing the joint use.
Availability of Facilities. Owners of off-street parking facilities may post a sign indicating that all parking on the site is available only for residents, customers and/or employees, as applicable. Signs shall conform to the standards of Chapter 16.144.
Parking Stall Standard Dimensions and Compact Car Parking. All off-street parking stalls shall be improved to conform to City standards for surfacing, stormwater management, and striping. See Section 16.120.020 for parking lot construction standards. Up to 40% of the required spaces may be sized to accommodate compact cars. Standard parking spaces shall conform to the dimensions in Figure 16.128.030.C. Disabled person parking spaces shall conform to the standards (and dimensions) in this section.
Figure 16.128.030.C Parking Stall Dimensions
(See Section 16.128.030(D) for Disabled Parking)
Important Cross-References. See also Division 2, Land Use District standards; Chapter 16.120, Access and Circulation; Chapter 16.124, Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences, and Walls; and Chapter 16.140, Stormwater and Surface Water Management.
Disabled Person Parking Spaces. The following parking shall be provided for disabled persons, in conformance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Disabled parking is included in the minimum number of required parking spaces in this subsection.
Figure 16.128.030.D
Disabled Person Parking Requirements: Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces ADA Standards for Accessible Design
Total Number of Parking Spaces Provided (per lot)
Total Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces (60" & 96" aisles)
Van Accessible Parking Spaces with Minimum 96" Wide Access Aisle
Accessible Parking Spaces with Minimum 60" Wide Access Aisle
Column A
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total parking provided in each lot
1/8 of Column A*
7/8 of Column A**
1,001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
1/8 of Column A*
7/8 of Column A**
1 out of every 8 accessible spaces.
7 out of every 8 accessible parking spaces.
(Ord. 1175-A § 12, 2013; Ord. 1225 § 6, 2019)
All uses shall provide bicycle parking in conformance with the following standards which are evaluated during development review or site design review.
Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required for uses is provided in Table 16.128.040.A.
Where an application is subject to Conditional Use Permit approval or the applicant has requested a reduction to the vehicle parking standard, pursuant to 16.128.030(A)(10), the City may require bicycle parking spaces in addition to those in Table 16.128.040.A.
Table 16.128.040.A Bicycle Parking Requirements
Minimum Required Bicycle Parking Spaces
Long and Short Term Bicycle Parking
(As % of Minimum Required Bicycle Parking Spaces)
Minimum Number of Spaces
Multifamily residential (required for 4 or more dwelling units)
1 space per 4 dwelling units
75% long term
25% short term
2 spaces per primary use or 1 per 5 vehicle spaces, whichever is greater. Maximum of 28 spaces per commercial lot.
25% long term
75% short term
(all types)
2 spaces per classroom
100% long term
(active recreation areas only)
4 spaces
100% short term
Transit stops
2 spaces
100% short term
Transit centers
4 spaces or 1 per 10 vehicle spaces, whichever is greater
50% long term
50% short term
Other uses
2 spaces per primary use or 1 per 10 vehicle spaces, whichever is greater
50% long term
50% short term
Design and Location.
All bicycle parking shall be securely anchored to the ground or to a structure.
All bicycle parking shall be lighted for theft protection, personal security and accident prevention.
All bicycle parking shall be designed so that bicycles may be secured to them without undue inconvenience, including being accessible without removing another bicycle. Bicycle parking spaces shall be at least six feet long and two-and-one-half feet wide, and overhead clearance in covered spaces should be a minimum of seven feet. A five foot aisle for bicycle maneuvering should be provided and maintained beside or between each row/rack of bicycle parking.
Bicycle parking racks shall accommodate locking the frame and both wheels using either a cable or U-shaped lock.
Direct access from the bicycle parking area to the public right-of-way shall be provided at-grade or by ramp access, and pedestrian access shall be provided from the bicycle parking area to the building entrance.
Bicycle parking shall not impede or create a hazard to pedestrians or vehicles and shall not conflict with the vision clearance standards of Chapter 16.132.
All bicycle parking should be integrated with other elements in the planter strip when in the public right-of-way.
Short-term bicycle parking.
Short-term bicycle parking shall consist of a stationary rack or other approved structure to which the bicycle can be locked securely.
If more than 10 short-term bicycle parking spaces are required, at least 50% of the spaces must be sheltered. Sheltered short-term parking consists of a minimum 7-foot overhead clearance and sufficient area to completely cover all bicycle parking and bicycles that are parked correctly.
Short-term bicycle parking shall be located within 50 feet of the main building entrance or one of several main entrances, and no further from an entrance than the closest automobile parking space.
Long-term bicycle parking. Long-term bicycle parking shall consist of a lockable enclosure, a secure room in a building onsite, monitored parking, or another form of sheltered and secure parking.
Exemptions. This section does not apply to single-family and duplex housing, home occupations, and agricultural uses. The City may exempt other uses upon finding that, due to the nature of the use or its location, it is unlikely to have any patrons or employees arriving by bicycle.
Hazards. Bicycle parking shall not impede or create a hazard to pedestrians or vehicles and shall be located so as to not conflict with the vision clearance standards of Chapter 16.132.
(Ord. 1175-A § 13, 2013; Ord. 1225 § 6, 2019)