In order to maintain and enhance the attractiveness and orderliness of the city's appearance, and to protect the public safety and general welfare, the location, size, height, illumination and maintenance of signs and outdoor advertising structures are regulated as set forth in this chapter. Additionally, these regulations are intended to respect and protect the right of free speech by sign display, while reasonably regulating the structural, locational and other non-communicative aspects of signs, generally for the public health, safety, welfare and specifically to serve the public interests in community aesthetics and traffic and pedestrian safety. To enable the fair, consistent and efficient enforcement of the sign regulations of the city. And to regulate signs in a constitutional manner, which is content neutral as to noncommercial signs and viewpoint neutral as to commercial signs.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 18-394 § 1)
Application. The provisions set forth in this chapter shall be applicable to all signs permitted by this title.
Computation of Sign Area or Display Surface. For purposes of this chapter, measurements for computing the areas of a given sign shall be made as follows:
For signs comprised of individual letters attached to the business structure, including module letters and logographic symbols, the "effective sign area" means any area(s) enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangle or parallelogram of vertical and horizontal lines which fully contains all extremities of each word and/or logographic symbol of the sign. Each word and/or logographic symbol shall be measured separately in computing total sign area. Shadow box borders and other border trims which are an intrinsic part of the building, either architecturally or structurally, shall not be included in such area computations.
Where the sign consists of module letters only, and such letters are separated a minimum distance of one and one-half times the width of the individual module, the space between such letters shall not be included when computing sign area.
For single unit signs containing letters or logographic symbols on cabinets or panels, the "effective sign area" means the area enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangle or parallelogram of vertical and horizontal lines, which fully contains the perimeter of the cabinet or panel sign.
For projecting signs and freestanding detached signs containing letters and/or logographic symbols, the "effective sign area" means the area enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangle of vertical and horizontal lines which fully contains all extremities of the sign, exclusive of its supports and/or ornamental and decorative trim on cabinets or support columns.
For freestanding and projecting signs intended to be read from both sides along a single frontage, both sides of the sign shall be counted in computing the total sign area for that frontage.
The effective sign area of a ball or sphere shall be 75% of the surface area of the ball or sphere.
Projection and Height.
No sign shall project more than 14 inches beyond the property line, except that a freestanding sign shall not extend beyond the property line. The minimum height clearance for any freestanding sign, projecting building sign or sign located on a building marquee shall be not less than eight feet as measured from ground level to the lowest portion of the sign display area.
No sign other than a directional sign shall project more than 12 inches into a required rear yard or interior side yard.
In an RCO, UR-ST, R or RM zone district, a sign attached to a building shall not project above the parapet or roof line, whichever is higher.
Number of Freestanding Signs. Not more than one freestanding on-premises sign, or freestanding outdoor advertising structure, may be located on each parcel of property within a zoning district in which a freestanding sign or freestanding outdoor advertising structure is permitted, with the exception of parcels in the UR-ST district which may have no more than two free-standing on premises signs for special events occurring on the site if permitted by the community development director or the city manager's designee.
Traffic Hazards.
Clear Visibility Triangle. No sign shall be placed in a manner that obstructs the clear visibility triangle of a street intersection or driveway (see Section 17.04.080, Definitions).
No red, green or amber lights or illuminated signs or outdoor advertising structures, illuminated by or including flashing lights, shall be placed in such position that they reasonably could be expected to interfere with or be confused with any official traffic-control device, traffic signal or official directional guide sign.
Movement. A moving sign shall be permitted only in C or I districts; provided, that movement shall be slow (not to exceed 10 rpm), and shall not simulate effects obtained by varying the intensity, color, pattern or illumination. Notwithstanding this provision, at no time shall any movement be allowed that violates applicable state or federal law.
Utility Lines and Easements. No sign or outdoor advertising structure shall be located within a utility easement, or erected or located in a manner which will reduce the vertical or horizontal clearance from communication lines or energized electric power lines as required by laws, rules and regulations of the state and agencies thereof.
Exceptions. The following types of signs shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that temporary signs shall be removed by the agency, corporation, group or individual responsible for their erection within the specified timeframes below, or when the signs become damaged or are no longer legible, whichever occurs first:
Signs used exclusively for the posting or display of official notices by a public agency or official, or by a person giving legal notice shall be removed no less than seven days after event is over or when it is determined that the notice is no longer necessary;
Signs erected or maintained by a public agency or official, or required by law to be displayed by a public utility for directional, warning or informational purposes shall be removed no less than seven days after event is over or when it is determined that the notice is no longer necessary;
Public Utility Signs. Nonadvertising signs of public utility companies shall be permitted as required in their operation, providing service for the health, safety and welfare of the general public, including, but not limited to, the following: informational signs for public telephone facilities or marking the location of underground facilities; directional signs for public utility services; and signs notifying the public of danger, emergency, construction and similar conditions;
Signs on vehicles, including trailers, provided that the vehicle/trailer is not parked on public or private property with the intent of being a stationary sign. If found to be parked with the intent of being a stationary sign, the vehicle/trailer is no longer exempt and is subject to the provisions of the sign ordinance.
Animated Signs. Animated signs, the movement of which is simulated by variations in the intensity, color, pattern, illumination, or flashing, including electronic display signs, shall be prohibited in all districts, unless exempted as follows:
Monochromatic time and/or temperature display,
Barber pole,
Monochromatic fuel price sign in accordance with applicable state law,
An electronic display sign located on a city owned property or facility, or as approved in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.84.100. Electronic display signs shall be subject to the following standards:
The sign shall be constructed of quality materials and of similar design and architecture as adjacent uses.
The hours or operation, illumination of the sign and changing images on the electronic display will not create a nuisance to surrounding uses, the vicinity or traffic.
An electronic display sign located on a city-owned property or facility may provide information and announcements of city sponsored events or activities occurring at the subject site and occurring at other locations in the city at the discretion of the city manager or designee.
Area Identification Signs. Area identification signs intended to identify a neighborhood, subdivisions, shopping or industrial district, complex or other area composed of multiple ownerships shall be limited to a maximum single surface area of 25 square feet, and total sign area not exceeding 50 square feet.
Outdoor Advertising Signs. Outdoor advertising signs are signs having part or all of their area devoted to directing attention to a business, profession, commodity, product or service that is not the primary business, profession, commodity, product or service sold, manufactured, conducted or offered on the site on which the sign is located, and shall be subject to the following conditions:
Outdoor advertising signs shall not be permitted in the RCO, UR-ST, R, RM or C zone districts.
The maximum single surface area per site of an outdoor advertising structure in the I district shall be 500 square feet; the maximum aggregate area per site of outdoor advertising signs in the I district shall be 1,000 square feet. No outdoor advertising signs shall be placed within 1,000 feet of another such sign on the same side of a street or highway.
The maximum height of an outdoor advertising structure shall be no taller than the height limit of the zoning district in which it is located.
Signs on City Property. Any sign placed on property owned by the city of Lathrop, or within the right-of-way of a dedicated public street without the permission of the city may be removed by the city without prior notice. This section shall be interpreted consistent with the requirements of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the free speech clause of Article I of the California Constitution.
Substitution of Noncommercial Message. Subject to the owner's consent, a noncommercial message of any type may be substituted for all or part of the commercial or noncommercial message on any sign allowed pursuant to this chapter. Design criteria which may apply to commercial signs, such as color, lettering style or height, and compatibility with other signs on the same parcel or other signs subject to a sign program, do not apply to noncommercial signs even when they are in an area subject to a sign program, master plan or specific plan. No special or additional permit is required to substitute a non-commercial message for any other message on an allowable sign, provided the sign is already permitted or exempt from the permit requirement. When a non-commercial message is substituted for any other message, the sign is still subject to the same location and structure regulations, such as size, height, illumination, duration of display, building and electrical code requirements, as would apply if the sign were used to display a commercial message or some other non-commercial message. This substitution provision shall prevail over any other provision to the contrary, whether more specific or not, in this chapter and applies retroactively to sign programs, master plans and specific plans which were adopted or approved before this chapter was enacted.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 02-206 § 1; Ord. 09-287 § 1; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 13-329 § 1; Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1; Ord. 21-418 § 15; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
No sign of any character shall be permitted in the RCO, UR-ST, R or RM zone districts, except as follows:
One name plate, not directly illuminated, with a maximum of two square feet in area (for example, a name plate having dimensions of one foot by two feet), containing the name or names of occupants of a residence or office;
One identification sign, not directly illuminated, located flat against a wall and not projecting above the roof line, with a single surface area of not more than 16 square feet pertaining to a permitted or conditional use conducted on the site;
One non-illuminated sign, with a single surface area of not more than eight square feet, pertaining to the sale, lease, rental or display of a structure or site;
Non-illuminated directional signs, with a single surface area of not more than six square feet, pertaining to vehicular or pedestrian traffic directions and located along a driveway or within a parking lot. Arrows painted on pavement are not included in this regulation;
One bulletin board; not directly illuminated, with a single surface area of not more than 20 square feet, located on the site of a church, school, auditorium or other similar place of public assembly;
One non-illuminated temporary construction sign, with a single surface area of not more than 16 square feet, on the site of a construction project, which shall be removed at the owner's expense at the time of project completion;
One non-illuminated temporary subdivision sales sign, with a single surface area of not more than 32 square feet, on the site of a residential subdivision. Additional temporary subdivision sale signs may be allowed for residential subdivisions with multiple builders, tracts, or as provided by an approved Master Sign Plan. Temporary subdivision sale signs may be displayed upon filing and receiving approval of a sign design application by the planning division;
In the UR-ST district up to two on-premises, freestanding signs of variable size as may be approved by the community development director or the city manager's designee, with the number of signs, their maximum size, and other requirements to be as determined by the community development director or the city manager's designee, provided that the maximum sign area for any single sign may not exceed 865 square feet. No outdoor advertising signs as defined in Section 17.84.020 shall be permitted in the UR-ST district.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 02-206 § 2; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1; Ord. 21-418 § 15; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
Purposes and Application. The purpose of sign regulation within the C districts is to avoid unsightly, inharmonious, competing, cluttered and hazardous location and appearance of signs, and to encourage the replacement of existing nonconforming signs. Sign regulations of this section shall apply to any permitted or conditional use listed within a C district. Signs meeting the provisions of this section may be displayed upon filing and receiving approval of a sign design application by the planning division.
Maximum Total Aggregate Area in the CN, CC and CR Zone Districts.
Primary Frontage. An allowable minimum sign area of up to 50 square feet shall be permitted for each primary building frontage (portion of building occupied by the business and facing a street), regardless of the width of such primary building frontage. A maximum total sign area, not to exceed 360 square feet, shall be permitted for each primary building frontage based on two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of primary building frontage occupied by the business, except for those businesses located within the CC district that are within 1,000 feet of a freeway right-of-way. Such businesses shall be allowed a maximum total sign area of 500 square feet for each primary building frontage occupied by the business, based on two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of primary building frontage occupied by the business.
Secondary Frontage. An allowable minimum sign area of up to 36 square feet shall be permitted for each secondary building frontage (portion of building occupied by the business and facing an alley, an adjacent building, parking lot, or the like), regardless of the width of such secondary frontage. A maximum total sign area, not to exceed 200 square feet, shall be permitted for each secondary frontage based on one square foot of secondary building frontage occupied by the business.
Maximum Total Aggregate Area in the CS and CH Districts.
Primary Frontage. An allowable minimum sign area of up to 100 square feet shall be permitted for each primary business frontage along a street, regardless of the width of such primary business frontage. A maximum total sign area, not to exceed 500 square feet, shall be permitted for each primary building frontage based on two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of primary business frontage occupied by the business.
Secondary Frontage. An allowable minimum sign area of up to 50 square feet shall be permitted for each secondary business frontage, regardless of the width of such secondary frontage occupied by the business. A maximum total sign area, not to exceed, 200 square feet shall be permitted for each secondary business frontage based on two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of secondary business frontage occupied by the business.
Directional Signs. Directional signs for off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall not exceed six square feet of each sign; parking lot identification signs shall not exceed six square feet per face of sign; provided that no directional sign shall exceed three feet in height, as measured from finished grade. Higher directional signs shall be allowed only when such a sign is setback a sufficient distance from the public right-of-way and driveways as to not impede the clear sight of any vehicle utilizing the driveway for ingress and egress.
Sale, Lease and Rental Signs. Signs pertaining to the sale, lease, rental or display of a structure or land shall not exceed 32 square feet per single face of sign.
Projecting Signs. No sign, other than a directional sign, shall project more than 24 inches into a required rear yard or required interior side yard. No sign, other than a sign required by law or a marquee sign, shall project more than 14 inches into a public right-of-way.
Signs Attached to Buildings. Signs attached to buildings shall be installed parallel with the building, with no more than a 14 inch projection from the wall, except where permitted under subsection H below and/or attached directly to the vertical or sloped face of the marquee.
Marquee or Canopy Signs. Signs attached below the marquee or canopy shall not exceed six square feet per face of sign, and shall have a minimum ground clearance of eight feet above the sidewalk grade in order not to impede or interfere with pedestrian traffic and safety. Where the marquee or canopy is attached at an angle from a building, signs may be affixed to the sloped portion above the horizontal extension of the marquee or canopy as an integral part of the façade.
Painted Wall Signs. Within each of the C districts, signs painted upon a wall exterior surface shall be included when computing the allowable sign area.
Freestanding Signs.
New freestanding signs shall have a permanently landscaped area at their bases, and shall be maintained with live plant materials around the base of such signs equal to at least 10% of the total sign area, and with a minimum landscaped area of 10 square feet, or be located within a landscaped planter at least five feet in width.
Freestanding area identification signs displaying the name and/or logographic symbol of a shopping center and/or the names of other groupings of businesses, offices, services or combinations thereof shall not exceed a total sign area of 500 square feet.
No more than one freestanding pole or pylon sign shall be permitted for a single business or for a grouping of businesses on a single site, except that two freestanding pole or pylon signs shall be permitted for a grouping of 10 or more businesses on a single site.
The maximum height of a freestanding pole or pylon sign shall be no taller than the height limit of the zoning district in which it is located.
Monument Signs. No more than one monument sign (a sign located flush on finished grade) shall be permitted for a single business or for a grouping of businesses on a single site; provided, that any monument sign does not exceed eight feet in height and no more than 50 square feet of total surface area for each sign face. Any proposed monument sign may be located within a setback area; provided, that it does not interfere with the clear sight of vehicles at driveway locations. Any monument sign over three feet in height shall also meet the requirements of subsection P of this section.
Temporary signs (see Section 17.84.060, Special provisions for temporary signs).
Announcement and Bulletin Boards. Announcement and bulletin boards or structures for any public, philanthropic, civic, religious or charitable organization or agency, nonilluminated or illuminated by indirect lighting only, may not exceed 32 square feet in area in any district when appurtenant to the premises on which they are located.
Height of Signs. The height of signs within the CN, CC and CR zone districts shall not exceed the height of the structure which houses the business being advertised, unless otherwise allowed under the provisions of this title or as approved by the planning commission with a conditional use permit or site plan review and in no case shall such sign exceed the height limitations of the district in which it is located.
Brand Name Advertising. Up to 30% of the signing allowance for any frontage may be devoted to the advertising or identification of an individual brand or brands of products. This provision shall not apply to the identification of one primary brand name identifying a service station.
Design of Signs. All signs shall be designed in scale and harmony with the architectural design of the buildings and uses they are intended to relate to or identify.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 09-287 § 2; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1; Ord. 21-418 § 15; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
No sign, outdoor advertising structure or display of any character shall be permitted in the I Districts, except as provided below. Signs meeting the provisions of this section may be displayed upon filing and receiving approval of a sign design application by the planning division.
Outdoor advertising signs in accordance with the district limitations and standards prescribed in Section 17.84.020(K);
The maximum permissible area of all faces of all permanent signs pertaining to a permitted use or conditional use, excluding outdoor advertising signs, directional signs and signs identifying products within a window display area, shall be as follows: one square foot of sign area per lineal foot of property line adjoining a street, or 100 square feet per acre of site area in use, whichever is greater, to a maximum of 600 square feet of sign area;
One non-illuminated sign, not exceeding a single surface area of 32 square feet, pertaining to the sale, lease, rental or display of a structure or site;
No more than one monument sign (a sign located flush on finished grade) shall be permitted for a single business or for a grouping of businesses on a single site; provided, that any monument sign does not exceed eight feet in height and no more than 50 square feet of total surface area for each sign face. Any proposed monument sign may be located within a setback area; provided, that it does not interfere with the clear sight of vehicles at driveway locations. Any monument sign over three feet in height shall also meet the requirements of Section 17.84.040 of this chapter.
Non-illuminated directional signs along driveways or within parking lots, not exceeding a single surface area of six square feet, pertaining to vehicular and pedestrian traffic direction;
One bulletin board not directly illuminated, not exceeding a single surface area of 20 square feet, located on the site of a place of public assembly;
One non-illuminated temporary commercial construction sign, not exceeding a single surface area of 32 square feet, on the site of a construction project, to be removed at the owner's expense at the time of project completion.
Temporary signs (see Section 17.84.060, Special provisions for temporary signs).
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 09-287 § 3; Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1; Ord. 21-418 § 15)
Temporary Commercial Signs. Any sign containing a commercial message. Includes all signs not classified as noncommercial signs.
Temporary Advertising Banner Signs. Temporary advertising banner signs for grand opening and special sales events for businesses located in nonresidential zoning districts may be displayed, and shall not require a sign design application, provided the following standards are met:
One banner may be displayed not exceeding 60 square feet in area;
The same banner is not displayed for more than 90 days in a calendar year, either consecutively or cumulatively;
The banner is displayed on the storefront or building of the subject business. No banner may be displayed on or above the building roof;
The banner is securely attached or anchored to the building;
The banner is limited to advertising the business name, event, and products or services available at the subject business location;
The banner is approved for display by the property owner or authorized property owner agent of the subject business location.
Temporary Advertising Banner Signs. Temporary advertising banner signs for grand opening and special sales events for businesses located in nonresidential zoning districts, not meeting the provisions above in this section, may be displayed upon filing and receiving approval of a sign design application by the planning division and provided the following standards are met:
The banner or banners shall not exceed a total cumulative sign area of 200 square feet in area. A larger sign area may be considered for approval by the planning division if warranted by site specific circumstances.
The banner or banners are not displayed for more than 120 days in a calendar year, either consecutively or cumulatively.
The banner or banners are displayed on the storefront or building of the subject business or at an approved location on the subject site. No banners may be displayed on or above the building roof.
The banner or banners are limited to advertising the business name, event, and products or services available at the subject business location.
The banner or banners are approved for display by the property owner or authorized property owner agent for the subject business location.
Temporary Noncommercial Signs. Temporary signs with noncommercial messages may be displayed on private property, with the property owner's permission, subject to compliance with the following limitations:
Noncommercial signage shall be defined as any sign which is intended to convey a noncommercial message including, by way of example and not limitation, commentary on social, political, educational, religious, scientific, artistic, philosophical or charitable subjects. This definition also includes signs regarding fund raising or membership drive activities for noncommercial or nonprofit concerns, entities or groups.
On residential property, an unlimited number of single-faced or double-faced signs not exceeding four square feet of surface area per sign face may be displayed for up to 90 days in any calendar year. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of three feet in height if located in any required setback, or six feet in height if located outside any required setback. No sign shall be placed in a manner that obstructs the clear visibility triangle at intersections and driveways.
On nonresidential property, an unlimited number of single-faced or double-faced signs not exceeding 32 square feet per sign face may be displayed for up to 90 days in any calendar year. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of three feet in height if located in any required setback, or six feet in height if located outside any required setback. No sign shall be placed in a manner that obstructs the clear visibility triangle of intersections or driveways. These signs are allowed in addition to the substitution of noncommercial messages for commercial messages as established in Section 17.84.020(M).
Signs shall be removed by the agency, official or person responsible for their erection within seven days after the date of the advertised event or election.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 02-206 § 1; Ord. 09-287 § 3; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 13-329 § 1; Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1)
Nonconforming signs and nonconforming outdoor advertising structures shall be subject to the regulations prescribed in Chapter 17.116 and as follows.
Alteration and Removal. Achieving the alteration or removal of dangerous, obsolete and nonconforming signs is a major policy of this chapter. To this end, certain signs are declared to be dangerous, obsolete or nonconforming, and shall be removed or altered to conform as follows:
A "dangerous sign" is defined as any sign which is an immediate peril or a potential menace to the safety of persons or property. The building inspector shall give a written order for the repair or removal of any unsafe or dangerous sign to the owner of the real property upon which such sign is located. If such owner shall fail to remove or repair such sign or advertising structure within six months of notification by the building inspector, the building inspector may cause the removal of such sign and may enter upon such property for such purpose. Any cost accrued by the city in the removal of such sign shall be charged to the owner of the real property upon which such sign is located and added to the real taxes thereon for the ensuing tax year or be collected in civil action at the option of the city.
Signs which are nonconforming because of their lighting, movement or animation shall be made to conform or be removed within 120 days after written notification by the building inspector.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 18-394 § 1)
No person shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him or her any sign which has been abandoned, or which is physically dilapidated. Any such sign shall be promptly removed by the owner or such other person. Any sign which is located on property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or more, or any sign which was erected for an occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or his or her business, or any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer is applied shall be presumed to have been abandoned. Where the owner or other person responsible for maintaining an abandoned or dilapidated sign fails to remove the sign in conformance with these provisions, the city shall cause the sign to be removed, and shall assess the owner or other person responsible at a rate established by resolution of the city council to cover the costs of such removal.
Any sign hereafter existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or product sold on the premises where such sign exists shall be removed or made to conform by the owner of the building, structure or property upon which such sign is located within 90 days after written notification by the building inspector, or the building inspector may cause the removal of such sign. Any cost accrued by the city shall be treated in the same manner as provided above for dangerous or unsafe signs.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 18-394 § 1)
Notwithstanding other provisions of this title, the planning commission has the authority to modify or adjust regulations of this title in order to prevent or lessen practical difficulties or unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of the zoning code and the purpose of this chapter as would result from a strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of certain of the regulations of this title.
Appeals Procedure.
If, because of any ambiguity, inadvertent omission or error, the interpretation of the provisions and/or intent of this chapter by the director of community development or the city manager's designee is disputed, the applicant or any aggrieved person may appeal, in writing, setting forth his or her reason for such appeal to the planning commission. The appeal shall be filed with the planning director within 15 days after a decision of the director. The appeal shall be placed on the regular meeting agenda of the planning commission.
The commission shall review the sign proposal and shall approve, approve with conditions or disapprove it, based on the findings set forth in Section 17.120.080 of this code.
Any decision of the commission may be appealed by an interested party to the city council by filing an appeal application and paying any applicable fee within 10 days following the date of the planning commission's decision. The appeal application shall state specifically where there was an error or abuse of discretion by the commission, or wherein the commission's decision is not supported by the evidence in the record. The council shall hear all pertinent testimony relating to the appeal and render its decision at the next available regular council meeting. The decision of the city council shall be final.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 09-287 § 2; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1)
Purpose. The master sign plan provides a process for community development director review and decision related to requests for signs for multi-tenant projects. The intent is to allow the integration of a project's signs with the design of the structures to achieve a unified architectural statement and to approve common sign regulations for multi-tenant projects, and to encourage design flexibility.
Applicability. A master sign plan shall be required for all new multi-tenant shopping centers, office parks, and other multi-tenant or mixed-use developments of two or more separate tenants/uses that share either the same parcel or structure and use common access and parking facilities.
Approving Authority and Procedure. The designated approving authority for a master sign plan is the community development director. The process will be conducted administratively by the community development director. No public hearing is required for a master sign plan.
Projects with Business of Local and/or Regional Significance. Project sites that include a business of local and/or regional significance, as determined by the community development director or the city manager's designee, may if determined to meet the other findings of this subsection, exceed the number of free-standing signs, individual and/or aggregate sign areas, LED lighting and animation, and height requirements contained in this title through the master sign plan process. For the purposes of this exception, a business of local and/or regional significance is a business that would provide a significant economic benefit to the city of Lathrop in the form of jobs and/or sales tax generation.
In approving a master signage plan, the community development director shall make the following findings:
The proposed plan is consistent with the adopted general plan and all applicable provisions of this chapter.
The proposed plan meets the minimum requirements for submittal as stated by this chapter.
The granting of the plan does not constitute a special privilege that cannot be substantiated by special circumstances as required by this chapter.
The proposed business is of local and/or regional significance (for businesses requesting to exceed the sign requirements contained in this title).
The granting of the plan is in compliance with all local, state and federal laws pertaining to the height of any proposed sign.
All proposed signs shall incorporate several common design elements, including letter style, colors, illumination, sign shape, and the like.
All proposed signs shall be architecturally compatible to any proposed structures and buildings.
Approval of the plan shall not adversely affect surrounding land uses or obscure adjacent conforming signage.
An application fee for a master signage plan shall be established from time to time as set forth by an adopted city council resolution.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 93-99; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 08-277 § 1; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 16-355 § 1; Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 18-394 § 1)