The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the Nordhoff Cemetery, owned by the people of the City and transferred to the City on July 1, 1963, for purposes of operation and maintenance.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
Before any human body or cremated remains thereof may be interred in Nordhoff Cemetery, the following conditions shall exist or have occurred:
The body shall be embalmed and enclosed in a casket.
The casket shall be enclosed in a container.
The cremated remains shall be enclosed in a solid metal container.
A burial permit shall have been obtained from the City Clerk.
All applicable statutes, laws, and regulations of governmental authority shall have been complied with.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
The City Clerk shall issue burial permits, without charge, for the burial of human bodies or cremated remains in Nordhoff Cemetery where the following conditions exist:
The burial lot is owned or has been paid for by the decedent or applicant.
The applicant has obtained from the Council consent to such burial pending purchase of the lot.
The right of the applicant to cause the burial to be made is established to the satisfaction of the City Clerk.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
No memorial or marker may be placed on any lot except with the express permission of the Council or a person authorized by the Council to grant such permission pursuant to standards established by the Council.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
No flower receptacle shall be placed upon any lot unless such receptacle is made of metal.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
All improvements to lots shall be made in accordance with standards established by the Council.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
No more than one body shall be interred in one grave except with the express consent of the Council. In the event of such interment with such consent, the identification of such multiple interment shall be made upon a single memorial or marker.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
The City retains the right, notwithstanding the sale of any cemetery lot or interment herein, to enlarge, reduce, replot, and/or change any boundary or any section of the cemetery, to change or modify the location of roads, driveways, and walks, and to install, maintain, and operate pipelines and gutters for sprinkling or drainage purposes.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
The prices of cemetery lots shall be as established by resolution of the Council.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963, as amended by Part 1, Ord. 512, eff. January 8, 1976)
The Council may establish by ordinance reasonable additional rules and regulations applicable to the Nordhoff Cemetery.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
Deeds to cemetery lots and burial permits issued by the City Clerk shall be deemed to incorporate all the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)
It shall be unlawful for any person having the custody and control of a horse to permit such horse to enter the Nordhoff Cemetery.
(§ 1, Ord. 328, eff. December 12, 1963)