Editor's note—Ord. No. 831, effective September 28, 2013, amended the title of Title 1, Chapter 6, Article 1. This article was formerly titled "Transient Violations."
Except as otherwise provided by law, in any case in which a person is arrested for a violation of this Code declared to be an infraction or a misdemeanor, the person may be released according to the procedures set forth in the Penal Code of the State for the release of persons arrested for an offense declared to be a misdemeanor.
(Part 2, Ord. 508, eff. July 24, 1975)
Any person who wilfully violates his written promise to appear in court given pursuant to the release procedures set forth in the Penal Code of the State shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and a warrant may be issued for his arrest within 20 days after his failure to appear as promised.
(Part 2, Ord. 508, eff. July 24, 1975)
The Code Enforcement Officer and/or the Building Inspector shall have the duty to enforce the following provisions of this Code as appropriate:
Title 5, except Chapter 4 relating to animals;
Title 7;
Title 9; and
Title 10.
In enforcing such provisions, the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the City Building Inspector, as appropriate, are authorized to arrest persons for violations of such provisions pursuant to Section 836.5 of the Penal Code of the State and release such persons upon their written promises to appear as provided in this chapter.
(Part 1, Ord. 530, eff. October 29, 1976, as amended by § 4, Ord. 697, eff. June 25, 1993)