An action for simple dissolution shall be commenced by the filing of a joint petition by the parties that contains the following information:
The full legal name, address, and driver's license number of each party to the marriage;
A statement that at least one party is a member of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi residing on the reservation, or that the marriage which is the subject of the petition occurred under the Marriage Code;
A statement that the parties have no children under the age of 18, unless emancipated, or no dependent children together, and neither spouse is pregnant;
The maiden name of a spouse and/or the spouse's name prior to the marriage if different;
The date and the location of the marriage;
The date and location of the separation of the parties;
A statement that there has been a breakdown in the marital relationship to the point that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed, and there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved;
A proposed division of marital property and debt that contains provisions about how personal belongings, assets, property, and their debts are going to be divided once the parties are no longer married. Or a statement that there are no personal belongings, assets, debts, or property such as home(s), car(s), etc;
A statement that neither party is requesting alimony.
Both parties shall appear in person before the Court and, if the Court so directs, testify. The Court, after examination of the petition and the parties and finding the agreement of the parties is fair and equitable, shall enter a judgement granting the dissolution if the requirements of this section have been met.