[Ord. 3/13/1995]
Signage may include a variety of different types of signs, each with unique functions. The following list itemizes and defines the various signs considered under the provisions of this Part.
Billboards or Advertising Sign Boards. Signs or boards which direct motorists or pedestrians to a business establishment or call the attention of a motorist or pedestrian to a product, place, or activity that exists or occurs at a location other than the location upon which the board is erected; i.e., an off-premises sign. For the purposes of this Chapter, billboards shall be freestanding structures, and shall not include wall signs.
Business Identification Signs. Signs or boards that are directly oriented to activities that occur on the same premises as the sign or board; i.e., an on-premises sign. Such signs may be freestanding or may be attached to a wall or roof of a building and may be either temporary or permanent in nature.
Freestanding Signs. A self-supporting sign resting on the ground or supported by means of poles or standards placed in or on the ground. Such signs may be designed to be movable or may be permanently affixed and may advertise products or items offered for sale or that are directly related to the premises upon which they are located, e.g., business identification signs, or may advertise products or events located elsewhere, e.g., billboards or advertising sign boards.
Political Signs. Temporary signs announcing or supporting political candidates or issues in connection with any national, State or local election.
Roof Signs. A sign that is mounted on the roof of a building or which is wholly dependent upon a building for support. For the purposes of this Chapter, such signs shall only be permitted as business identification signs.
Temporary Signs. Promotional flags or pennants, portable ground signs, temporary business identification signs, political signs or other special promotional or advertising devices or banners, or temporary event signs intended to be erected for a limited period of time to call attention to a legally permissible special event.
Traffic or Roadway Signs. Signs erected by or with the approval of the Township Supervisors which are intended to direct or inform the general public about traffic or roadway conditions.
Wall Signs (Parallel or Projecting). Signs attached to a wall or part of a wall of a building or structure which advertise products sold or directly related to the premises upon which they are located, e.g., business identification signs. For purposes of this Chapter, such signs shall not include billboards or advertising sign boards, as defined above.
[Ord. 3/13/1995; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; by Ord. 2011-06, 11/14/2011; and by Ord. 2016-05, 11/14/2016]
The following regulations shall apply to all permitted sign uses.
Location. The main supporting structure of all signs shall be set back in accordance with the minimum requirements established in the appropriate Section of this Part for the specific type of sign and the district in which it is to be located. In no case however, shall any freestanding sign be located closer than five feet to any side or rear property line or be situated within any public right-of-way, except traffic signs or signs that are required in connection with the provision of Township services. No sign shall be painted, erected, affixed or maintained on a tree, stone or other natural object.
Sign Area. Sign area shall include the entire face of a single side of a sign, including all framing, trim and border area, but excluding any supporting framework or bracing. (A double-faced sign shall be considered a single sign.) Where a sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to a building, wall or window, the area shall be considered to be the smallest rectangle or other regular geometric shape which encompasses all of the letters and/or symbols.
Illumination. Illuminated signs shall not cause excessive glare or other disturbance which would be incompatible with the nature of the surrounding neighborhood or which would in any way impair the vision of passing motorists. Illuminated signs shall not be animated.
The following types of illumination shall be permitted as provided in §§27-1003, 27-1004 and 27-1005:
Direct Illumination. Illumination provided either directly or through transparent or translucent material from a source of light within a sign including, but not limited to, neon and exposed lamps.
Indirect Illumination. Illumination provided by a light which is shielded so that no direct rays are visible from elsewhere on the lot where the sign is located. Where such shielding is incomplete or defective, the illumination shall be deemed to be direct illumination.
Subject to the requirements of §27-1005, changeable copy (automatic) signs may be permitted in the Commercial and Industrial District by conditional use.
Traffic or Visual Obstruction. No sign shall be erected at the intersection of a street which could obstruct a motorist’s clear vision. If located within the direct line of vision of any traffic control signal, no sign shall have red, green or amber illumination. In addition, no sign shall cause a visual obstruction for property owners in the Township.
Attachment. All signs shall be constructed and securely fastened in a manner which will prevent their displacement by the elements and prevent collapse. Wall signs may not project more than 18 inches from the surface to which they are mounted or attached nor in any way interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic. No such sign shall extend more than 18 inches above or beyond the top or the edge of the wall or surface to which it is mounted.
Anchoring. All ground signs shall be anchored, weighted, spring-loaded or otherwise designed to minimize wind action. The application for such signs shall indicate the method of anchoring to be employed.
Access. No sign shall be erected or maintained which prevents free ingress and egress from any door, window or fire escape, or which prevents free access from one part of a roof to any other part. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
Construction and Maintenance. All signs permitted under this Chapter must be constructed of durable material and shall be adequately maintained to present a legible appearance and avoid deterioration, decay or other conditions which could endanger the public health, welfare or safety. Each sign and all appurtenances shall be removed when the circumstances leading to its erection or display no longer apply.
Landowner’s Permission. No sign shall be displayed upon private or public property, other than on that of the applicant, without first being permitted by the owner or agent thereof, with the exception of political or other temporary signs. Written consent or a copy of the lease shall be presented with an application for a zoning permit.
Nonconforming Signs. Signs existing at the time of passage of this Chapter which do not conform to the requirements of this Chapter shall be considered nonconforming signs, and once removed, shall be replaced with only conforming signs. Nonconforming signs may be painted, repaired or maintained, provided such maintenance or repair does not extend the dimensions of the existing sign.
Temporary Event Signs. (See also Subsections L and M below for specific types of temporary event signs.) Temporary signs which are to be erected for a legally permissible special event or purpose may be permitted in any zoning district, subject to the following restrictions.
No more than four such signs referring to a single temporary event may be permitted.
The size or area of each sign shall not exceed the size or area set forth for permanent signs in the district where they are located.
Such signs shall not be located within any public right-of-way, without prior approval of the Township Supervisors.
Temporary event signs shall not be displayed for more than 30 days prior to the event.
The signs shall be removed by the property owner or applicant within seven days after the event has occurred.
Garage, Porch or Yard Sale Signs. Signs advertising garage, porch or yard sales or similar periodic events may be permitted subject to the following requirements.
Such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area.
Signs shall not be erected more than two days prior to the sale or activity, without the prior approval of the Township Supervisors.
Signs shall be removed within 24 hours following the date of the sale.
Political Signs. Political signs may be permitted in any zoning district, subject to the following regulations.
A zoning permit shall not be required for the erection of political signs in the Township.
Signs shall not exceed four square feet in area per sign face and shall not have more than two faces.
Signs shall not endanger the public nor be located within the right-of-way of any public street.
Signs may be erected 60 days prior to the election date and must be removed by the applicant within seven days after the election.
The Township shall have the right to enter upon any premises and remove signs that are not in compliance with these regulations without notice.
Zoning Permit. A zoning permit shall be required for the erection or alteration of all signs, with the exception of temporary event signs meeting the requirements of §27-1002K and L above and those signs permitted in §27-1003A, General Signs in the A-R Agricultural-Rural District and Residential-Suburban Districts.
Fees. Fees for the issuance of zoning permits for signs shall be paid to the Township upon filing of an application for such use and shall be in accordance with the schedule of fees established by resolution of the Township Supervisors. No fee shall be charged for any permit connected with the erection of a sign necessary for the benefit of the public.
[Ord. 3/13/1995; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; and by Ord. 2016-05, 11/14/2016]
The following signs may be placed or located in the A-R or R-S Zoning Districts, subject to the specified requirements.
General Signs (Free-Standing or Wall Signs). No more than one of each of the following nonilluminated or indirectly illuminated signs may be permitted on a property at any one time (except trespassing signs), unless such property is situated on a corner and fronts on two streets, in which case one of each sign may be erected on each frontage.
Name plates, identification signs, or similar signs. (Maximum size–200 square inches.)
Trespassing signs. (Maximum size–two square feet.)
Sale and rental signs. (Maximum size–six square feet.)
Home occupation signs bearing the name and occupation of the practitioner. (Maximum size–six square feet.)
Signs advertising the sale of farm or nursery products raised on the premises. (Maximum size–12 square feet.)
Signs of schools, churches, governments and similar institutions. (Maximum size–20 square feet.)
Signs of mechanics, painters, or other artisans while performing work on same premises. (Maximum size–12 square feet.)
Signs directing individuals to the location of service clubs, churches or other nonprofit organizations. (Maximum size–20 square feet.)
Development signs, erected by the developer, builder or realtor, advertising the sale or development of the premises upon which they are located. (Maximum size–20 square feet.)
Development signs indicating direction and location of a development, not situated upon such premises. (Maximum size–six square feet.)
Location. Permitted signs may be located in any portion of a required front yard, but shall be no closer to the adjoining street right-of-way line than 10 feet. (See also §27-1002A.) No sign shall be erected however which will effectively limit proper sight distance for safety purposes and no such sign shall exceed five feet above the average grade of the site.
[Ord. 3/13/1995; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; and by Ord. 2016-05, 11/14/2016]
The following signs may be placed or located in the R-U Zoning District, subject to the specified requirements.
General Signs. Those signs permitted in §27-1003A., General Signs in the AR and R-S Districts.
Business Identification Signs (Free-Standing or Wall Signs). Where proposed in conjunction with a permissible commercial use or activity in the R-U District, business identification signs may be erected, subject to the following requirements.
No more than one non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated business identification sign may be erected and maintained on a lot in the R-U Zone.
Business identification signs, either freestanding or wall signs, shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
Freestanding business identification signs shall not exceed 15 feet in height above the average grade of the site nor be located closer to the ground than 10 feet (measured from the lowest part of the sign) when in a parking, vehicular or pedestrian circulation area, unless they are resting on the ground.
Location. Permitted signs may be placed within any required front yard, however general signs shall be no closer to the adjoining street right-of-way line than 10 feet and business identification signs shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the edge of the adjoining street right-of-way. (See also §27-1002A.) No sign shall be erected however which will effectively limit proper sight distance for safety purposes.
[Ord. 3/13/1995; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; and by Ord. 2016-05, 11/14/2016]
The following signs may be placed or located in the Commercial or Industrial Zoning Districts, subject to the specified requirements.
General Signs. Those signs permitted in the §27-1003A, General Signs in the A-R and R-S Districts.
Business Identification Signs (Free-Standing, Wall Signs or Roof Signs). Where proposed in conjunction with a permissible commercial use or activity in the Commercial or Industrial Districts, business identification signs may be erected subject to the following requirements:
No more than two non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated or directly illuminated business identification signs, either freestanding, wall signs, or roof signs, may be erected and maintained on a property in the Commercial or Industrial District.
Freestanding business identification signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in area. Wall or roof signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in area. Total sign area per lot shall not exceed 100 square feet.
Business identification signs advertising commercial or industrial complexes or shopping centers accommodating three or more businesses shall not exceed 250 square feet in area. Signs identifying individual businesses within the complex shall be affixed to the individual units and shall not exceed 50 square feet in area.
Freestanding business identification signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height above the average grade of the site nor be closer to the ground than 10 feet (measured from the lowest part of the sign) when in a parking, vehicular or pedestrian circulation area, unless they are resting on the ground.
Freestanding business identification signs may be placed within any required front yard, but shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the edge of the adjoining street right-of-way. (See also §27-1002A.) No sign shall be erected however which will effectively limit proper sight distance for safety purposes.
Business identification wall signs shall not be affixed to or painted on the inside or outside of windows.
All applicable provisions of the State’s Outdoor Advertising Act of 1971, as amended, 36 P.S. §2718.101 et seq., shall be adhered to where signs are to be erected in areas adjacent to highways in PennDOT’s primary and interstate highway system. Any individual desiring to establish a sign in these areas shall contact PennDOT’s Division of Outdoor Advertising to determine if the State’s regulations will affect his proposal. A copy of PennDOT’s determination shall accompany all applications for signs in such areas, and a copy of the State permit, where required, shall be submitted to the Township prior to initiation of construction or erection of the sign.
Billboards or Advertising Sign Boards (Free-Standing Signs). Billboards or advertising sign boards may be erected and maintained on a property in the commercial or industrial district in accordance with the standards listed below.
Billboards or advertising sign boards shall not exceed 150 square feet in area.
Billboards or advertising sign boards may be either non-illuminated, indirectly illuminated or directly illuminated. (See also §27-1002C.)
Billboards or advertising sign boards shall not exceed 30 feet in height above the average grade of the proposed site nor be located closer to the ground than 10 feet (measured from the lowest part of the sign) when in a parking, vehicular or pedestrian circulation area, unless such signs are resting on the ground.
Billboards or advertising sign boards shall be situated at least 25 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of the adjoining street. No such sign shall be erected however which would effectively limit proper sight distance or obstruct a driver’s vision within the required clear sight triangle of an intersection. (See §27-505.3.)
Billboards or advertising sign boards shall be located no closer than 750 feet (measured on the same side of the street) to any other such sign, except for vertically double signs. (See also §27-1002D.)
All applicable provisions of the State’s Outdoor Advertising Act of 1971, as amended, 36 P.S. §2718.101 et seq. shall be adhered to where signs are to be erected in areas adjacent to highways in PennDOT’s primary and interstate highway system. Any individual desiring to establish a sign in these areas shall contact PennDOT’s Division of Outdoor Advertising to determine if the State’s regulations will effect his proposal. A copy of PennDOT’s determination shall accompany all applications for signs in such areas, and a copy of the State permit, where required, shall be submitted to the Township prior to initiation of construction or erection of the sign.
[Ord. 3/13/1995; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; and by Ord. 2016-02, 5/9/2016]
Same as the underlying district, except that no sign may impede natural drainage or the flow of water. Where approval is needed from PennDOT, the requirements of that agency shall be met prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.
[Ord. 3/13/1995; as amended by Ord. 2011-01, 1/3/2011; and by Ord. 2016-02, 5/9/2016]
No signs, except “no trespassing” signs with a maximum size of two square feet, shall be permitted in the FW District except as might be necessary by Federal, State or local governments to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people. If such signs are necessary, they shall be designed and placed so as not to impede the natural drainage or flow of water. Where approval is needed from PennDOT, the requirements of that agency shall be met prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.