The following definition applies unless inconsistent with the context:
for the purpose of this subchapter, includes all streets, roads, avenues, lanes, courts, places or other public or private ways in the city which have been or may hereafter be dedicated and open to use by vehicular traffic.
Each north-south street will be designated with a number consistent with the city address grid, a copy of which will be made available for public inspection at the recorder's office, unless the grid cannot accommodate the necessary number, in which case a name may be substituted.
Each north-south through street will be designated as an "Avenue."
Each east-west through street will be designated as a "Street."
Each cul-de-sac street will be designated as a "Court."
Each private street will be designated as a "Way" or "Place."
Each curvilinear street may be designated as a "Drive."
Each alley will be designated as a "Lane."
(Ord. 6328 § 1, 2020)
The geographical prefix of all streets will be Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest, except 1st Avenue and Main Street, which will be North or South and East or West respectively.
1st Avenue will serve as the dividing line easterly and westerly.
Main Street will serve as the dividing line northerly and southerly.
Subdivision or partition plats that include dedicated or privately-owned streets must include proposed street names or numbers on the final plat submitted to the city for review.
Street names, numbers and directional prefixes are subject to approval by the manager.
Streets dedicated to the public, outside a recorded subdivision or partition plat, will be named or numbered by the city as set forth in ORS 227.120 and upon completion of the process, the city will install street name signs on the affected streets.
A property owner naming a privately-owned street not platted within a subdivision or partition must:
Do so consistent with HMC 9.24.020;
Submit the proposed name on a form provided by the city;
Include a fee, as set by council resolution, with the form under HMC 9.24.060(A)(2), except when submitted as part of a concurrent development review application, pursuant to Community Development Code Section 12.50.540, in which case the fee shall be waived.
Forms submitted under HMC 9.24.060(A) will be considered by the PC as set forth under ORS 227.120.
Following approval of a private street name by the manager, the applicant must install street signs with the approved name, in accordance with city specifications for such signs.
(Ord. 6121 § 1, 2015)