The office of Finance Director is hereby created and established.
(§ 1, Ord. 747, eff. October 26, 2000)
The Finance Director shall be the head of the Finance Department of the City under the direction and control of the City Manager. Further, his or her duties and responsibilities shall be as follows:
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 40805.5, as amended, the Finance Director shall be the accounting officer of the City and maintain records readily reflecting the financial condition of the City;
The Finance Director shall cause a summary of the City's financial report required by Government Code Section 53891, as amended, in a form prescribed by the State Controller, to be published not later than 120 days after the close of the City's fiscal year for which the report is compiled, once in a newspaper of general circulation. If there is no such newspaper, he or she shall cause copies of the statement to be posted in three public places in the City designated by ordinance as the places for posting of public notices;
The Finance Director shall also perform those duties set forth for the Finance Director in Section 4-16.205, Article 2, Chapter 16, Title 4 of the Ojai Municipal Code concerning receiving cash bonds for outdoor gatherings in the City;
The Finance Director shall also maintain and operate the general accounting systems of the City and each of the respective departments and divisions and functions thereof, and prescribe such accounting and reporting procedures to be established or in operation in each;
The Finance Director shall assume, maintain and perform all functions and duties as may be assigned by the City Council and/or City Manager pertaining to any fees charged by the City and the collection thereof;
The Finance Director shall assist in the purchase of all services, supplies, goods, equipment or materials which may be necessary for the proper function of the City;
The Finance Director shall prepare and submit such financial data and detail as to keep the City Council and City Manager informed on the financial condition of the City; and
The Finance Director shall perform all other duties as may be imposed upon him or her by law or by direction of the City Manager.
(§ 1, Ord. 747, eff. October 26, 2000)