[Ord. No. 2480, 5-8-2023]
The intent of this Article is to provide for the issuance of building permits in lots divided into not more than two (2) tracts without having to re-plat said lot, provided that the resulting lots shall not again be divided without re-platting.
[Ord. No. 2480, 5-8-2023]
Requests for lot split approval shall be made by the owner of the land to the Zoning Administrator. Four (4) copies of a scale drawing of the lots involved if there are no structures thereon or, if structures are located on any part of the lot being split, four (4) copies of a certified survey, signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor, of the lot(s) and the location of the structure(s) thereon, together with the precise nature, location and dimensions of the proposed lot split shall accompany the application.
[Ord. No. 2480, 5-8-2023]
Approval or disapproval of lot splits shall be made, based on the following guidelines:
No lot splits shall be approved if:
A new street or alley is needed or proposed.
A vacation of streets, alleys, setback lines, access control, or easements is required or proposed.
If such action will result in significant increases in service requirements, e.g., utilities, schools, traffic control, streets, etc.; or will interfere with maintaining existing service levels, e.g., additional curb cuts, repaving, etc.
There is less street right-of-way than required by these Regulations or the Comprehensive Plan unless such dedication can be made by separate instrument.
All easement requirements have not been satisfied.
If such split will result in a tract without direct access to a street.
A substandard-sized lot or parcel will be created.
If the lot has been previously split in accordance with these Regulations.
The Zoning Administrator may require such additional requirements as deemed necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of existing land development regulations and Governing Body policy. Requirements may include, but not be limited to, installation of public facilities, dedication of right-of-way and easements, and submission of covenants for the protection of other landowners in the original subdivision.
The Zoning Administrator shall, in writing, either approve, with or without conditions, or disapprove the lot split within thirty (30) days of application. If approved, and after all conditions have been met, the Administrator shall sign and furnish a certificate of approval to be affixed to the lot split survey, and a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the Recorder of Deeds, the official designated to issue building or occupancy permits, and a copy shall be furnished to the applicant.
[Ord. No. 2480, 5-8-2023]
The filing fee for lot split shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
Cost of recording documents, publications, writs, and engineering costs are payable in addition to filing fees. These costs will be billed to the applicant.