The purpose of this chapter is to:
Provide rules, regulations and standards governing the approval of subdivisions, partitions and lot line adjustments:
Subdivisions involve the creation of four or more lots from one parent lot, parcel or tract, within one calendar year,
Partitions involve the creation of three or fewer lots within one calendar year,
Lot line adjustments involve modifications to lot lines or parcel boundaries which do not result in the creation of new lots (includes consolidation of lots);
Carry out the City's development pattern, as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan;
Encourage efficient use of land resources, full utilization of urban services, and transportation options;
Promote the public health, safety and general welfare through orderly and efficient urbanization;
Lessen or avoid traffic congestion, and secure safety from fire, flood, pollution and other dangers;
Provide adequate light and air, prevent overcrowding of land, and facilitate adequate provision for transportation, water supply, sewage and drainage; and
Encourage the conservation of energy resources.
Subdivision and Partition Approval Through Two-step Process. Applications for subdivision or partition approval shall be processed through a two-step process: the preliminary plat and the final plat.
The preliminary plat shall be approved before the final plat can be submitted for approval consideration; and
The final plat shall include all conditions of approval of the preliminary plat.
Compliance with ORS Chapter 92. All subdivision and partition proposals shall be in conformance to state regulations set forth in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 92, Subdivisions and Partitions.
Future Re-Division Plan. When subdividing or partitioning tracts into large lots (i.e., greater than two times or 200% the minimum lot size allowed by the underlying land use district), the City shall require that the lots be of such size, shape, and orientation as to facilitate future re-division in accordance with the requirements of the land use district and this Code. A re-division plan shall be submitted which identifies:
Potential future lot division(s) in conformance with the housing and density standards of Division 2.
Potential street right-of-way alignments to serve future development of the property and connect to adjacent properties, including existing or planned rights-of-way.
A disclaimer that the plan is a conceptual plan intended to show potential future development. It shall not be binding on the City or property owners, except as may be required through conditions of land division approval. For example, dedication and improvement of rights-of-way within the future plan area may be required to provide needed secondary access and circulation.
Lot Size Averaging. Single-family residential lot size may be averaged to allow lots less than the minimum lot size in the residential district, as long as the average area for all lots is not less than allowed by the district. No lot created under this provision shall be less than 80% of the minimum lot size allowed in the underlying district. For example, if the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet, the following three lots could be created: 4,000 square feet, 5,000 square feet, and 6,000 square feet.
Temporary Sales Office. A temporary sales office in conjunction with a subdivision may be approved as set forth in Section 16.240.010, Temporary Use Permits.
Minimize Flood Damage. All subdivisions and partitions shall be designed based on the need to minimize the risk of flood damage. Development in a flood hazard designation shall comply with the standards of Chapter 16.88, Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) District, and Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements, including fill to elevate structures above the base flood elevation.
Determination of Base Flood Elevation. Shall comply with Chapter 16.88 of the Warrenton Development Code.
Need for Adequate Utilities. Shall comply with Chapters 16.136 and 16.216.
Need for Adequate Drainage. All subdivision and partition proposals shall comply with Chapter 16.140.
Open space shall provide opportunities for active and/or passive recreation and may include existing stands of trees, resource areas, and storm water facilities as outlined in this section. Active open space shall allow human activities including recreational and social opportunities such as play fields, playgrounds, swimming pools, plazas and other recreational facilities. Open space may also be passive and include human activities limited to walking, running, and cycling, seating areas and wildlife viewing or natural areas such as a wetland.
A proposed subdivision preliminary plat with 20 lots or more shall provide baseline active open space of an area equal to at least five percent of the subject site.
Active open space shall be easily accessible, physically or visually, to all members of the planned community via a minimum 30-foot wide street frontage or access easement.
Active open space areas shall have a dedicated meter and underground irrigation system to ensure adequate water supply during establishment period (three years) and during periods of drought for all newly planted areas.
Active open space shall be no smaller than the minimum lot size requirement of the underlying zoning district with a minimum width 40 feet.
Active open space may abut a collector or greater classified street as identified in the City's adopted Transportation System Plan, when separated from the street by a constructed barrier, such as a fence or wall, at least three feet in height.
Active open space shall be physically accessible to all residents of the development.
Active open space shall include physical improvements to enhance the area. Physical improvements may include benches, gazebos, plazas, picnic areas, playground equipment, sport courts, play fields, or other items permitted by the Planning Commission.
An association of owners or tenants, created as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the state (ORS 94.572) which shall adopt and impose articles of incorporation and bylaws and adopt and impose a declaration of covenants and restrictions on the common open space that is acceptable to the City Attorney as providing for the continuing care of the space. Any subsequent changes to such CC&Rs regarding the active open space must be approved by the City Attorney. Such an association shall be formed and continued for the purpose of maintaining the common open space and shall provide for City intervention and the imposition of a lien against the entire subdivision development in the event the association fails to perform as required.
A public agency which agrees to maintain the dedicated active open space and any buildings, structures, or other improvements which have been placed on it.
Dedicated active open space shall be protected by Covenants (CC&Rs) or deed restriction to prevent any future commercial, industrial, or residential development.
Street Names.
All proposed streets west of Main Avenue shall have a tree or plant life name; and all proposed streets between Highway 101 and Main Avenue shall have a "nautical" name.
All proposed streets shall have directional prefixes as part of the street name (i.e., E, NE, SW, S).
All proposed streets east of Highway 101 shall follow the street naming procedure as outlined below:
Proposed street names shall be submitted as part of a subdivision or partition application to the Planning and Building Department. The request shall include the proposed name(s), the specific street location and brief but complete background information on the name and how it meets the street name policy. If the new street name is indicated on the proposed plat at the time of the land use application it shall be labeled "proposed," such as "proposed Willener Court."
Streets shall generally be named after people, places, events, and things related to the City and the citizens of Warrenton. Proposed names should meet one of the following criteria:
To honor and commemorate noteworthy persons associated with the City of Warrenton, Clatsop County, and the State of Oregon;
To commemorate local history, places, events or culture;
To strengthen neighborhood identity; or
To recognize native wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features related to the community and the City of Warrenton.
Consideration should be given to names of local area or historic significance. Names of living persons should be used only in exceptional circumstances. Only a person's last name should be used as a street name unless additional identification is necessary to prevent duplications of existing street names in Warrenton and Clatsop County.
Names to Avoid.
Street names being a duplicate of an existing street in the City of Warrenton or in Clatsop County shall be avoided.
Similar sounding names such as Beach Avenue and Peach Avenue, Maywood Court and Maywood Lane shall be avoided.
Cumbersome, corrupted or modified names, discriminatory or derogatory names, from the point of view of race, sex, color, creed, political affiliation or other social factors, shall be avoided.
Names for public streets that could be construed as advertising a particular business shall be avoided.
The reuse of a former street name should be discouraged because of the confusion this causes in property records management and fire and police protection.
Street Type Designations. Depending on roadway function, length and configuration, designations exist to define the character of a street. The following designations shall be used:
Avenue. A public or City right-of-way that runs in a north-south direction (except for the Hammond area, which has avenues going east-west).
Street. A public or City right-of-way that runs generally in an east-west direction.
Boulevard. A major landscaped arterial that carries moderate to heavy volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds.
Court. A local road that is of short length, that carries a low volume of traffic at low speeds, with no cross streets and generally terminates in a cul-de-sac.
Drive, Parkway, Trail. A meandering collector or arterial that carries low, moderate or high volumes of traffic at low, moderate or high speeds.
Lane. A local road that is of short length, that carries a low volume of traffic, at low speeds, and generally terminates in a cul-de-sac.
Place, Way. A local road that is of a short length and carries low volumes of traffic at low speeds.
Terrace, Gardens, Grove, Heights. For low-volume, short-length streets.
Flag Lots and Lots Accessed by Mid-Block Lanes.
Infill lots may be developed as flag lots or mid-block developments as defined in this section.
Flag Lots. Flag lots may be created only when a through street cannot be extended to serve future development. A flag lot must have at least 16 feet of frontage on a public way and may serve no more than two dwelling units, including accessory dwellings and dwellings on individual lots or other commercial or industrial uses. A minimum width of 12 feet of frontage for each lot shall be required when three or more flag lots are using a shared access. In no instance may more than four parcels utilize a joint access; in such instances the properties shall be served by a public or private street as the case may dictate. The layout of flag lots, the placement of buildings on such lots, and the alignment of shared drives shall be designed so that future street connections can be made as adjacent properties develop, to the extent practicable, and in accordance with the transportation connectivity and block length standards of Section 16.120.020.
Mid-Block Lanes. Where consecutive flag lot developments or other infill development could have the effect of precluding local street extensions through a long block, the Planning Director may require the improvement of mid-block lanes through the block. Lots may be developed without frontage onto a public street when access is provided by mid-block lanes. Mid-block lanes are private drives serving more than two dwelling units with reciprocal access easements; such lanes are an alternative to requiring public right-of-way street improvements where physical site constraints preclude the development of a standard street. Mid-block lanes, at a minimum, shall be paved, have adequate storm drainage (surface retention, where feasible, is preferred), meet the construction standards for alleys, and conform to the standards of subsections 3 through 5.
Dedication of Shared Drive Lane. A drive serving more than one lot shall have a reciprocal access and maintenance easement recorded for all lots. No fence, structure or other obstacle shall be placed within the drive area. The owner shall record an easement from each property sharing a drive for vehicle access similar to an alley. Dedication or recording, as applicable, shall be so indicated on the face of the subdivision or partition plat.
Maximum Drive Lane Length. The maximum drive lane length is subject to requirements of the Uniform Fire Code, but shall not exceed 150 feet for a shared drive, and 400 feet for a shared rear lane.
Future Street Plans. Building placement and alignment of shared drives shall be designated so that future street connections can be made as surrounding properties develop.
(Ord. 1216-A § 2, 2018; Ord. 1225 § 10, 2019)
Review of Preliminary Plat. All preliminary plats shall be reviewed using approval criteria contained in Section 16.216.050. An application for subdivision or partition may be reviewed concurrently with an application for a master planned development under Chapter 16.224 or concurrent with variance, conditional use, or other required land use applications. Review of a preliminary plat for a:
Subdivision with greater than three lots shall be processed with a Type III procedure under Section 16.208.050.
Partition with three or fewer lots shall be processed by means of a Type II procedure, as governed by Section 16.208.040.
Review of Final Plat. Review and processing of a final plat for a subdivision or partition shall be conducted by the Community Development Director.
Preliminary Plat Approval Period. Preliminary plat approval shall be effective for a period of two years from the date of approval. The preliminary plat shall lapse if a final plat has not been submitted within a two-year period.
Modifications and Extensions. The applicant may request changes to the approved preliminary plat or conditions of approval by following the procedures and criteria provided in Chapter 16.228, Modifications to Approved Plans and Conditions of Approval. The Community Development Director shall, upon written request by the applicant and payment of the required fee, grant one extension of the approval period not to exceed one year; provided that:
Any changes to the preliminary plat follow the procedures in Chapter 16.228.
An extension of time will not prevent the lawful development of abutting properties.
The extension request is made before expiration of the original approved plan.
Phased Development.
The City may approve a time schedule for developing a subdivision in phases, but in no case shall the actual construction time period (i.e., for required public improvements, utilities, streets) for any partition or subdivision phase be greater than two years without reapplying for a preliminary plat.
The criteria for approving a phased land division proposal are:
Public facilities shall be constructed in conjunction with or prior to each phase;
The development and occupancy of any phase dependent on the use of temporary public facilities shall require City Commission approval. Temporary facilities shall be approved only upon City receipt of bonding or other assurances to cover the cost of required permanent public improvements, in accordance with Section 16.216.090. A temporary public facility is any facility not constructed to the applicable City or district standard;
The phased development shall not result in requiring the City or a third party (e.g., owners of lots) to construct public facilities that were required as part of the approved development proposal; and
The application for phased development approval shall be reviewed concurrently with the preliminary plat application and the decision may be appealed in the same manner as the preliminary plat.
General Submission Requirements. For partitions (three lots or fewer), the applicant shall submit an application containing all of the information required under Section 16.208.040. For subdivisions (greater than three lots), the application shall contain all of the information required under Section 16.208.050.
Preliminary Plat Information. In addition to the general information described in subsection A of this section, the preliminary plat application shall consist of drawings and supplementary written material (i.e., on forms and/or in a written narrative) adequate to provide the following information:
General Information.
Name of subdivision (not required for partitions). This name must not duplicate the name of another subdivision in the county in which it is located (please check with County Surveyor);
Date, north arrow, and scale of drawing;
Location of the development sufficient to define its location in the City, boundaries, and a legal description of the site;
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owners, designer, and engineer or surveyor if any, and the date of the survey; and
Identify the drawing as a "preliminary plat."
Site Analysis.
Streets. Location, name, present condition (i.e., paved, gravel, unimproved, etc.), and width of all streets, alleys and rights-of-way on and abutting the site;
Easements. Width, location and purpose of all existing easements of record on and abutting the site;
Utilities. Location and identity of all utilities on and abutting the site. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the site, indicate the direction and distance to the nearest ones;
Ground elevations shown by contour lines at five-foot vertical intervals for ground slopes exceeding 10% and at two-foot intervals for ground slopes of less than 10%. Such ground elevations shall be related to some established bench mark or other datum approved by the County Surveyor. This requirement may be waived for partitions when grades, on average, are less than two percent;
The location and elevation of the closest benchmark(s) within or adjacent to the site (i.e., for surveying purposes);
Potential natural hazard areas, including floodplain, landslide areas, and areas having a high erosion potential;
Wetland areas, streams, wildlife habitat, and other areas identified by the City or natural resource regulatory agencies as requiring protection. (See also Chapter 16.156 and relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan.);
Site features, including existing structures, pavement, drainage ways, canals and ditches;
Designated historic and cultural resources on the site and adjacent parcels or lots;
North arrow, scale, name and address of owner;
Name and address of surveyor or engineer; and
Other information, as deemed appropriate by the Community Development Director. The City may require studies or exhibits prepared by qualified professionals to address specific site features and code requirements.
Proposed Improvements.
Public and private streets, tracts, driveways, open space and park land; location, names, right-of-way dimensions, approximate radius of street curves; and approximate finished street center line grades. All streets and tracts which are being held for private use and all reservations and restrictions relating to such private tracts shall be identified;
Easements. Location, width and purpose of all easements;
Lots and private tracts (e.g., private open space, common area, or street): approximate dimensions, area calculation (e.g., in square feet), and identification numbers for all lots and tracts;
Proposed uses of the property, including all areas proposed to be dedicated to the public or reserved as open space for the purpose of surface water management, recreation, or other use;
Proposed improvements, as required by Division 3 (Design Standards), and timing of improvements (e.g., in the case of streets, sidewalks, street trees, utilities, etc.);
The proposed source of domestic water;
The proposed method of sewage disposal and method of surface water drainage (shall comply with Chapter 16.140). Water quality treatment areas, if required;
The approximate location and identity of other utilities, including the locations of street lighting fixtures;
Proposed railroad crossing or modifications to an existing crossing, if any, and evidence of contact with Oregon Department of Transportation related to proposed railroad crossing(s);
Changes to navigable streams, shorelines or other water courses. Provision or closure of public access to these areas shall be shown on the preliminary plat, as applicable;
Identification of the base flood elevation. Evidence of contact with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to initiate a floodplain map amendment shall be required when development is proposed to modify a designated 100-year flood plain;
Evidence of contact with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for any development requiring access to a highway under the state's jurisdiction; and
For proposals that would alter land within 25 feet of a mapped wetland, a jurisdictional delineation of the wetland boundary concurred with by the appropriate resource agency with jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1175-A § 22, 2013)
General Approval Criteria. The City may approve, approve with conditions or deny a preliminary plat based on the following approval criteria:
Partition and Subdivision.
The proposed preliminary plat complies with all of the applicable Development Code sections and other applicable City ordinances and regulations. At a minimum, the provisions of this chapter, and the applicable sections of Division 2 (Land Use Districts) and Division 3 (Design Standards) shall apply. Where a variance is necessary to receive preliminary plat approval, the application shall also comply with the relevant sections of Chapter 16.272, Variances.
Housing Density. The subdivision meets the City's housing density standards of the applicable zoning district (Division 2).
Subdivision Only.
The proposed plat name is not already recorded for another subdivision, and satisfies the provisions of ORS Chapter 92;
The proposed streets, roads, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, pathways, utilities, and surface water management facilities meet City design standards and are laid out so as to conform or transition to the plats of subdivisions and maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction and in all other respects. A statement that all proposed public improvements will be built to City construction standards and proposed dedications are identified on the preliminary plat; and
All proposed private common areas and improvements are identified on the preliminary plat.
Block and Lot Standards. All proposed blocks (i.e., one or more lots bound by public streets), lots and parcels conform to the specific requirements below:
All lots shall comply with the lot area, setback (existing structures), and dimensional requirements of the applicable land use district (Division 2), and the standards of Figure 16.120.020.J, Street Connectivity and Formation of Blocks.
Each lot shall conform to the standards of Chapter 16.120, Access and Circulation.
Landscape or other screening may be required to maintain privacy for abutting uses. Applies only in commercial and industrial zoning districts. (See also Division 2, Land Use Districts, and Chapter 16.124, Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences, and Walls.)
In conformance with the Uniform Fire Code, as amended, a minimum 20-foot width fire apparatus access drive shall be provided to serve all portions of a building that are located more than 150 feet from a public right-of-way or approved access drive. See Section 16.120.020, Vehicular Access and Circulation.
Where a common drive is to be provided to serve more than one lot, a reciprocal easement which will ensure access and maintenance rights shall be recorded with the approved subdivision or partition plat.
Conditions of Approval. The City may attach such conditions as are necessary to carry out provisions of this Code, and other applicable ordinances and regulations, and may require reserve strips be granted to the City for the purpose of controlling access to adjoining undeveloped properties. See also Chapter 16.136 (Public Facilities Standards).
Adjustments to the standards of this chapter shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 16.272, Variances. Applications for variances shall be submitted at the same time an application for a land division is submitted.
Requirements. Final plats shall be reviewed and approved by the Warrenton Community Development Director prior to recording with Clatsop County. The applicant shall submit the final plat within two years of the approval of the preliminary plat as provided by Section 16.216.030. Specific information about the format and size of the plat, number of copies and other detailed information can be obtained from the Warrenton Planning Department.
The final plat complies with the approved preliminary plat, and all conditions of approval have been satisfied.
All public improvements required by the preliminary plat have been installed and approved by an appointed City engineer; or, the developer has provided a performance guarantee in accordance with Section 16.216.090.
The street(s) for public use are dedicated without reservation or restriction other than reversionary rights upon vacation of any such street or road and easements for public utilities.
The streets held for private use conform to the preliminary plat.
The plat contains a dedication to the public of all public improvements, including but not limited to streets, public pathways and trails, access reserve strips, parks, sewage disposal, stormwater drainage and water supply systems.
The applicant has provided a copy of homeowners association codes, covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs).
The plat complies with the applicable sections of this Code (i.e., there are no violation(s) since preliminary plat approval).
Certification by the City or service district, as applicable, that water and sanitary sewer service is available to each and every lot depicted on the plat; or bond, contract or other assurance has been provided by the subdivider to the City that such services will be installed in accordance with Chapter 16.136, Public Facilities, and the bond requirements of Section 16.216.090. The amount of the bond, contract or other assurance by the subdivider shall be determined by a registered professional engineer, subject to review and approval by the City.
The plat contains an affidavit by the surveyor who surveyed the land, represented on the plat to the effect the land was correctly surveyed and marked with proper monuments as provided by ORS Chapter 92.
The following procedures apply to subdivisions and partitions when public improvements are required as a condition of approval:
Public Improvements Required. Before City approval is certified on the final plat, all required public improvements shall be installed, inspected, and approved; or, the subdivider shall provide a performance guarantee, in accordance with Section 16.216.090.
Performance Guarantee Required. When a performance guarantee is required under Section 16.216.080, the subdivider shall file an assurance of performance with the City supported by one of the following:
An irrevocable letter of credit executed by a financial institution authorized to transact business in the State of Oregon;
A surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the state of Oregon which remains in force until the surety company is notified by the City in writing that it may be terminated; or
Determination of Sum. The assurance of performance shall be for a sum determined by the City as required to cover the cost of the improvements and repairs, including related engineering and incidental expenses.
Itemized Improvement Estimate. The developer shall furnish to the City an itemized improvement estimate, certified by a registered civil engineer, to assist the City in calculating the amount of the performance assurance.
Agreement. An agreement between the City and developer shall be recorded with the final plat that stipulates all of the following:
Specifies the period within which all required improvements and repairs shall be completed.
A provision that if work is not completed within the period specified, the City may complete the work and recover the full cost and expenses from the applicant.
Stipulates the improvement fees and deposits that are required.
(Optional) Provides for the construction of the improvements in stages and for the extension of time under specific conditions therein stated in the contract.
The agreement may be prepared by the City, or in a letter prepared by the applicant. It shall not be valid until it is signed and dated by both the applicant and City Manager.
When Subdivider Fails to Perform. In the event the developer fails to carry out all provisions of the agreement and the City has unreimbursed costs or expenses resulting from such failure, the City shall call on the bond, cash deposit or letter of credit for reimbursement.
Termination of Performance Guarantee. The developer shall not cause termination of nor allow expiration of the guarantee without having first secured written authorization from the City.
Filing Plat with County. Within 60 days of the City approval of the final plat, the applicant shall submit the final plat to Clatsop County for signatures of County officials as required by ORS Chapter 92.
Proof of Recording. Upon final recording with the County, the applicant shall submit to the City a copy of the recorded final plat.
Pre-requisites to Recording the Plat.
No plat shall be recorded unless all ad valorem taxes and all special assessments, fees, or other charges required by law to be placed on the tax roll have been paid in the manner provided by ORS Chapter 92.
No plat shall be recorded until it is approved by the County surveyor in the manner provided by ORS Chapter 92.
Replatting and Vacations. Any plat or portion thereof may be replatted or vacated upon receiving an application signed by all of the owners as appearing on the deed.
Procedure. All applications for a replat or vacation shall be processed in accordance with the procedures and standards for a subdivision or partition (i.e., the same process used to create the plat shall be used to replat or vacate the plat). The same appeal rights provided through the subdivision and partition process shall be afforded to the plat vacation process. (See Chapter 16.208, Types of Applications and Review Procedures.)
Basis for Denial. A replat or vacation application may be denied if it abridges or destroys any public right in any of its public uses, improvements, streets or alleys; or if it fails to meet any applicable criteria.
Recording of Vacations. All approved plat vacations shall be recorded in accordance with Section 16.216.100 and the following procedures:
Once recorded, a replat or vacation shall operate to eliminate the force and effect of the plat prior to vacation; and
Vacations shall also divest all public rights in the streets, alleys and public grounds, and all dedications laid out or described on the plat.
After Sale of Lots. When lots have been sold, the plat may be vacated only in the manner herein, and provided that all of the owners of lots within the platted area consent in writing to the plat vacation.
Vacation of Streets. All street vacations shall comply with the procedures and standards set forth in ORS Chapter 271.
Vacation of Easements or Rights-of-Way. The City may require accessways, paths or trails as a condition of the vacation of any public easement or right-of-way, in order to establish or maintain a safe, convenient, and direct pedestrian and bicycle circulation system.
Lot line adjustments which is the modification of lot boundaries, and where no new lots are created. The application submission and approval process is as follows:
Lot line adjustments shall be made on forms provided by the City. The application shall include a preliminary map identifying all existing and proposed lot lines; footprints of existing structures (including accessory structures); location and dimensions of driveways and public and private streets within the subject lots; existing fences and walls; and any other information deemed necessary by the Community Development Director for ensuring compliance with City codes.
Review Process. Lot line adjustments shall be reviewed by means of a Type I procedure.
The Community Development Director shall approve or deny a request for a lot line adjustment in writing based on the following:
No additional parcel or lot is created by the lot line adjustment.
All lots and parcels comply with the applicable lot standards of the land use district (Division 2) including lot area and dimensions.
All lots and parcels affected by the lot line adjustment are in the same zoning district except that lots already located within one or more zoning district designations (i.e., "split-zone lots") may receive adjusted lot lines as long as the adjusted line remains in the zone in which it was originally located.
An existing structure(s) on one or both of the tax lots, must comply with current setback standards of the appropriate zoning district in Division 2.
Exemptions from Dedications and Improvements. A lot line adjustment is not considered a development action for purposes of determining whether right-of-way dedication or improvement is required.
Recording. Upon the City's approval of the proposed lot line adjustment, the applicant shall record the lot line adjustment with Clatsop County.