For the purpose of this chapter, "special outdoor display event" means any event of limited duration conducted outside the confines of a building and sponsored by the owner or owners of the property or conducted on a public right-of-way. The regulations relating to a special outdoor display event shall be applicable whether or not a fee or admission is charged for such event. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to include within the definition of a special outdoor display event, any event sponsored by a nonprofit organization where only food or beverages are served or sold.
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983)
It is unlawful for any person to display any goods, equipment or materials outdoors on premises improved for nonresidential purposes or public rights-of-way without first having procured a special outdoor display event permit and without complying with all provisions of this chapter. Every person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of an infraction, unless the violation is otherwise made a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.01.110(b).
Compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall not preclude the necessity of obtaining any other permit or license required by this code, ordinance of the city or other applicable law.
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983)
Application for permit to conduct special outdoor display events shall be made by the owner of the property or his or her duly authorized representative on which the property on which the event is to be conducted, and shall be in writing to the director of finance or the director's designee on a form provided by the city for that purpose, and shall be filed with the director of finance not less than sixty days prior to the opening date of such event. The application shall be accompanied by the payment of a filing fee as established by city council resolution.
The application shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the property owner;
The exact location where the event is to be conducted;
The name and address of the operator or operators of the event;
The dates the event is to be conducted shall be limited to three events per year per property with a maximum total of three days in duration. The maximum number of days permitted for Christmas tree and pumpkin sales shall be limited to thirty days;
A list of communities in California where the event has previously been conducted by the operators of the proposed event;
The number and types of rides, games, shows, displays and other individual concessions comprising the event, including all food stands and food vehicles;
The number of persons who will be engaged in conducting the event;
A plot plan showing the entire property in addition to that portion of the property proposed to be used to store equipment and to conduct the special outdoor display event including an exact description and plot plan describing the total extent of any off-street parking area which would be occupied for the purpose of conducting the special outdoor display event and storing the equipment thereto: Location, type and number of items to be displayed, restroom facilities, trash receptacles, traffic and pedestrian ingress and egress, fire prevention and safety equipment;
Events proposed within the public right-of-way are permitted if an encroachment permit has first been procured from the city;
Such other information as shall be required by the finance director.
Glendora Village Business District. Events located within the boundaries and sponsored by the Glendora Village Business District or a business subject to assessments under Chapter 5.40 are subject to Chapter 5.32 with the following modifications:
The number of dates an event may be conducted shall be limited to twenty-four days per year per event sponsor;
Events utilizing amplified sound shall deliver written notification and obtain signatures from the businesses located immediately adjacent and across the street from the event. Additional notification may be required by the city. All notification and required signatures shall be completed at least ten days prior to the event.
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983; Ord. 2080, 1/9/2024)
The finance director or designee shall conduct such investigation as he or she may deem necessary concerning the application and the event proposed to be conducted to determine whether the applicant is of good moral character and proposes to engage in an enterprise in a manner which shall not be detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, morals or welfare of the city or its inhabitants, either by reason of the character of the applicant, the nature of the business or the manner in which the business is proposed to be conducted. The director shall have the findings set forth in writing and attached to this application.
If, after such investigation, the finance director, or designee, determines that the applicant is of good moral character and proposes to engage in an enterprise which will not be detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, morals or welfare of the city or its inhabitants either by the reason of the character of the applicant, the nature of the event or the manner in which the event is proposed to be conducted, then the finance director, or designee, shall issue such permit upon such terms and conditions and restrictions, regulating the operation and conduct of such event not in conflict with any paramount law, as terms and conditions may be necessary or expedient to protect the public peace, health, safety, morals or welfare of the city or its inhabitants.
Within fifteen working days after an application has been accepted as complete, the director of finance or the director's designee shall either issue a permit or give notice to the applicant that the application has been denied and the grounds therefor. When a permit is denied, the notice shall state that the denial shall become final seven days following the date the notice is given, unless within such period of time, the applicant files, with the director of finance or the director's designee, a written request for a hearing before the city council.
Appeal Hearing. At the next regular meeting of the city council after a request for hearing has been filed with the director of finance or the director's designee, the request shall be deemed received by the city council. Within thirty days thereafter, the city council shall hold a hearing. Notice of the hearing date shall be given to the applicant not less than ten days prior thereto. Within ten days after the hearing, the city council shall cause written notice of its decision to be given to the applicant.
The city council shall make any decision regarding issuance of a permit in accordance with the requirements for permit issuance as set forth in this chapter. The decision of the city council shall be final.
Notices. Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be given in writing by personal service or by United States Postal Service, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the applicant at the address shown on the application form. The giving of notice under this chapter shall be deemed to have occurred as of the date of personal service or as of the date of deposit with the United States Postal Service.
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983)
The following regulations shall govern the operation of any special outdoor display event for which a permit has been issued:
No ride, game, booth, amusement device, or any structure shall exceed the height of any business structures located on the same parcel of real property, or thirty-five feet, whichever is the lesser height.
All applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations shall be observed.
The physical layout of the area set apart for the conduct of the special outdoor display event, including the area used for installation or storage of all equipment, shall be such that no more than fifteen percent of the parking area designed to serve the business or shopping center is used for this event.
Before erecting any structures, application must be made to the building inspection superintendent. All applicable building and electrical regulations must be obeyed. Permits issued by the state, Division of Industrial Safety, must be furnished to the building inspection superintendent before the erection and operation of any ride. No rides, amusement devices or concessions shall be put into operation until inspected and approved by the building inspection superintendent; provided, however, that no such inspection or approval by the city shall be construed as a representation by the city, or any employee thereof, that any such ride, amusement device or concession is structurally or operationally safe. Each ride shall have a sign displayed at the entrance to the ride and visible to all patrons containing the message that any person using the equipment does so at their own risk.
No game shall be permitted to be conducted at a special outdoor display event until inspected and approved by the chief of police or his designee. No game shall be approved which violates any laws of the state or any other provisions of this code. No game shall be approved in which it is impossible, due to the game equipment, for the participant to win by the use of skill.
Any and all facilities for the storage and handling of food and beverages shall be in conformance with the county health department.
No trailers, tents or other temporary living quarters will be allowed on the premises where the special outdoor display event is to be conducted except upon approval of the finance director on a finding that no hazard to public health or safety will result from such approval.
The conduct of the special outdoor display event shall be confined to the hours when the business establishment or shopping center is open for business, and in no event shall the special outdoor display event be operated after eleven p.m. of any night.
No special outdoor display event shall be conducted within five hundred feet of any hospital, rest home or convalescent facility.
No permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be transferred by the applicant to any other person or to any property not shown on the application as the premises for which the permit is requested.
The finance director shall have discretion to require the posting of a cash deposit to ensure that the premises on which this special outdoor display event is being conducted will be left in a clean and orderly condition. The amount of the cash deposit shall in no event exceed five hundred dollars.
A temporary business license shall be required for each merchant currently not licensed by the city.
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983)
Prior to the erection of any structure in connection with a special outdoor display event, the operator or operators of the event shall furnish certificates to the finance director naming the city as additional insured and showing that there is in full force and effect liability and property damage insurance covering every activity of the proposed special outdoor display event in a minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars for death or injury to one person and five hundred thousand dollars for death or injury of more than one person in any one accident and fifty thousand dollars property damage, or, in such additional amount as deemed necessary by the finance director; provided, however, that maximum insurance coverage may be one million dollars for death or injury to more than one person in any accident and one hundred thousand dollars property damage.
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983)
The city council shall have the exclusive power to grant a renewal or extension of a permit beyond the days specified in Section 5.32.030(d).
(Ord. 1419 § 1, 1983)