[R.O. 2007 § 525.010; Ord. No. 4729 §§ 1—2, 1-26-2007; Ord.
No. 5610 §§ 1—2, 6-23-2011; Ord. No. 6957, 5-10-2018; Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
A certain document, one (1) copy of which has been on file for
at least ninety (90) days in the office of the City Clerk of the City
of St. Peters, being marked and designated as "The International Property
Maintenance Code (IPMC), 2021 Edition," as published by the International
Code Council, Inc., as amended, and is hereby adopted as the Property
Maintenance Code of the City; and all of the regulations, provisions,
conditions, and terms of the 2021 International Property Maintenance
Code, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., are hereby
referred to, adopted, and made part thereof, as if fully set out in
this Chapter, with additions, insertions, deletions, and changes prescribed
in this Chapter.
[R.O. 2007 § 525.020; Ord. No. 4729 §§ 1—2, 1-26-2007; Ord.
No. 5610 §§ 1—2, 6-23-2011; Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
Throughout the Property Maintenance Code adopted in Section
525.010, wherever the term "Name of Jurisdiction" or "Local Jurisdiction" appears, it shall be deemed to mean the City of St. Peters, Missouri.
[R.O. 2007 § 525.030; Ord. No. 4729 §§ 1—2, 1-26-2007; Ord.
No. 5610 §§ 1—2, 6-23-2011; Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
Throughout the Property Maintenance Code adopted in Section
525.010, wherever the expression "Code Official" is used, it is deemed to mean the Health and Code Enforcement Manager or his/her designee.
[Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
Throughout the Property Maintenance Code adopted in Section
525.010, wherever the term "International Residential Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Chapter
504, wherever the term "International Building Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Building Code (Non-Residential), Chapter
505, wherever the term "International Existing Building Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Existing Building Code, Chapter
506, wherever the term "International Fire Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Fire Prevention Code, Chapter
507, wherever the term "NFPA 70" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Electrical Code, Chapter
510, wherever the term "International Energy Conservation Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Energy Conservation Code, Chapter
513, wherever the term "International Mechanical Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Mechanical Code, Chapter
515, wherever the term "International Fuel Gas Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Fuel Gas Code, Chapter
516, wherever the term "International Plumbing Code" is used, it is deemed to mean St. Peters Plumbing Code, Chapter
[R.O. 2007 § 525.040; Ord. No. 4729 §§ 1—2, 1-26-2007; Ord.
No. 5610 §§ 1—2, 6-23-2011; Ord. No. 5768 § 1, 6-28-2012; Ord. No. 5914 § 1, 4-25-2013; Ord. No. 6957, 5-10-2018; Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
A. The Code adopted in Section
525.010 is amended as follows:
103.1 Creation Of Agency. - Delete.
107.1 Application For Appeal. A person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the Code Official to the Board of Appeals as established in Chapters
410 and
505 of the Municipal Code of the City of St. Peters. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted hereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. The application shall be filed on a form obtained from the Code Official within twenty (20) days after the notice was served.
An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the
true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted hereunder have
been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully
apply, or the requirements of this code are adequately satisfied by
other means, or that the strict application of any requirement of
this code would cause an undue hardship.
107.2 Limitations Of Authority. - Delete.
107.3 Qualification. - Delete.
107.4 Administration - Delete.
Section 108 Board Of Appeals. - Delete.
108.1 Membership Of Board. - Delete.
109.4 Violation Penalties. - Delete.
111.9.90 Temporary Abatement Boarding. A structure may be closed by securing all openings with locks and/or screwing them shut or by boarding. If boarding is used, it shall be installed per Appendix A. Oriented strand board (OSB) shall be installed with the smooth side facing out. Boarding may only be temporary for ninety (90) days. Failure of the owner or agent having charge of a property to remove the temporary boarding and repair the structure to comply with a correction notice shall be considered a violation of this Section. That owner or agent shall be subject to prosecution in accordance with Section
525.050. Further, in cases of non-compliance with any correction order in such notice of violation, the Code Official may cause the violation to be abated as provided in Section
112.1 Imminent Dangers. When, in the opinion of the Code Official,
there is imminent danger of failure or collapse of a building or structure
which endangers life, or when any structure or part of a structure
has fallen and life is endangered by the occupation of the structure,
or when there is actual or potential danger to the building occupants
or those in the proximity of any structure because of explosives,
explosive fumes or vapors or the presence of toxic fumes, gases or
materials, or operation of defective or dangerous equipment, or toxic
chemicals and residue associated with the production of methamphetamine,
the Code Official or his/her designee is hereby authorized and empowered
to order and require the occupants to vacate the premises forthwith.
The Code Official shall cause to be posted at each entrance to such
structure a notice reading as follows: "This Structure Is Unsafe and
Its Occupancy Has Been Prohibited by the Code Official." It shall
be unlawful for any person to enter such structure except for the
purpose of securing the structure, making the required repairs, removing
the hazardous condition or of demolishing the same.
112.90 Decontamination Protocol. Protocol for decontamination
of structures where toxic chemicals are used in the production or
stored for the production of methamphetamine. The following standards
and protocols are established for the cleanup of toxic chemicals and
residue associated with the production of methamphetamine.
112.90.1 Applicability. The requirements of this Section apply
when notice has been posted in accordance with Section 111 or Section
112 notifying the person(s) responsible that chemicals, equipment,
or supplies indicative of a clandestine drug laboratory were located
at the property, or when a drug laboratory is otherwise discovered.
112.90.2 Definitions As Used In Sections 112.90 Through 112.90.8.
Any area where chemicals used in the manufacture of methamphetamine
are stored or have come to be located or were located.
A chemical and/or residue that may present an immediate or
long-term threat to human health and the environment.
The presence of chemicals and/or residues, which may present
an immediate or long-term threat to human health or the environment.
One (1) or more qualified individuals or commercial entities
hired to perform work in accordance with the requirement of this protocol.
Any area where methamphetamine manufacturing is occurring
or has occurred.
The process of reducing the level of contamination to the
lowest practical level using currently available methods. At a minimum,
decontamination must reduce contamination of specified substances
below the concentrations allowed by this protocol.
Handling, transportation, and ultimate disposition of materials
removed from contaminated properties.
Preserving a record of an observation through writings, drawings,
photographs, or other appropriate means.
A space where the spread of contamination may be expected
to occur relatively homogeneously, compared to other functional spaces.
The "functional space" may be a single room or a group of rooms, designated
by an inspector who, based on professional judgment, considers the
space to be separate from adjoining areas with respect to contaminant
migration. Typical examples of functional spaces include a crawl space,
an attic, and the space between a dropped ceiling and the floor or
roof deck above.
The physical material onto which the sample substrate is
collected. Media includes gauze, glass fiber filter, etc.
Dextro-methamphetamine, levo-methamphetamine, and unidentified
isomers of the same, any racemic mixture of dextro/levo methamphetamine,
or any mixture of unidentified isomers of methamphetamine. The term
includes derivatives, conjugates, oxides, and reduced forms of the
basic structure associated with the formation of methamphetamine.
For the purposes of this protocol, this term includes amphetamine,
ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine.
The taking out or stripping of material or surfaces to eliminate
the potential for exposure to contaminants on or in the material or
The material being collected. Substrates may include soils,
water, painted surfaces, carpet or carpet debris, unidentified powders,
dust, etc.
A non-airborne dust sample collected from a known surface
area of a porous surface or material using standard micro-vacuum sampling
Any area where chemicals used or generated in the manufacture
of methamphetamine are disposed of or have come to be located.
A surface sample collected by wiping a sample media on the
surface being sampled.
112.90.3 Assessment. When law enforcement personnel discover
toxic chemicals associated with the production of methamphetamine,
or where the equipment and chemicals to produce methamphetamine are
present in sufficient quantities to warrant enforcement action, the
structure shall be considered unsafe for human habitation and shall
be posted. A structure or unit that is posted as unsafe shall not
be occupied until the Code Official orders that status removed.
112.90.4 Procedures For Assessment, Sampling, And Testing. While
posting of the structure constitutes notice, the Code Official shall
also attempt to contact the owner of record of the affected property,
or the owner's agent, by sending a notice in accordance with
Section 111.4.
Notice shall inform the owner to contact the Health Department
to establish a schedule for decontaminating the structure. If the
owner does not contact the Health Department within the time specified
in the notice, the Code Official may request the electrical utility
to disconnect the electric service to ensure the structure is not
reoccupied until decontamination is performed.
The owner must employ the services of a company that the Code
Official shall determine is qualified to perform sampling and to analyze
the samples. The results of the analysis shall be provided to the
Code Official.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with current U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines pertaining to methamphetamine and
fentanyl laboratory cleanup.
112.90.5 Contamination Levels. A structure will be considered
unsafe and non-compliant if it is found to contain more than the following
levels of any of these chemicals or exceeds the exposure limits established
by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):
a. Red Phosphorus — any amount.
b. Iodine Crystals — C 0.1 ppm (1 mg/m3).
c. Sulfuric Acid — TWA 1 mg/m3.
d. Hydrogen Chloride — C 5 ppm (7 mg/m3).
e. Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl gas).
f. Methamphetamine in a concentration equal to or greater than 1.5 ugram/100
g. If it is determined that the phenyl-2-propanone (P 2 P) method of
methamphetamine manufacturing was used, surface levels for lead in
excess of 20 ug/ft2 and vapor samples for Mercury in excess of 50ng/m3).
112.90.6. Decontamination. If testing reveals the presence of
contamination in levels that exceed the standards set forth in 112.90.5
of this Section, the owner will be required to hire a qualified contractor
to decontaminate the structure and will advise the Code Official of
the schedule for decontamination. At a minimum, to be qualified to
perform decontamination, contractors and all personnel must have completed
the forty-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HASWOPER)
training [Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR
1910] and a clandestine drug lab assessment and decontamination course
that is provided by a sponsor acceptable to the Code Official.
The schedule for the work and evidence that the contractor has
met the minimum training requirement must be submitted for approval
to the Code Official within forty-eight (48) hours of the receipt
of notice. Approval will be based solely on the timeliness of the
schedule and the qualifications of the contractor. Approval or rejection
of the schedule will be provided within twenty-four (24) hours of
submission. If rejected, the owner will be informed of specific reasons
for the rejection and will be required to amend the schedule or the
proposed contractor. Decontamination shall be performed in accordance
with current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines
pertaining to methamphetamine and fentanyl laboratory cleanup.
If the owner of the property determined to be in violation of
the minimum allowable levels of chemicals as provided in this protocol
fails to voluntarily mitigate the violation, the Code Official may
serve a Notice of Violation and proceed in accordance with Section
113 Demolition. The Code Official may request the electrical utility
to disconnect electrical service until the decontamination is complete.
112.90.7 Post-Decontamination Sampling. When the owner arranges
for decontamination, following the completion of the work the owner
will notify the Code Official that work is complete and the owner
must provide test results as evidence that the property is compliant
with this regulation. The post-remediation sampling and testing must
be performed by a company the Code Official has determined to be qualified
and done in accordance with current U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) guidelines pertaining to methamphetamine and fentanyl
laboratory cleanup.
112.90.8 Final Action. After the property has been decontaminated
and the Code Official is in possession of evidence that the pertinent
chemical levels are below the levels established by this regulation,
the structure will be considered safe and suitable for the performance
of a full inspection for an occupancy permit. If electric service
has been disconnected, the Code Official will notify the electrical
utility that the unsafe condition has been mitigated and service can
be restored. The property owner shall be responsible for any re-connection
Section 113 Demolition. - [Amend in its entirety to read] Section
113.90 Demolition Of Public Nuisances.
113.90.1 Dangerous Building Defined. All buildings that are
detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of
the City and that have any or all of the following defects shall be
deemed "dangerous buildings":
a. Those with interior walls or other vertical structural members that
list, lean, or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing
through the center of gravity falls outside the middle third of its
b. Those that, exclusive of the foundation, show thirty-three percent
(33%) or more damage to or deterioration of the support member or
members, or fifty percent (50%) damage to or deterioration of the
non-supporting enclosing or outside walls or covering;
c. Those that have improperly distributed loads upon the floors or roofs,
or in which the same are overloaded or have insufficient strength
to be reasonably safe for the purpose used;
d. Those that have been damaged by fire, wind, or other causes so as
to become dangerous to life, safety, or the general health and welfare
of the occupants or the people of the City;
e. Those that are so dilapidated, decayed, unsafe, unsanitary or that
so utterly fail to provide the amenities essential to decent living
that they are unfit for human habitation, or are likely to cause sickness
or disease, so as to cause injury to the health, safety or welfare
of those occupying such building;
f. Those having light, air, and sanitation facilities that are inadequate
to protect the health, safety, or general welfare of human beings
who live or may live therein;
g. Those having inadequate facilities for egress in case of fire or
panic or those having insufficient stairways, elevators, fire escapes,
or other adequate means of evacuation;
h. Those having parts thereof that are so attached that they may fall
and injure members of the public or property;
i. Those because of their condition are unsafe, unsanitary, or dangerous
to the health, safety, or general welfare of the people of this City;
j. Those because of failure to install or maintain sufficient water
supply for fire protection; or
k. Those because of the failure to remove boarding and repair structure.
113.90.2 Dangerous Buildings Declared Nuisance. All dangerous
buildings, as defined in Section 113.90.1, are hereby declared to
be public nuisances and shall be repaired, vacated, or demolished
as provided herein.
113.90.3 Standards For Repair, Vacation, Or Demolition. The
following standards shall be followed in substance by the Code Official
in ordering the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dangerous building.
a. If the dangerous building reasonably can be repaired so that it no longer will exist in violation of the terms of this Section 113, it shall be ordered repaired. Repair of buildings or structures will require the appropriate permits from the building department as contained in Chapters
504 and
505 of the Municipal Code of St. Peters.
b. If the dangerous building is in such condition as to make it dangerous
to the health, safety, or general welfare of its occupants, it shall
be ordered to be vacated and repaired.
c. In all cases where a building cannot be repaired so that it no longer will exist in violation of the terms of this Section 113, it shall be demolished. Demolition of buildings or structures will require the appropriate permits from the building department as contained in Chapters
504 and
505 of the Municipal Code of St. Peters.
d. In all cases where a dangerous building is a fire hazard existing
or erected in violation of the terms of this Section 113 or any ordinance
of this City or Statute of the State of Missouri, it shall be repaired
or demolished.
25. Procedure And Notice.
The Code Official shall have the duty under this Section 113.90 to:
a. Inspect, or cause to be inspected, as often as may be necessary,
all residential, institutional, assembly, commercial, industrial,
garage, special, or miscellaneous occupancy buildings for the purpose
of determining whether any conditions exist that render such places
a dangerous building when he/she has reasonable grounds to believe
that any such building is dangerous.
b. Inspect any building, wall, or structure about which complaints are
filed by any person to the effect that a building, wall, or structure
is or may be existing in violation of this Section 113, and the Code
Official determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that
such building is dangerous.
c. Inspect any building, wall, or structure reported by the Fire or Police Departments of this City as probably existing in violation of this Section
d. Notify, in writing, either by personal service or by certified mail,
return receipt requested, or if service cannot be had by either of
these modes of service, then service may be had by publication in
a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices for two (2) successive
weeks, the owner, occupant, lessee, mortgagee, agent and all other
persons having an interest in said building as shown by the land records
of the Recorder of Deeds of St. Charles County of any building found
by the Code Official to be a dangerous building within the standards
set forth in Section 113.90.1.
The notice required shall state that:
1) The owner must vacate, vacate and repair or vacate and demolish said
building and clean up the lot or property on which the building is
located in accordance with the terms of the notice and this Section
2) The occupant or lessee must vacate said building or have it repaired
in accordance with the notice and remain in possession;
3) The mortgagee, agent, or other persons having an interest in said
building as shown by the land records of the Recorder of Deeds of
St. Charles County wherein the land is located may, at his/her own
risk, repair, vacate, or demolish the building and clean up the property
or have such work done, provided that any person notified under this
Subsection to repair, vacate or demolish any building, or clean up
the property shall be given such reasonable time not exceeding thirty
(30) days to commence the required work; and
4) Shall state a description of the building or structure deemed dangerous,
a statement of the particulars that make the building or structure
a dangerous building, and an order requiring the designated work to
be commenced within the time provided for in the above Subsection.
e. Report in writing to the City Health and Code Enforcement Manager
the noncompliance with any notice to vacate, repair, demolish, clean
up the property or upon the failure to proceed continuously with the
work without unnecessary delay.
f. Appear at all hearings conducted by the Health and Code Enforcement
Manager and testify as to the condition of dangerous buildings.
g. Immediately report to the Health and Code Enforcement Manager concerning
any building found by him to be inherently dangerous and that he/she
determined to be a nuisance per se. The Health and Code Enforcement
Manager may direct that such building be marked or posted with a written
notice reading substantially as follows:
"This building has been found to be a dangerous building by
the City Inspector. This notice is to remain on this building and/or
property until it is repaired, vacated or demolished and the property
is cleaned up in accordance with the notice that has been given the
owner, occupant, lessee, mortgagee or agent of this building, and
all other persons having an interest in said building as shown by
the land records of the Recorder of Deeds of St. Charles County. It
is unlawful to remove this notice until such notice is complied with."
Provided, however, that the order by the Health and Code Enforcement
Manager and the posting of said notice shall not be construed to deprive
any persons entitled thereto by this Section 113 to the notice and
hearing prescribed herein.
26. Duties Of The Code Official.
The Code Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the
provisions of this Code. The Code Official shall have the authority
to render interpretations of this Code and adopt policies and procedures
in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations,
policies, and procedures shall be in compliance with the intent and
purpose of this Code. Such policies and procedures shall not have
the effect of waiving requirements specifically provided for in this
Code. The Code Official shall have the power pursuant to this Section
113 to:
a. Supervise all inspections required by this Section 113 upon receiving
a complaint or report from any source that a dangerous building exists
in the City. The Health and Code Enforcement Manager shall cause an
inspection to be made forthwith. If the Health and Code Enforcement
Manager deems it necessary to the performance of his/her duties and
responsibilities imposed herein, the Health and Code Enforcement Manager
may request an inspection and report be made by any other City department
or retain services of an expert whenever the Health and Code Enforcement
Manager deems such service necessary.
b. Upon receipt of a report from the Code Official indicating failure
by the owner, lessee, occupant, mortgagee, agent or other person(s)
having interest in said building to commence work of reconditioning
or demolition within the time specified by this Section 113 or upon
failure to proceed continuously with work without unnecessary delay,
the Health and Code Enforcement Manager shall hold a hearing giving
the affected parties full and adequate hearing on the matter. Written
notice, either by personal service or by certified mail, return receipt
requested, or by publication of two (2) successive weeks in a newspaper
qualified to publish legal notices, at least ten (10) days in advance
of a hearing date, shall be made to the owner, occupant, mortgagee,
lessee, agent and all other persons having an interest in said building
as shown by the land records of the Recorder of Deeds for St. Charles
County wherein the land is located, to appear before the Health and
Code Enforcement Manager on the date specified in the notice to show
cause why the building or structure reported to be a dangerous building
should not be repaired, vacated or demolished in accordance with the
statement of particulars set forth in the Code Official's notice
as provided herein. Any party may be represented by counsel and all
parties shall have an opportunity to be heard.
c. Make written findings of fact from the evidence offered at said hearing
as to whether or not the building in question is a dangerous building
within the terms of Section 113.90.1.
d. If the evidence supports a finding based upon competent and substantial
evidence that the building or structure is a dangerous building, the
Health and Code Enforcement Manager shall issue an order based upon
its findings of fact commanding the owner, occupant, mortgagee, lessee,
agent or other person(s) having an interest in said building as shown
by the land records of the Recorder of Deeds for St. Charles County
wherein the land is located to repair, vacate or demolish any building
found to be a dangerous building and to clean up the property, provided
that any person so notified shall have the privilege of either repairing
or vacating and repairing said building, if such repair will comply
with the ordinance of this City, or the owner or any person having
an interest in said building as shown by the land records of St. Charles
County wherein the land is located may vacate and demolish said dangerous
building at his/her own risk to prevent the acquiring by the City
of the lien against the land where the dangerous building stands.
If the evidence does not support a finding that a building or structure
is a dangerous building, no order shall be issued.
e. If the owner, occupant, mortgagee, or lessee fails to comply with the order within thirty (30) days, the Health and Code Enforcement Manager shall cause such building or structure to be repaired, vacated, or demolished and the property cleaned up as the facts may warrant; and the Health and Code Enforcement Manager shall certify the cost of the work borne by the City for such repair, vacation or demolition or cleanup to the City Clerk as a special assessment represented by a special tax bill against the real property affected; said tax bill shall be a lien upon said property and shall be deemed a personal debt against the property owner(s) unless the building or structure is demolished, secured or repaired by a contractor pursuant to an order issued by the City and such contractor files a mechanic's lien against the property where the dangerous building is located. The contractor may enforce this lien as provided in Sections 429.010 to 429.360 Revised Statutes of Missouri. Except as provided in Subsection
(f) of this Section, at the request of the taxpayer this special tax bill may be paid in installments over a period of not more than ten (10) years; said assessment shall bear interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum until paid.
f. As to damage or loss to a building or other structure caused by or arising out of any fire, explosion, or other casualty loss, if an order is issued by the Health and Code Enforcement Manager as provided in Subsection
(d) of this Section, and a special tax bill or assessment is issued against the property, it shall be deemed a personal debt against the property owner. If there are proceeds of any insurance policy based upon a covered claim payment made for damage or loss to a building or other structure caused by or arising out of any fire, explosion, or other casualty loss, the following procedure is established for the payment of up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the insurance proceeds, as set forth in Subdivisions (1) and (2) of this Subsection. This Subsection shall apply only to a covered claim payment that is in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the face value of the policy covering a building or other structure:
1) The insurer shall withhold from the covered claim payment up to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the covered claim payment and shall pay such monies
to the City to deposit into an interest-bearing account. Any named
mortgagee on the insurance policy shall maintain priority over any
obligation under the ordinance.
2) The City shall release the proceeds and any interest that has accrued on such proceeds received under Subdivision (1) of this Subsection to the insured or as the terms of the policy and endorsements thereto provide within thirty (30) days after the receipt of such insurance monies, unless the City has instituted legal proceedings under the provisions of Subsection
(e) of this Section, If the City has proceeded under the provisions of Subsection
(e) of this Section, all monies in excess of that necessary to comply with the provisions of Subsection
(e) of this Section for the removal, securing, repair and cleanup of the building or structure and the lot on which it is located, less salvage value, shall be paid to the insured.
g. If there are no proceeds of any insurance policy as set forth in Subsection
(f) of this Section, at the request of the taxpayer, the tax bill may be paid in installments over a period of not more than ten (10) years. The tax bill from date of its issuance shall be a lien on the property and a personal debt against the property owner(s) until paid.
h. Subsection
(f) of this Section shall apply to fire, explosion or other casualty loss claims arising on all buildings and structures.
i. The Health and Code Enforcement Manager may certify in lieu of payment of all or part of the covered claim under Subsection
(f) that it has obtained satisfactory proof that the insured has removed or will remove the debris and repair, rebuild or otherwise make the premises safe and secure. In this event, the Health and Code Enforcement Manager shall issue a certificate within thirty (30) days after the receipt of proof to permit covered claim payment to the insured without the deduction pursuant to Subsection
(f) of this Section. It shall be the obligation of the insured or other person making the claim to provide the insurance company with the written certificate provided from this Subsection.
27. Delegation Of Duties By Code Official. In accordance
with the prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction the Code Official
shall have the authority to delegate certain duties for the review
and enforcement of the Property Maintenance Codes of the City of St.
28. Appeal Of Notice Of Demolition. Any owner, occupant,
lessee, mortgagee, agent, or any other person(s) having an interest
in a dangerous building as shown by the land records of the Recorder
of Deeds of St. Charles County, Missouri, wherein the land is located
may, within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the order of the
Code Official, appeal such decision to the Circuit Court of the County
wherein the land is located, pursuant to the procedure established
in Chapter 536 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
113.90.4 Emergencies. In cases where it reasonably appears that
there is immediate danger to the health, life, or safety of any person
unless a dangerous building, as defined herein, is immediately repaired,
vacated, or demolished and the property is cleaned up, the Building
Inspector shall report such facts to the Code Official and the Code
Official may cause the immediate repair, vacation or demolition of
such dangerous building and clean up the property. The costs of such
emergency repair, vacation, or demolition of such dangerous building
shall be collected in the same manner as provided.
113.90.5 Violation; Disregarding Notices Or Orders.
a. The owner, occupant, or lessee in possession of any dangerous building who shall fail to comply with the order to repair, vacate, or demolish said building given by the Code Official shall be guilty of an ordinance violation hereof and upon conviction shall be punishable as set forth in Section
525.050 of the Municipal Code of the City of St. Peters.
b. Any person removing any notices provided for in this Section 113 shall be guilty of an ordinance violation and upon conviction shall be punished in accordance with Section
525.050 of the Municipal Code of the City of St. Peters.
Section 114.90 Exterior Property Maintenance Program.
114.90.1 General. The exterior of all property in the City of
St. Peters may be inspected for compliance with this code. Whenever
the Code Official determines that there has been a violation of this
code that does not create an unsafe condition that would require action
under Sections 111, 112, or 114.90., notice shall be given to the
owner or the person responsible therefore in the manner prescribed
in Sections 114.90.2 and 114.90.3.
114.90.2 Form. Such notice prescribed in Section 114.90.1 shall:
b. Include a description of the property sufficient for identification.
c. Include a statement of reason or reasons why the notice is being
issued and identify the code Section that is in violation.
d. Include a correction order allowing a reasonable time for repairs
and improvements required to bring the building or structure into
compliance with this code, pending weather conditions.
e. Include an explanation of the owner's right to appeal the order
contained in the notice.
114.90.3. Method Of Service. First notice may be by form prepared
for this purpose and mailed to the owner of record by regular mail.
If due to non-compliance of first notice, legal service of subsequent
notices and orders shall be as required in Section 111.4.2 of this
114.90.4 Summons. If no appeal is pending per Section 107.1
and subsequent orders meeting Section 107 have not been complied with,
the Code Official shall cause the issuance of a Municipal Court summons
to the responsible parties.
114.90.5 Reoccurrence. If violations of the exterior property
maintenance requirements of this code reoccur on the same property
or premise more than once during a calendar year, the Code Official
or his/her designee may, without further notification, cause the issuance
of a summons to Municipal Court. Each day such violation is committed
or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall
be punishable as such hereunder.
302.4 Weeds. (Refer to Chapter
215, Section
215.010(H) of the Municipal Code of the City of St. Peters.)
302.7 Accessory Structures. All accessory structures, including
detached garages, fences, and walls shall be maintained structurally
sound and in good repair, free from holes, breaks, loose or rotting
materials, mold and mildew (excluding roofs), or other conditions
reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance.
302.8 Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Etc. (Refer to Chapter
217 of the Municipal Code of the City of St. Peters.)
304.6. Exterior Walls. All exterior walls shall be free from
holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; maintained structurally
sound and in good repair, free of broken glass, crumbling stone, brick
or stucco, rotted wood, mold or mildew, or other conditions reflective
of deterioration or inadequate maintenance and maintained weatherproof
and properly surface-coated where required to prevent deterioration.
304.14 Insect Screens. Every door, window, and other outside
opening utilized or required for ventilation purposes service any
structure containing habitable rooms, food preparation areas, food
service areas, or any areas where products to be included or utilized
in food for human consumption are processed, manufactured, packaged
or stored shall be supplied with approved tightly fitting screens
of not less than sixteen (16) mesh per inch and every swinging door
shall have a self-closing device in good working condition.
Exception: Screen doors shall not be required where other approved
means, such as air curtains or insect-repellent fans, are employed.
404.5 Overcrowding. The number of persons occupying a dwelling
unit shall not create conditions that may endanger the life, health,
safety, or welfare of the occupants.
507.1 General. Drainage of roofs, paved areas, yards, courts,
other open areas, and subsurface drainage systems on the premises
shall be discharged per a site plan approved by the City of St. Peters,
Missouri, or if no plan is required, a minimum of five (5) feet from
a property line, and shall not be discharged in a manner that creates
a public nuisance.
602.3 Heat Supply. Every owner and operator of any building
who rents, leases or lets one (1) or more dwelling units or sleeping
units on terms, either express or implied, to furnish heat to the
occupants thereof shall supply sufficient heat during the period from
September 1 to May 1 to maintain a minimum temperature of 68°F
(20°C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and toilet rooms.
602.4 Occupiable Work Spaces. Indoor occupiable work spaces
shall be supplied with heat during the period from September 1 to
May 1 to maintain a minimum temperature of not less than sixty-five
degrees Fahrenheit (65° F.) (18° C.) during the period the
spaces are occupied.
a. Processing storage and operation areas that require cooling or special
temperature conditions.
b. Areas in which persons are primarily engaged in vigorous physical
[Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
A. Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
A residential dwelling unit that is owned by a person who
does not occupy it as their primary residence and the occupant is
not the owner on file with the St. Charles County Recorder of Deeds.
This definition shall apply to single-family residential and multi-family
units, including, but not limited to, homes, townhomes, condominiums,
duplexes, and apartments.
A dwelling unit for which the occupant thereof is expressly
named as an owner of the dwelling unit, or is a trustee or beneficiary
of a trust that is expressly named as an owner of the dwelling unit,
all as indicated upon the deed of record on file in the office of
the Recorder of Deeds of St. Charles County, Missouri.
An individual, heirs, executors, trustee, administrators
or assigns, its or their successors or assigns, or the agent of any
of the aforesaid. The term "person" shall also mean a firm, partnership,
copartnership, company, corporation, association, joint stock company,
joint venture, trust, estate, organization or combination of individuals,
of any kind, character, form or nature whatsoever, its or their successors
or assigns, or an officer, manager, member, partner, employee, executor,
trustee, administrator or agent of any of the aforesaid.
A change in tenancy or occupancy of a non-owner-occupied
B. Use And Occupancy — Non-Owner-Occupied Dwelling Units. A dwelling
unit shall not be occupied upon a change in occupancy thereof, nor
shall any owner or agent thereof permit, allow, or cause any dwelling
unit to be occupied upon a change in occupancy thereof until the Code
Official has issued a reoccupancy permit therefor as provided herein.
A reoccupancy permit shall be required for each change of occupancy
of a dwelling unit.
C. Applications And Issuance Of Reoccupancy Permit.
Prior to the occupancy of a dwelling unit upon a change in occupancy
thereof, the owner of such dwelling unit shall make a written application
to the Code Official for a reoccupancy permit on a form to be furnished
by the City for that purpose.
Such application shall include such information as necessary
to administer and enforce the provisions of and to ensure compliance
with the provisions of this code.
Action On Application And Reoccupancy Inspections.
Action On Application. The Code Official shall examine or cause
to be examined applications for reoccupancy permits and amendments
thereto and shall inspect or cause to be inspected each dwelling unit
to be covered by the reoccupancy permit and all common areas thereto,
if any, within a reasonable time after filing, before a reoccupancy
permit is issued.
Authorized To Inspect. The Code Official is authorized to and may make reoccupancy inspections of the dwelling unit to be covered by the reoccupancy permit and all common areas thereto, if any, upon a change in occupancy thereof. Such reoccupancy inspections shall be for the purpose of determining whether such dwelling unit and all common areas thereto, if any, comply with the provisions of the City of St. Peters, Missouri, Zoning and Subdivision Codes, as amended, the St. Peters Property Maintenance Code, as amended, and Chapter
215 of the St. Peters City Code, as amended.
Inspection of Dwelling Unit and Common Areas. For the purpose
of making the reoccupancy inspection, the Code Official is authorized
to enter, examine and survey the dwelling unit and all common areas
thereto, if any, by appointment with the knowledge of the owner thereof,
and, if illegally occupied, the tenant. Should any owner, tenant,
occupant or other person in charge of a dwelling unit, the common
areas thereto, or building or structure fail or refuse to permit free
access and entry to the dwelling unit and all common areas, if any,
under control for any reoccupancy inspection pursuant to this Code,
then the Code Official may seek a search warrant or other appropriate
court order authorizing such reoccupancy inspections. Under this Section,
common areas shall not be subject to independent inspection but shall
only be inspected in conjunction with the reoccupancy inspection of
a dwelling unit.
Reoccupancy Permit And Inspection Fees. At the time of filing
an application for a reoccupancy permit, a reoccupancy permit and
inspection fee as set out in Appendix A of this Title shall be charged
and collected. No reoccupancy permit shall be valid until such reoccupancy
permit and inspection fee as set out in Appendix A of this Title has
been paid in full. (See Attachment 1 - Appendix A of Title V of the
Municipal Code of the City of St. Peters, Missouri.)
Issuance Of Reoccupancy Permit. If, upon completion of the reoccupancy inspection of the dwelling unit and the common areas thereto, if applicable, the Code Official finds that the dwelling unit is in compliance with the City of St. Peters, Missouri, Zoning and Subdivision Codes, as amended, the St. Peters Property Maintenance Code, as amended, and Chapter
215 of the St. Peters City Code, as amended, the Code Official shall, as soon as practicable, issue a reoccupancy permit therefor which shall contain at least the following:
The reoccupancy permit number;
The address of the principal building or structure to which
the subject dwelling unit is located;
The name and address of the owner;
A description of the dwelling unit and common areas, if applicable,
for which the reoccupancy permit is issued;
A statement that the described dwelling unit and common areas,
if applicable, have been inspected for compliance with the requirements
of this Code;
The date of such reoccupancy inspection;
The name of the Code Official;
The edition of the code under which the permit was issued;
If an automatic sprinkler system is provided and whether the
sprinkler system is required; and
Any special stipulations and conditions of the reoccupancy permit.
Inspection Deficiency. If the Code Official finds that the dwelling unit is not in compliance with any requirement of the City of St. Peters, Missouri, Zoning and Subdivision Codes, as amended, the St. Peters Property Maintenance Code, as amended, or Chapter
215 of the St. Peters City Code, or any combination or combinations thereof, have not been met or if a violation is found, the Code Official shall transmit or cause to be transmitted to the owner a written denial specifying the defect(s) or violation(s), or both. If a defect or violation is found, the owner shall be given a reasonable length of time to make repairs and bring the dwelling unit or common areas, if applicable, or both, into compliance prior to reinspection. No final reoccupancy permit shall be issued until the dwelling unit and the common areas thereto, if applicable, complies or comply with the requirements of this Section. Issuance of a reoccupancy permit shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the City. Reoccupancy permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the City shall not be valid.
D. Suspension Or Revocation. The Code Official is authorized to, and
the Code Official shall, in writing, suspend or revoke a reoccupancy
permit issued under the provisions of this code wherever the reoccupancy
permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate
or incomplete information, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation
or any of the provisions of this Code, as amended.
E. Exception — Owner-Occupied Dwelling Unit. The provisions of Sections
525.045(B) to
525.045(D) hereof shall not apply to the following:
Lawful occupancies existing on or before August 26, 2021; or
The provisions of this Section
525.045 shall not apply to an owner-occupied dwelling unit used exclusively as the primary residence of the owner, and wherein no home occupation is conducted.
[R.O. 2007 § 525.050; Ord. No. 4729 §§ 1—2, 1-26-2007; Ord.
No. 5610 §§ 1—2, 6-23-2011; Ord. No. 7912, 12-21-2023]
Any person violating any of the provisions of the code adopted
in this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of an offense and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars
($500.00) or be imprisoned in the City or County Jail for a period
of not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall
constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.