Abandoned shopping carts constitute a nuisance, create potential hazards to the health and safety of the public, and interfere with pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the County of Sacramento. The accumulation of wrecked, dismantled and abandoned shopping carts on public or private property also tends to create conditions that reduce property values, promoting blight and deterioration in the County. The intent of this chapter is to insure that measures are taken by store owners to prevent the removal of shopping carts from store premises and parking lots, to make the removal of shopping carts a violation of this Code, and to facilitate the retrieval of abandoned carts as permitted by State law. Further, except where excluded, this chapter is intended to supplement existing State law regarding shopping carts as set forth in California Business & Professions Code, Section 22435, et seq.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
As used in this chapter:
"Abandoned cart" means any cart that has been removed in violation of Section 4.63.050, regardless of whether it has been left on either private or public property. This provision shall not apply to carts that are removed at the direction or request of the owner for purposes of repair or maintenance.
"Abandoned cart prevention plan" or "plan" means a plan that meets the requirements of Section 4.63.060 and has been approved by the Planning Director as required by Section 4.63.070.
"Hearing Officer" means the person appointed by the County Executive to preside over and render judgments at hearings in accordance with this chapter. The Hearing Officer may be an employee of the County. However, they shall not have any interests in any property subject to any hearing at which they preside. The Hearing Officer may also be a person who is not a County employee, but who is retained pursuant to a contract to provide such services. Any such Hearing Officer shall be qualified by training or experience or shall be an attorney or an administrative law judge.
"Cart" means a basket which is mounted on wheels, a flat surface or structure mounted on wheels, or a similar device, provided by a business establishment for use by a customer for the purpose of transporting goods of any kind, including, but not limited to, grocery store shopping carts.
"Enforcement personnel" means any law enforcement officer, code enforcement officer, or other designated County of Sacramento employee.
"Owner" means any person or entity, who in connection with the conduct of a business, owns, leases, possesses, uses, or otherwise makes carts available to customers or the public. For purposes of this chapter, owner shall also include the owner's on-site or designated agent that provides the carts for use by its customers.
"Premises" means the entire area owned, occupied and/or utilized by the business establishment that provides carts for use by customers, including any parking lot or other property provided by the owner for customer parking or use.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Department of Community Development and/or Department of Transportation, or their designee. To the extent otherwise permitted by law, Enforcement personnel or designees, may enter onto any public or private property in the County to retrieve, remove, store, and dispose of any lost, stolen, or abandoned shopping cart, or any part thereof.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
Every cart owned or provided by any business establishment in the County of Sacramento must have a sign permanently affixed to it that contains the following information:
The identity of the owner of the cart or the name of the business establishment, or both;
An address for the owner or business establishment for cart return;
A telephone number for reporting the location of the abandoned cart;
Notification of the procedure to be utilized for authorized removal of the cart from the business premises; and
Notification that the unauthorized removal of the cart from the premises or parking area of the business establishment is a violation of State law and this Code.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
It shall be unlawful to either temporarily or permanently remove a cart from the premises or parking area of a business establishment without the express prior written approval of the owner or on-duty manager of the business establishment. Written permission shall be valid for a period not to exceed 72 hours.
Except in cases where written permission is granted, it shall be unlawful to be in possession of a cart that has been removed from the premises or parking area of a business establishment unless it is in the process of being immediately returned to the owner or business establishment.
This section shall not apply to carts that are removed at the direction or request of the owner for the purposes of repair or maintenance.
Failure to comply may subject the violator to any civil, criminal, or administrative remedies or fines as provided by law.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
Every owner shall prepare and implement an Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan to prevent customers from removing carts from the business premises. The Plan must, at a minimum, include the following elements:
Identification. The name of the business, address and phone number of the premises where the business is conducted, and the address and phone number of the cart Owner, if different;
Notice to Customers. A procedure for providing notification to customers that removal of carts from the premises and parking lots is prohibited and is a violation of state and local law. In addition to the warnings on shopping carts, notification may also be placed on the company's website or on signs on the premises of the business that effectively apprise customers of the prohibition;
Physical Measures. A description of the specific physical measures that will be implemented to prevent cart removal from the business premises. These measures may include, but are not limited to, disabling devices on all carts, posting of a security guard or employee to deter and stop customers who attempt to remove carts from the business premises, storage of carts inside the building when the store is closed or if space is not available inside, cable and locks on the carts stored outside when the building is closed, requiring security deposits for use of all carts, or the rental or sale of carts that can be temporarily or permanently used for transport of purchases; and
Abandoned Cart Retrieval. An effective daily procedure for retrieval and cleaning of abandoned carts located within a one mile radius of the business premises by the owner's employees, or proof that the Owner has entered into a contract for cart retrieval services and that carts are cleaned before they are returned to circulation and use within the business.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
Plan Submission. Owner shall prepare the Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan form and submit it to the Planning Director within 180 days after adoption of this ordinance. Proposed businesses shall have an approved Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan prior to commencing business.
Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan Fee. A fee set by the Board of Supervisors shall be paid to the Office of Planning and Environmental Review at the time of submittal of the Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan.
Approval, Rejection, or Denial of Plan. The Planning Director or designee shall approve, reject as incomplete, or deny the proposed Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan within 60 days of Plan submission. The Planning Director or designee may deny a Plan based on the following grounds:
Implementation of the Plan violates any provision of the building, zoning, health, safety, fire, police code or other provision of this code or any city, state, or federal law which substantially affects public health, welfare, or safety;
The Plan fails to include all of the information required by this chapter;
The Plan fails to address any special or unique conditions due to the geographical location of the premises as they relate to cart retention and prevention efforts;
Implementation of the Plan violates a term or condition of a Plan or other requirement of this chapter;
The owner knowingly makes a false statement of fact or omits a fact required to be revealed in an application for the Plan, or in any amendment or report or other documents required for submission.
Plan Resubmission. If the Plan is rejected as incomplete, the Planning Director or designee shall indicate areas that are incomplete, and the owner shall have an additional 30 days within which to resubmit a complete and adequate Plan. The Planning Director or designee shall approve or deny the resubmitted Plan within 30 days of the date of resubmission.
Plan Implementation. Once the Plan is approved, the measures included in the Plan shall be implemented as soon as commercially feasible but in no event later than 60 days after the Plan's approval, with the exception of cart containment systems and disabling devices on carts, which if included in the Plan shall be installed within a commercially feasible timeframe based on factors including, but not limited to, ownership rights and permits required.
Reevaluation. The Office of Planning and Environmental Review shall notify the owner in writing if operation of the Plan demonstrates the Plan's insufficiency or inadequacy in preventing removal of carts from the premises. Plan insufficiency or inadequacy will be determined based upon reports received from contracted cart collectors, verified complaints received by the County, and inspections made by those tasked with enforcement of this chapter. If after 14 days of the owner receiving the written notice, the insufficiencies or inadequacies remain, the Office of Planning and Environmental Review may reevaluate the Plan, at which time the Office of Planning and Environmental Review may require a new Plan. If a new Plan is required, another Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan Fee will be required. If a new Plan is submitted, the proposed measures shall be implemented as soon as commercially feasible but in no event later than 60 days after approval is received. The measures from the previously approved Plan shall be continued until the new Plan is approved and the new measures are implemented. If the Office of Planning and Environmental Review requires a new Plan, the owner shall have the same right to appeal as set forth in subsection G of this section.
Appeals. Any person whose Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan has been denied by the Planning Director or designee may request an appeal hearing before a Hearing Officer by filing a written notice of appeal stating the grounds therefor with the Deputy County Executive of Public Works not later than 10 calendar days after the date of the denial. The written notice must be accompanied by a copy of the Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan and the appeal fee set by the County Board of Supervisors. The Deputy County Executive shall schedule the appeal for a hearing before the Hearing Officer within 30 business days of the appeal being received and shall serve written notice of such time and date upon the appellant at least 10 days before the hearing. The appellant shall have the right to appear in person at the hearing and present oral, written and/or photographic evidence. The Hearing Officer shall review the basis for appeal, the evidence submitted by appellant, the proposed Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan, all of the grounds for denial set forth in subsection C above, as well as the Planning Director's determination and evidence in support thereof, and shall provide a written decision with factual findings granting or denying the appeal within 30 days of the hearing. The decision by the Hearing Officer shall be final and binding, and no further appeal shall be authorized to any other County Board, Commission, or court of law.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015; SCC 1606 § 54, 2017)
Failure of an owner to submit an Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan and take the necessary steps to receive Plan approval and/or failure to implement an approved Plan in the manner set forth in this chapter and within the time frames specified in this chapter is a public nuisance and violators will be subject to enforcement pursuant to Sacramento County Code Section 16.18.401(H).
Failure to comply may also subject the violator to any civil, criminal, or administrative remedies as provided by law.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)
If any section, subsection, paragraph or sentence of this ordinance, or any part thereof, is for any reason found to be unconstitutional, invalid or beyond the authority of the County of Sacramento by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
(SCC 1589 § 1, 2015)