It shall be unlawful for persons using City parks to do so in a manner which will damage either the manmade or natural features within the Park.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall dig, remove, destroy, injure, mutilate or cut any part of any tree, plant, shrub, or flower growing in any City park.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall destroy, disturb, deface, or remove earth, rock, sand, gravel, oil, minerals, or fossils from any City park.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall disturb any archaeological site or archaeological materials in any City park.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall trap, kill, wound, or mistreat any wild or domesticated animal in any City park.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
The City Manager may grant a permit to remove, destroy, or otherwise disturb plants or animals or geological, historical, or archaeological materials upon finding that such will be in the best interests of the City.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall in any way deface buildings, monuments, fences, benches, or other structures, apparatus, or property or markings by writing upon any building, monument, fence, bench, or other structure.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)