See also Section 16.120.020 and Figure 16.120.020.N.
A clear vision area shall be maintained on the corner of property adjacent to the intersection of two streets, or adjacent to the intersection of a street and a railroad.
A clear-vision area shall consist of a triangular area. Two sides of the triangle are lot lines measured from the corner intersection of the street lot lines for a distance specified in this section or, where the lot lines have rounded corners, the lot lines extended in a straight line to a point of intersection and so measured. The triangle's third side is a line across the corner of the lot joining the non-intersecting ends of the other two sides.
A clear-vision area shall contain no planting, fence, wall, structure, or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding 36 inches in height measured from the top of the curb or, where no curb exists, from the established street centerline grade, except:
Trees exceeding this height may be located in this area provided all branches and foliage are removed to a height of eight feet above the grade;
Open-wire fencing that does not obscure sight more than 10% may be a maximum of 48 inches high.
The following dimensional requirements govern clear vision areas:
The minimum length of street sides of the clear vision triangle shall be 15 feet. See Figure 16.132.010.
The minimum vision clearance area may be increased by the Community Development Director, City-appointed engineer, or Planning Commission upon finding that more sight distance is required (i.e., due to traffic speeds, roadway alignment, etc.).
Figure 16.132.010 Vision Clearance Areas