The Arts and Makers Overlay District is intended to promote arts and cultural uses along South Linden Avenue in the Lindenville Specific Plan through development incentives. The specific purposes of the Arts and Makers Overlay District are to:
Facilitate the retention and creation of new creative uses in the South Linden Avenue Corridor.
Mix of land uses to promote pedestrian activity, thriving businesses, and creativity.
Serve as a transitional area between the existing, traditional industrial spaces in Lindenville and the new, mixed use residential uses.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
The Arts and Makers Overlay District can be combined with the zoning districts illustrated in Figure 20.200.002. In the event of a conflict between the regulations specified in the Arts and Makers Overlay District and any underlying base district, the provisions of the Arts and Makers Overlay District shall prevail. In addition, the City Engineer or Chief Planner may apply the incentives to properties outside the Arts and Makers Overlay District, which meet the intended purpose as stated in 20.200.001 ("Purpose").
Figure 20.200.002 Arts & Makers Overlay District
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
Arts and Makers ground floor uses are required in the Arts and Makers Overlay District.
Ground Floor Area. At least 50 percent of ground floor building area of parcels in the Arts and Makers Overlay District must be devoted to arts and makers uses listed in Table 20.200.003.
Arts and Makers Uses. For parcels within the Arts and Makers Overlay District in the Lindenville Specific Plan, uses in Table 20.200.003 may fulfill the Arts and Makers ground floor use requirement. These uses are permitted in addition to uses allowed in underlying MIH and T3ML zones.
Table 20.200.003: Arts and Makers Overlay Zone Uses
Use Category
Permitted Uses
Studios (arts, dance, music etc.); arts exhibition space; maker's space; breweries and distilleries; artisan shops; media production; or similar use.
Clean technology; food preparation; handicraft/custom manufacturing; manufacturing finished parts or products primarily from previously prepared materials; printing, engraving and publishing; furniture and related product manufacturing; or similar use.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
Projects that comply with the standards for arts and makers uses are eligible for the following project incentives.
Converted Buildings.
New parking spaces shall not be required for any converted use within the building.
A loading zone shall not be required if the existing building does not have an existing loading zone.
Additional landscape or outdoor open space standard shall not be required for any converted use in the building.
New Buildings. There are no minimum parking requirements for development projects in the Arts and Makers Overlay District.
Adaptive Use Changes. If the use of the existing building is considered nonconforming in the Arts and Makers Overlay District as established prior to adoption of the Specific Plan, the use may be changed ministerially if it complies with Table 20.200.003. Those buildings may be eligible for development incentives for arts and makers uses.
On-Site Sales of Goods. Showrooms and ancillary sales of arts and makers goods produced on site are permitted.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)
Commercial and industrial uses in the Arts and Makers Overlay District should not produce excessive odor, fumes, dust, light, glare, noise, or other similar impacts extending beyond the property line where the impacts are produced. Refer to Zoning Code Chapter 20.300.010 ("Performance Standards") for more information.
(Ord. 1649, 10/11/2023)