The purpose of this chapter of the Warrenton Development Code is to implement Section 660-012-0045(2)(e) of the State Transportation Planning Rule that requires the City to adopt a process to apply conditions to development proposals in order to minimize impacts and protect transportation facilities (see Section 16.256.060). This chapter establishes the standards for when a proposal must be reviewed for potential traffic impacts; when a traffic impact study must be submitted with a development application in order to determine whether conditions are needed to minimize impacts to and protect transportation facilities; what must be in a traffic impact study; and who is qualified to prepare the study.
(Ord. 1225 § 13, 2019)
Average daily vehicle trips shall be calculated using the rates and methodology in the most recent addition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual.
(Ord. 1225 § 13, 2019)
A traffic impact study will be required to be submitted to the City with a land use application, when the following conditions apply:
The development application involves a change in zoning or a plan amendment designation; or,
The development shall cause one or more of the following effects, which can be determined by field counts, site observation, traffic impact analysis or study, field measurements, crash history, Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual; and information and studies provided by the local reviewing jurisdiction and/or ODOT:
An increase in site traffic volume generation by 300 average daily trips (ADT) or more; or
An increase in ADT hour volume of a particular movement to and from the state highway by 20% or more; or
An increase in use of adjacent streets by vehicles exceeding the 20,000 pound gross vehicle weights by 10 vehicles or more per day; or
The location of the access driveway does not meet minimum sight distance requirements, or is located where vehicles entering or leaving the property are restricted, or such vehicles queue or hesitate on the state highway, creating a safety hazard; or
A change in internal traffic patterns that may cause safety problems, such as back up onto the highway or traffic crashes in the approach area.
(Ord. 1225 § 13, 2019)
Preparation. A traffic impact study shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Oregon. The study scope and content shall be determined in coordination with the City Public Works Director or designee. Traffic impact analyses required by Clatsop County or ODOT shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of those road authorities. Preparation of the study report is the responsibility of the land owner or applicant.
Transportation Planning Rule compliance, Section 16.232.060.
(Ord. 1225 § 13, 2019)
The traffic impact study report shall be reviewed according to the following criteria:
The study complies with the content requirements set forth by the City and/or other road authorities as appropriate;
The study demonstrates that adequate transportation facilities exist to serve the proposed land use action or identifies mitigation measures that resolve identified traffic safety problems in a manner that is satisfactory to the road authority;
For affected City facilities, the study demonstrates that the project meets mobility and other applicable performance standards established in the adopted transportation system plan, and includes identification of multi-modal solutions used to meet these standards, as needed; and
Proposed design and construction of transportation improvements are in accordance with the design standards and the access spacing standards specified in the transportation system plan.
(Ord. 1225 § 13, 2019)
The City may deny, approve, or approve a proposal with conditions necessary to meet operational and safety standards; provide the necessary right-of-way for planned improvements; and require construction of improvements to ensure consistency with the future planned transportation system.
Construction of off-site improvements may be required to mitigate impacts resulting from development that relate to capacity deficiencies and public safety; and/or to upgrade or construct public facilities to City standards.
Where the existing transportation system is shown to be impacted by the proposed use, improvements such as paving; curbing; installation of or contribution to traffic signals; and/or construction of sidewalks, bikeways, access ways, paths, or streets that serve the proposed use may be required.
Improvements required as a condition of development approval, when not voluntarily provided by the applicant, shall be roughly proportional to the impact of the development on transportation facilities. Findings in the development approval shall indicate how the required improvements directly relate to and are roughly proportional to the impact of development.
(Ord. 1225 § 13, 2019)