Editor's note—The regulations set forth in this chapter shall take effect on July 1, 2014, in order to allow vendors to use up any remaining stock of prohibited product and to acquire necessary conforming product.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used in this chapter the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
means that a biodegradable, compostable or recyclable product may cost up to 15% more than the purchase cost of the non-biodegradable, non-compostable or non-recyclable alternative(s).
"ASTM standard"
means meeting the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) international standards D6400 or D6868 for biodegradable and compostable plastics, as those standards may be amended.
means the ability of organic matter to break down from a complex to a more simple form through the action of bacteria or to undergo a biodegradation process.
"City of Ojai contractor"
means any person or entity that has a contract with the City of Ojai for work or improvement to be performed, for a franchise, concession, for grant monies, goods and services, or supplies to be purchased at the expense of the City, or to be paid out of monies deposited in the treasury or out of trust monies under the control of or collected by the City of Ojai.
"City of Ojai facility"
means any building, structure or vehicle owned and operated by the City of Ojai, its agents, agencies, and departments.
means all materials in the product or package will break down, or otherwise become part of, usable compost (e.g., soil-conditioning material, mulch) in a safe and timely manner. Compostable disposable food service ware must meet ASTM standards for compostability and any bio-plastics or plasticlike products that are clearly labeled, preferably with a color symbol, to allow proper identification such that the collector and processor can easily distinguish the ASTM standard compostable plastic from non-ASTM standard compostable plastic.
"Disposable food service ware"
is interchangeable with "to go" packaging and "food packaging material" and includes all containers, clamshells, bowls, plates, trays, cartons, cups, beverage containers, lids, straws, stirrers, forks, spoons, knives, napkins and other items designed for one-time use for prepared foods, including, without limitation, service ware for take-out foods and/or leftovers from partially consumed meals prepared by food providers.
"Event promoter"
means an applicant for any special events permit issued by the City or any City employee(s) responsible for any organized special event.
"Food establishment"
means all sales outlets, stores, shops, vehicles, or other places of business located within the City, which operate primarily to sell or convey foods or beverages, which foods or beverages are predominantly contained, wrapped or held in or on packaging. "Food establishment" shall include, but not be limited to, any place where food is prepared, mixed, cooked, baked, smoked, preserved, bottled, packaged, handled, stored, manufactured and sold or offered for sale, including, but not limited to, any fixed or mobile restaurant, drive-in, coffee shop, cafeteria, short-order cafe, delicatessen, luncheonette, grill, sandwich shop, soda fountain, hotel, motel, movie house, theater, bed and breakfast inn, tavern, bar, cocktail lounge, nightclub, roadside stand, take-out prepared food place, industrial feeding establishment, catering kitchen, mobile food preparation unit, commissary, grocery store, public food market, produce stand, food stand, or similar place in which food or drink is prepared for sale, or for service, on the premises or elsewhere, and any other establishment or operation where food is processed, prepared, stored, served or provided for the public; and any organization, group or individual which provides food as part of its service.
"Food provider"
means any individual, business, vendor, organization, entity, or group, including food establishments, as defined herein, located in the City of Ojai that offers food or beverage to the public.
means an individual, business, event promoter, trust, firm, joint stock company, corporation, non-profit, including a government corporation, partnership, or association.
"Polystyrene/plastic foam"
means blown expanded and extruded polystyrene (sometimes called StyrofoamTM) or other plastic foams which are processed by any number of techniques including, but not limited to, fusion of monomer spheres (expanded bead plastic), injection molding, foam molding, and extrusion-blown molding (extruded foam plastic). Polystyrene and other plastic foam is generally used to make cups, beverage containers, bowls, plates, trays, clamshell containers, meat trays, egg cartons, coolers, ice chests, shipping boxes, packing peanuts, and beach or pool toys.
"Prepared food"
means food or beverages, which are served, packaged, cooked, chopped, sliced, mixed, brewed, frozen, squeezed or otherwise prepared on the food provider's premises or within the City of Ojai. Prepared food does not include raw, butchered meats, fish and/or poultry sold from a butcher case or similar establishment.
"Polystyrene/plastic for a products"
means any item such as coolers, ice chests, cups, bowls, plates, clamshells, shipping boxes, containers, cutlery, or and other merchandise containing polystyrene/plastic foam that is not wholly encapsulated or encased by a more durable material.
means any material that is accepted by the recycling program operated by the City of Ojai or its solid waste hauling contractor, including, but not limited to, paper, glass, aluminum, cardboard and plastic bottles, jars and tubs.
means any store or other business that sells goods or merchandise located or operating within the City of Ojai.
(§ 2, Ord. 837, eff. February 28, 2014)
Food providers within the City of Ojai may not provide food in any disposable food service ware that contains polystyrene/plastic foam.
Disposable food service ware that contains polystyrene/plastic foam is prohibited from use in all City of Ojai facilities.
City of Ojai Contractors in the performance of City contracts and events promoters may not provide disposable food service ware that contains polystyrene/plastic foam.
(§ 2, Ord. 837, eff. February 28, 2014)
All food providers in the City of Ojai utilizing disposable food service ware shall use biodegradable, compostable, reusable or recyclable products, unless there is no affordable alternative available as determined by the City Manager or his/her designee (see definition of "Affordable" and Section 5-14.105 Exemptions). Food providers may charge a "take-out fee" to cover the difference in cost.
All City of Ojai facilities utilizing disposable food service ware shall use products that are biodegradable, compostable, reusable or recyclable.
City of Ojai contractors and events promoters utilizing disposable food service ware shall use biodegradable, compostable, reusable or recyclable products while performing under a City of Ojai contract or permit.
(§ 2, Ord. 837, eff. February 28, 2014)
No vendor or event promoter in the City of Ojai may sell, rent or otherwise provide any polystyrene/plastic foam product which is not wholly encapsulated or encased within a more durable material, except as exempted in Section 5-14.105. This specifically includes, but is not limited to, cups, plates, bowls, clamshells and other products intended primarily for food service use, as well as coolers, containers, ice chests, shipping boxes, pool or beach toys, packing peanuts, or other packaging materials.
(§ 2, Ord. 837, eff. February 28, 2014)
There are no exemptions that allow for the use of polystyrene/plastic foam disposable food service ware.
The City Manager or his/her designee may exempt a food provider from the requirement set forth in Section 5-14.103(a) of this chapter for a one-year period upon the food provider showing, in writing, that this chapter would create an undue hardship or practical difficulty not generally applicable to other persons in similar circumstances. The City Manager or his/her designee shall put the decision to grant or deny a one-year exemption in writing, and the decision may be appealed to the City Council in accordance with Section 1-4.01.
Exemptions to allow for the sale of provision of polystyrene/plastic foam products may be granted by the City Manager or his/her designee if the vendor can demonstrate in writing a public health and safety requirement or medical necessity to use the product. The City Manager or his/her designee shall put the decision to grant or deny the exemption in writing and the decision may be appealed to the City Council in accordance with Section 1-4.01.
An exemption application shall include all information and documentation necessary for the City Manager or his/her designee to make a decision, including, but not limited to, documentation showing factual support for the claimed exemption. The City Manager or his/her designee may require the applicant to provide additional information.
The City Manager or his/her designee may approve the exemption application, in whole or in part, with or without conditions.
Foods prepared or packaged outside the City of Ojai and sold inside the City of Ojai are exempt from the provisions of this chapter. Purveyors of food prepared or packaged outside the City of Ojai are encouraged to follow the provisions of this chapter.
Packaging for meat is exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Products made from polystyrene/plastic foam which is wholly encapsulated or encased by a more durable material are exempt from the provisions of this chapter. Examples include surfboards, boats, life preservers, and craft supplies which are wholly encapsulated or encased by a more durable material, and durable coolers principally composed of polystyrene/plastic foam.
Construction products made from polystyrene/plastic foam are exempted from this chapter if the products are used in compliance with City of Ojai Municipal Code Title 9, Building Regulation, or Title 5, Chapter 12, Storm Water Quality Management, and used in a manner preventing the polystyrene/plastic foam from being released into the environment.
Emergency supply and services procurement. In a situation deemed by the City Manager to be an emergency for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, City facilities, food vendors, City franchises, contractors and vendors doing business with the City shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Polystyrene/plastic foam packaging products which have been received from sources outside the City may be reused in order to keep them out of the waste stream.
(§ 2, Ord. 837, eff. February 28, 2014)
Violations of this chapter are subject to the provisions of Title 1, Chapter 2 of the Ojai Municipal Code. The City Manager or his/her designee may allow the violating provider, in lieu of payment of any fine levied, to submit receipts, in an amount at least equal to the amount of the fine, demonstrating the purchase after the citation date, of an amount of biodegradable, compostable or recyclable products appropriate as an alternative disposable food service ware.
(§ 2, Ord. 837, eff. February 28, 2014)