Large-Scale Development. A development which is:
A planned unit development, manufactured dwelling park, recreational vehicle park, or campground; or
A multifamily housing development or row house/townhouse (single-family attached) development which within two calendar years will have 10 or more dwelling units; or
A commercial, industrial, public or institutional development which within two calendar years will use two or more acres of land or will have buildings with 10,000 square feet or more of floor area; or
Dependent on the expansion of City utility system(s) to service the development, including, but not limited to, development (or improvement) of transportation facilities or water and/or sewer mainline extensions.
Review Type.
Type III: "1, 2, 3, or combined 1 and 4."
Type I: "4."
(Ord. 1175-A § 17, 2013)
No permit shall be issued or conditional use application approved for a use defined as a large-scale development until the Community Development Director or hearings body (as applicable) determines that all applicable sections of this Code have been satisfied.
The degree of protection from problems caused by hazardous soils or stormwater runoff which is required by this chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes. This chapter shall not create liability on the part of the City of Warrenton or by any officer, employee or official thereof for any damages due to hazardous soils or stormwater runoff that results from reliance on this chapter or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder.
Unless the Community Development Director (Type I or Type II) or hearings body (Type III) determines that an adequate detailed soil survey has already been undertaken for the entire portion of the site proposed for development, the owner or developer shall have a new soil survey of the site prepared to determine if construction on the site would be hazardous to facilities on the parcel or to nearby property due to the load bearing capacity of the soils, the potential for wind or water erosion, or the wetness or slope characteristics of the soil.
The soil survey shall be performed by a registered geotechnical engineer that is licensed in the State of Oregon.
If the detailed soil survey indicates that significant amounts of hazardous soils are in locations desired for development, the developer or owner shall submit a report to the City of Warrenton prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer which indicates suitable techniques to minimize potential soil hazards to facilities on the parcel or to nearby property.
The proposed use will only be approved if:
The detailed soil survey indicates that there is not a significant amount of hazardous soils on the portion of the site proposed for development; or
A method of eliminating hazards which could result from soils on the site prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer and submitted to the City of Warrenton Planning and Building Department for review by a City-appointed engineer who will be paid by the developer and/or property owner.
If a detailed soil survey indicates that corrosive resistant materials are appropriate for pipes or foundations associated with the development, the City-appointed engineer may require that suitable materials be used for the pipes or foundations.
The applicant shall submit a stormwater management plan, which shall meet the criteria of Chapter 16.140 of this Code, to the City of Warrenton Planning and Building Department for review for the proposed development that is prepared by a registered engineer currently licensed in the State of Oregon.
The applicant shall provide detailed information and analyses, as necessary, to the City of Warrenton to allow the City to assess the expected impacts of the development on the capacity of Warrenton's water, sewer, and transportation. The development will only be allowed if sufficient capacity exists or suitable evidence indicates it will exist prior to completion of the development construction. In deciding the sufficiency of capacity, consideration will be given to possible increases in flows resulting from activities of existing system users and from facilities which are likely to be built due to the proposed use, but are not part of the development.
On-site water supply, sewage disposal, access and circulation, shall be approved by the Warrenton Public Works Director. The development will not be allowed unless satisfactory provisions are made for these facilities. Satisfactory provisions, in part, mean that the size of any water lines, sewer lines, access roads, and drainage-ways will be sufficient to meet the needs of the development and, where desirable, accommodate growth in other areas. Suitable arrangement, including dedication of land or use of easements, shall be made so that the City will be able to maintain appropriate water, sewer, street, and drainage facilities. The construction of lengthy pressure-forced sewer lines to the site which by-pass undeveloped properties will be discouraged.
Utility lines in the development (including electricity, communications, street lighting and cable television) shall be placed underground. Appurtenances and associated equipment such as surface mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets may be placed above ground.
All utilities shall be installed in conformance with this Code and City construction standards.
Evidence indicating that local schools will be capable of accommodating the children from the development must be submitted in conjunction with proposals for large-scale residential development.
The development shall comply with the provisions of a landscape plan which is consistent with Chapter 16.124 of this Code.
All signs of any type within the development are subject to design review and approval by the Community Development Director or hearings body (Type III). The City shall consider each sign on its merits based on the aesthetic impact on the area, potential traffic hazards, and need for the sign. No sign shall violate provisions in Chapter 16.144.
The City of Warrenton may charge the applicant additional fees, as necessary, to cover the cost of reviewing surveys, reports, plans, or construction methods required to comply with the provisions of this Code.
The City of Warrenton may require the owner or developer to post a performance bond to assure that improvements required to comply with the provisions of this section are completed in accordance with the plans and specifications as approved by the Community Development Director, and/or hearings body.
Proposals for large-scale developments shall be reviewed for consistency with all applicable sections of this Code prior to issuance of a development permit, including grading, filling, or building permits.
The standards of this section are required in addition to development review (Type I and II) and site design review (Type III) standards of Chapter 16.212.