Every person who engages in, conducts or carries on the business of spraying trees, plants, vines or orchards within the city shall, before engaging in such business, make written application to the council for a license so to do and shall submit with such application a statement or description of the implements and apparatus to be used by the applicant in the business; whereupon the council shall examine the implement and apparatus of the applicant and, if it appears that the applicant is competent to engage in such business and the implements and apparatus are properly constructed and are suitable for the business, the council shall authorize the license collector to issue a license to the applicant.
(Prior code § 5300.1)
Whenever any person, holding such license does or causes to be done any spraying or fumigating in a negligent or unskillful manner, or uses therefor improper materials or insufficient quantity thereof, or improper apparatus or implements, the council may, upon five days' notice to such person and after a hearing upon the matter, revoke and cancel any license granted to him or her under the terms of this chapter. All such revocations shall be filed with the license collector and no person whose license has been revoked or to whom a license has been refused shall be granted a license within six months after the order of the council revoking the license or refusing to permit a license to issue.
(Prior code § 5300.2)
For the purpose of this chapter every person, either as owner, lessee or manager, who has the charge of or directs the operation of any outfit used in spraying or fumigating trees, plants, vines or orchards on his or her own account or as agent of another shall be deemed to be engaged in such business and shall be required to have a license therefor. Any person engaged in the business of fumigating or spraying trees, plants, vines or orchards or engaged in the work of eradicating insects, pests by fumigation, spraying or other methods, shall submit to the county horticultural commission or commissioner of the county of San Bernardino, or their or his or her representatives, at any time on demand a correct statement of the chemicals used or to be used if fumigated or ingredients or strength of materials used if sprayed and of any orchard, trees or vines treated or to be treated.
(Prior code § 5300.3)
It shall be the duty of any person owning or operating an outfit for fumigating or spraying trees, plants, vines or orchards to report to the county horticultural commissioner, at the end of each and every month, all work of fumigating, spraying and eradication of insect pests during the current month, giving amount of chemicals used if fumigated and material and strength of same if sprayed, also the number of trees, plants and vines treated and the name of the owner or owners of the same.
(Prior code § 5300.4)
Any person or firm engaged in spraying or fumigating under this chapter who neglects to procure the permit provided for herein, or violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable as provided in this code.
(Prior code § 5300.5)
Nothing herein shall be construed to require the owner of any orchard or vineyard to take out a permit in order to eradicate the pests upon his or her own premises with his own method.
(Prior code § 5300.6)