A City Manager form of government is hereby established for the City.
(§ 1, Ord. 204)
No one shall be eligible for appointment as City Manager who has not served as a City Manager, Administrator, Assistant City Manager, or Deputy thereof for at least three years or, in the alternative, has had at least five years' experience in a responsible executive position. The City Manager need not be a resident of the City unless specifically required by the Council at the time of the appointment.
(§ 2, Ord. 204, as amended by Part 1, Ord. 481, eff. February 21, 1974)
The City Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term and shall be removable at the pleasure of the Council.
(§ 3, Ord. 204)
The City Manager shall be the administrative head of the City government under the direction and control of the Council except as otherwise provided in this chapter. He or she shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all the affairs of the City government which are under his or her control. In addition to his or her general powers as administrative head of the City government, it shall be his or her duty, and he or she shall have the powers set forth as follows:
To see that all laws and ordinances are enforced;
To appoint all appointive officers and employees of the City, upon merit and fitness alone, to have general supervision and control over such officers and employees, and to remove such officers and employees at pleasure;
To exercise general supervision over all privately owned public utilities operated within the City so far as the same are subject to municipal control;
To see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, contracts, permits, and privileges granted by the City are fully observed, and to report to the Council any violation thereof;
To attend all meetings of the Council unless excused therefrom by three members thereof or by the Mayor;
To act as purchasing agent for the City. All purchases shall be made by purchase order signed by the City Manager;
To examine or cause to be examined, without notice, the official conduct of any officer or employee of the City except a Councilmember or member of the Planning Commission;
To keep the Council advised as to the needs of the City;
To prepare and submit to the Council the annual budget estimate and such reports as may be required by the Council, including an annual report of all departments of the City, and to keep or supervise the keeping of a system of budgetary accounting; and to prepare an agenda for each regularly scheduled Council meeting and include a financial statement and a summary of the activities of each department of the City. A copy of the agenda and required reports shall be delivered to each Council member on the Saturday prior to each regularly scheduled Council meeting;
To prepare, or cause to be prepared, plans and specifications for work which the Council may order coming under his or her supervision; and to provide such plans and specifications in sufficient number and in ample time to give full opportunity for all contractors who desire to bid thereon to do so;
To have control, subject to such ordinances as may from time to time be adopted, of all public utilities owned or operated by the City;
To have general supervision over all City property and its use by the public or City employees;
To devote his or her entire time to the discharge of his or her official duties;
To perform such other duties as may be required of him or her by the Council;
From time to time, in order to facilitate the prompt, economical, and efficient dispatch of City business, to organize the work of the departments under his or her control, to assign assistance, deputies, and employees from any office or department of the City government to perform work or service in connection with any other office or department thereof, or to work in more than one of said offices or departments; provided that no such change shall affect the powers and duties of any elective officer of the City;
To audit all statements submitted to the City and report to the Council his recommendations thereon;
To maintain a perpetual inventory of all City property; and
To receive and open all mail addressed to the Council and give immediate attention thereto to the end that all administrative business referred to therein and not requiring Council action may be disposed of expeditiously.
(§ 4, Ord. 204)
The City Manager shall act as agent for the City in the discharge of its administrative functions, but shall not exercise any policy-making or legislative functions nor attempt to commit or bind the Council to any action, plan, or program requiring action by the Council.
(§ 5, Ord. 204)
In the discharge of his or her duties, the City Manager shall endeavor at all times to exercise the highest degree of tact, patience, and courtesy in his or her contacts with the public and with all City officers and employees, to the end that the highest possible standards of public service be continuously maintained.
(§ 6, Ord. 204)
No member of the Council shall in any manner, directly or indirectly, by suggestion or otherwise, attempt to influence or coerce the City Manager in the making or removal of any appointment or the purchase of supplies, or attempt to exact any promise relative to any appointment from any candidate for City Manager, or discuss directly or indirectly with any such candidate the matter of appointments to any City office or employments; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the Council, while in open session, from discussing with or suggesting to the City Manager, fully and freely, anything pertaining to City affairs and for the best interests of the City. The Council and its members shall deal with the administrative services and employees of the City only through the City Manager except for the purpose of inquiry, and neither the Council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinate of the City Manager. Neither the City Manager nor any person in the employ of the City shall take any part in securing, nor shall contribute any money, toward the nomination or election of any candidate for municipal office.
(§ 7, Ord. 204)
In case of the absence of the City Manager, or his or her temporary disability to act as such, the Council shall appoint a Manager Pro Tem who shall possess the powers and discharge the duties of the City Manager during such absence or disability only; provided, however, a Manager Pro Tem shall have no authority to appoint or remove any City officer or employee except with the concurrence of the Council.
(§ 8, Ord. 204)
No person related to the City Manager by consanguinity or affinity with the third degree shall hold any appointive office or employment with the City.
(§ 9, Ord. 204)