Notwithstanding Article VII, whenever a vehicle is a hazardous vehicle, a police officer shall order the owner or operator of the vehicle to remove it. If the vehicle is unattended, the officer may cause the vehicle to be immediately towed without notice and stored at the owner's expense. The owner shall be liable for the costs of towing and storing, notwithstanding that the vehicle was parked by another or that the vehicle was initially parked in a safe manner but subsequently became a hazardous vehicle. The City shall provide notice following such impoundment that is substantially similar to the form, substance, and time periods provided under ORS 819.110 and ORS 819.179.
After providing the notice required by this chapter and, if requested, a hearing as provided by this chapter, any abandoned vehicle, stored vehicle remaining in violation of this Title 10, or other vehicle remaining in violation of Section 10.04.270 may be impounded in a manner that is consistent with ORS 819.110 through ORS 819.160 and ultimately disposed of in a manner that is consistent with ORS 819.210 through ORS 819.280.
The impoundment of a vehicle will not preclude the issuance of a citation for violation of a provision of this chapter.
Stolen vehicles may be towed from public or private property and stored at the expense of the vehicle owner.
(Ord. 842-A § 31, 1989; Ord. 1263 § 9, 2023)
No person shall disobey the instruction of a traffic officer or a traffic control device.
No unauthorized person shall install, move, remove, obstruct, alter the position of, deface or tamper with a traffic control device.
(Ord. 842-A § 32, 1989)
The existence of a traffic control device shall be prima facie evidence that the device was lawfully authorized and installed.
(Ord. 842-A § 33, 1989)
Traffic control devices installed prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter be and the same are hereby lawfully authorized as are more specifically set forth in schedules A through D-2 attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as if set forth in full.
(Ord. 842-A § 34, 1989)
Violation of Sections 10.04.090 through 10.04.140 is punishable by a fine not to exceed $100.00.
Violation of Sections 10.04.150 through 10.04.260 is punishable by a fine not to exceed $50.00.
Violation of a provision identical to a State statute is punishable by a fine not to exceed the penalty prescribed by the State statute.
(Ord. 842-A § 35, 1989; Ord. 1263 § 10, 2023)
A person provided notice under this chapter, or any other person who reasonably appears to have an interest in the vehicle, may request a hearing under this section to contest the validity of the impoundment or the proposed impoundment by submitting a request for hearing with the municipal court not more than five business days after the mailing date of the notice. A request for hearing shall be in writing and shall state grounds upon which the person requesting the hearing believes that the removal of the vehicle is not justified. A hearing under this section shall comply with all of the following:
If the city proposes to remove a vehicle and receives a request for hearing before the vehicle is removed, the vehicle shall not be removed unless it constitutes a hazard.
The municipal court shall set a time for a hearing within seven business days after receipt of the request and shall provide notice of the hearing to the person requesting the hearing and to the owner(s) of the vehicle and any lessors or security interest holders shown in the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles, if not the same as the person requesting the hearing, and to the City Attorney's office.
If the municipal court finds, after a hearing and by substantial evidence on the record, that the removal of a vehicle was or would be:
Invalid, the municipal court shall order the immediate release of the vehicle to the owner or person with the right to possession. If the vehicle is released under this subsection, the person to whom the vehicle is released is not liable for any towing or storage charges accruing prior to the order of the municipal court. If the person has already paid such towing and storage charges on the vehicle, the City shall reimburse the person for the charges. The person shall be liable for any additional storage charges incurred after the order. New storage charges for the vehicle will not start to accrue until 24 hours after the issuance of the order. If the vehicle has not yet been removed, the City shall not remove the vehicle.
Valid, the municipal court shall order the vehicle to be held in custody until the costs of the hearing are paid by the person claiming the vehicle, and the person claiming the vehicle otherwise complies with any conditions of release of the vehicle. If the vehicle has not yet been removed, the City shall order its removal.
If the person requesting the hearing does not appear at the hearing, the municipal court may enter an order finding the removal to be valid and any applicable charges to be reasonable.
A person who fails to appear at a hearing under this section is not entitled to another hearing on the same matter unless the person provides reasons satisfactory to the municipal court for the person's failure to appear.
The City is only required to provide one hearing under this section for each time the city removes a vehicle or proposes to do so.
A hearing under this section may be used to determine the reasonableness of the charges for towing and storage of a vehicle. Towing and storage charges, set by law, ordinance, or rule, or that comply with law, ordinance, or rule, shall be deemed reasonable for purposes of this chapter. If the reasonableness of charges for towing and storage of a vehicle are contested through a hearing under this section, the municipal court shall enter an order setting forth the amount of towing and storage charges the court has determined to be reasonable.
The municipal court shall provide a written statement of the results of the hearing to the person requesting the hearing and to the City Attorney's office.
The action of the municipal court is final, and no appeal can be taken from it.
(Ord. 1263 § 11, 2023)
No abandoned vehicle may be parked or left standing upon the right-of-way of any City, County, or State highway, street or alley or upon any City property.
Abandoned vehicle(s) will need to move more than 500 feet to become compliant.
The City may impound and dispose of an abandoned vehicle by following the procedures in ORS 819.110 to ORS 819.440.
Any person found violating this section shall be guilty of committing a traffic violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $265 per occurrence.
(Ord. 1263 § 12, 2023)
No person shall commit, cause, or allow a hazardous vehicle to be parked or left standing upon the right-of-way of any City, County, or State highway, street or alley or upon any City property.
The City may impound or dispose of a hazardous vehicle by following the procedures in Section 10.04.300.
Any person found violating this section shall be guilty of committing a traffic violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $265 per occurrence.
(Ord. 1263 § 13, 2023; Ord. 1270, 11/28/2023)
No person shall store, or permit to be stored on a street, sidewalk, public right-of-way, or other public property without permission of the City for a period in excess of 24 hours.
A vehicle may be stored on the street adjacent to the address where the vehicle is registered for up to 72 consecutive hours, if parking is permitted on that street, the vehicle is not an abandoned or hazardous vehicle (as defined in Section 10.04.030), and the vehicle is otherwise compliant under this Code.
If, due to a disaster situation, emergency situation, renovation or other work within a standard parking spot beyond the owner's control, or other circumstances beyond the vehicle owner's control, a vehicle must be stored on the street for longer than the prescribed time limits under this section, then a person can obtain temporary storage permit for the vehicle from the City for longer than the prescribed time limits in this section.
Vehicle(s) that are stored will need to move more than 500 feet in order to become compliant.
The City may impound or dispose of a stored vehicle in violation of this section following the procedures of Article VII and Article VIII of this chapter. Officers shall make a reasonable attempt to contact the registered or current owner prior to removing or towing the vehicle and/or other personal property.
Any person found violating this section shall be guilty of committing a traffic violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $100 per occurrence.
(Ord. 1270, 11/28/2023)