Subdivision applications.
Sum of all applicable fees included within this section.
Letter of certification (LOC).
Preliminary plat or development plat: $1,250.00 plus $50.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Preliminary plat amendment: $250.00 plus $50.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Final plat: $850.00 plus $25.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Replat: $850.00 plus $25.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Amending plat: $350.00 plus $25.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Short form final plat: $500.00 plus $25.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Minor plat: $350.00 plus $25.00 per lot/unit (condo) or per acre, whichever is greater.
Development plat: $2,500.00.
Subdivision construction plans: One and a half percent (1.5%) of infrastructure cost estimate, maximum of $30,000.00, and $2,500.00 engineering deposit.
LOC review beyond the 3rd review cycle (i.e. 4th submittal): Ten percent (10%) of the base application fee per additional review.
Plat review fees.
If a letter of certification application is not required, the fees shall be as listed below plus the applicable letter of certification fees.
Plat Type
Preliminary plat
Preliminary plat amendment
Final plat
Short form final plat
Minor plat
Amending plat
Development plat
Subdivision construction plan review fee: $500.00 or $500.00 plus the applicable letter of certification fee if no letter of certification is required.
Subdivision construction plan revision: Revised plan sheets 1-4: $500.00; additional revised plan sheets $250.00 each.
Subdivision construction plan amendment: Three percent (3%) of the infrastructure construction amendment cost estimate; maximum of $10,000.00.
Subdivision construction plan inspection: Two percent (2%) of the infrastructure cost estimate excluding utilities. Due at plan approval prior to scheduling required preconstruction meeting.
Petition for subdivision waiver: $150.00 per waiver plus $250.00 city council meeting fee.
Easements, restrictive covenants, and other separate instrument document review and recordation: $250.00 each plus applicable recordation fees, see section A3.010.
Easement, plat or right-of-way vacations (full or partial):
Easement: $300.00 plus applicable recordation fees, see section A3.010.
Plat: $500.00 + $50.00/lot or unit or $50.00/acre whichever is greater, plus applicable recordation fees, see section A3.010.
Right-of-way: $500.00 plus applicable recordation fees, see section A3.010.
Trip generation, traffic impact analysis, and related reviews: If required, see section A3.007 for applicable fees.
Parkland dedication fee in lieu: The fee shall be based on the county appraisal district's current market value of the subject property, prorated on a per acre basis for the required parkland dedication acreage. See UDC, section 6.3.
Notification and publication: If required, see section A3.009 for applicable fees.
Recordation: See section A3.010.
GIS digitizing fee: See section A3.014.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Fees charged shall be the sum all applicable fees included within this section.
Amendment to zoning map (rezoning): $1,500.00.
Concept plan review: $5,000.00, when required as part of a rezoning or PDD amendment application. Review beyond the 3rd review cycle (i.e., 4th submittal) will incur an additional fee of $500.00 per additional review.
Amendment to zoning text: $1,500.00 and $2,000.00 legal deposit. The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover third-party review fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are as set forth in section A3.008.
Establishment of a new zoning district: $150.00 per acre (minimum 80 acres) and $5,000.00 legal and engineering deposit. The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover third-party review fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are as set forth in section A3.008.
Planned development district amendment:
Major: $3,000.00 and $200.00 per acre and $2,000.00 legal and engineering deposit. The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover third-party review fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are as set forth in section A3.008.
Minor: $1,500.00.
Vested rights petition: $750.00 and $2,000.00 legal deposit. The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover third-party review fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are as set forth in section A3.008.
Zoning variance: $500.00 per request. Each section of code from which a deviation is necessary is a separate request.
Specific use permit: $500.00.
Special exception: $500.00.
Public hearing postponement: $250.00 and publication and notification fees as applicable for re-noticing, see section A3.009 below. Fee shall be charged when an applicant requests postponement of a public hearing for an application after the public hearing notice has been sent to the newspaper for publication or notification letters have been sent to property owners.
Comprehensive plan amendments:
Future land use map changes: Fees assessed based on acreage of land affected:
Less than 5 acres $2,500.00.
5 acres to 25 acres $5,000.00.
More than 25 acres $10,000.00.
Thoroughfare plan changes: $5,000.00.
Text changes: $2,500.00.
Trip generation, traffic impact analysis, and related reviews: If required, see section A3.007 for applicable fees.
Publication and notification: If required, see section A3.009 for applicable fees.
Recordation: If required, see section A3.010 for applicable fees.
GIS digitizing fee: See section A3.014.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Site plan application and review – sum of all applicable fees included within this section.
Site plan review fee:
New site plan:
0 to 5 acres: $10,000.00.
>5 to 25 acres: $15,000.00.
>25 to 100 acres: $25,000.00.
>100 acres: $35,000.00.
Review beyond the 3rd review cycle (i.e. 4th submittal): Ten percent (10%) of the base application fee per additional review.
Site plan revision: $500.00 revised plan sheets 1—4 and $250.00 each additional revised plan sheet.
Site plan amendment: $1,000.00.
Trip generation, traffic impact analysis, and related reviews: If required, see section A3.007 for applicable fees.
GIS digitizing fee: See section A3.014.
Tree replacement fee-in-lieu: Applied if fee-in-lieu is approved. $250.00 per caliper inch.
Permit cut in street or right-of-way: If required at site plan, see section A3.005 for applicable fees.
Site plan waiver request: $150.00 per request and $250.00 city council meeting fee. Each section of code from which a deviation is necessary is a separate request.
Easements, restrictive covenants, and other separate instrument document review and recordation: $250.00 each plus applicable recordation fees, see section A3.010.
Site preparation/grading/excavation without an approved subdivision construction plan or site plan: $500.00 and $50.00 per acre or portion thereof.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Nonpoint source pollution plan review fee: Based on acreage.
0 to 5 acres: $5,000.00.
>5 acres to 25 acres: $10,000.00.
>25 acres to 100 acres: $15,000.00.
>100+ acres: $25,000.00.
Review beyond the 3rd review cycle (i.e. 4th submittal): Ten percent (10%) of the base application fee per additional review.
Annual nonpoint source pollution control operating permit: Assessed annually.
0 to 5 acres: $250.00.
>5 acres to 25 acres: $500.00.
>25 acres to 100 acres: $1,000.00.
>100 acres: $1,500.00.
NPS waiver request: $500.00 per request and $250.00 city council meeting fee. Each section of the code from which a deviation is necessary is a separate request.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Right-of-way cut: $100.00 per cut.
Street cut: $200.00 per street cut.
Right-of-way use permit:
Short-term, less than 24 hours:
$25.00 neighborhood or nonprofit organization.
$50.00 commercial purposes.
Long-term, more than 24 hours: $100.00 and $100.00 per week per lane per block.
Right-of-way license agreement: $250.00.
Right-of-way utility installation: $50.00 per plan sheet.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Stealth wireless communications facility: $2,500.00 each; NTE $3,000.00.
Attached wireless communications facility: $3,000.00 each; NTE $3,500.00.
Replacement of existing structure:
Like structure: $4,000.00; NTE $4,000.00.
Attached: $2,500.00; NTE $3,000.00.
Colocation on existing antenna support: $5,000.00 each; NTE $4,000.00.
Colocation on stealth structure: $2,500.00 each; NTE $2,500.00.
New antenna support structure: $7,500.00 each; NTE $7,500.00.
Satellite earth station: $500.00 each.
AM/FM/TV/DTV antenna support structure: $10,000.00 each; NTE $10,000.00.
Amateur wireless facility application fee: $100.00 each.
Cash bond: $5,000.00, flat rate; must post this to cover removal costs.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Trip generation report (i.e. trip gen worksheet) review: $250.00 per submittal.
Turn lane analysis or circulation study review: $500.00 and $1,500.00 engineering deposit. The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover third-party review fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are as set forth in section A3.008.
Traffic impact analysis worksheet review and scoping meeting: $1,500.00.
Traffic impact analysis review (new or amended): $800.00 and $2,500.00 engineering deposit. The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover third-party review fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are as set forth in section A3.008.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
For applications where legal and engineering deposits apply hourly rates shall be charged as invoiced to the city by the third-party provider.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Legal notice in newspaper: $250.00, each. This fee includes cost to publish public hearing notice in Lake Travis View. If publication in the Austin American Statesman is required, the applicant is responsible for the actual cost of the notice.
Property owner notification letters: $2.50 each property owner. When multiple noticed properties have the same owner, a single letter will be sent.
(Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Recordation (e.g. plats, separate instruments, license agreements): $25.00 plus applicable current county clerk recordation fees. Fees as of 12/1/22 as follows:
Plats: $48.00 first page; $27.00 each additional page.
Other documents: $26.00 first page; $4.00 each additional page.
(Ordinance 222 adopted 9/23/14; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Street name change requests; sum of all applicable fees included below:
$250.00 flat fee per request.
Publication and notification fees, if applicable, see section A3.009.
The estimated cost of the manufacture and installation of new street name signs, calculated under section 16.05.004(a) and (b).
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19; Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Annexation: $750.00 plus applicable publication and notification fees, see section A3.009 and GIS digitizing fee, see section A3.014.
(Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Development agreement - sum of all applicable fees included within subsections below:
$2,000.00 flat fee, new agreement, or amendment.
Traffic impact analysis review: If required, see section A3.007 for applicable fees.
Legal and engineering fee deposit: The applicant shall provide an initial deposit to cover professional fees incurred by the city. If the actual cost of these fees is less than the deposit, the applicant will be reimbursed the balance; if it exceeds the deposit, the applicant is responsible for the balance. Professional review fees are set at the rates in section A3.008.
New development agreement: $5,000.00.
Amended development agreement: $500.00.
Recordation: See section A3.010 for applicable fees.
(Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
$50.00 applied to any annexation, zoning, subdivision, development intensity transfer or site plan application.
(Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)
Preapplication meeting: No charge for first meeting, $500.00 for second and each additional meeting.
Application comment review meeting: No charge for first meeting; $500.00 for second and each additional meeting.
Zoning verification letter: $50.00 per lot or parcel.
Floodplain development permit (CLOMR/LOMR):
$2,500.00 CLOMR or LOMR without an approved CLOMR.
$1,500.00 LOMR with an approved CLOMR.
$500.00 LOMA.
Water quality easement swap: $250.00.
Development intensity transfer: Sum of fees below plus applicable recordation fees, see section A3.010 and GIS digitizing fee, see section A3.014.
Administrative approval: $500.00.
City council approval: $750.00.
Appeal of administrative action: $500.00.
(Ordinance 495 adopted 12/16/2022; Ordinance 523 adopted 11/14/2023)