Editor's note—Sections 6-2.01 through 6-2.08, added by Ord. No. 171, amended in their entirety by Ord. No. 428, effective May 27, 1971.
For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this chapter are defined as follows:
shall mean any person engaged in, conducting, managing or carrying on the business of loaning money. whether for himself or any other person, upon personal property, pawns, or pledges, or the business of purchasing articles of personal property and reselling, or agreeing to resell, such articles to the vendor or his assignee or assignees at prices agreed upon at, or before, the time of purchase.
shall mean any room, store, or place in which the business of a pawnbroker is carried on or conducted.
"Secondhand dealer"
shall mean any person who, in the course of business, buys, sells, or deals in secondhand goods, wares, or merchandise, other than motor vehicles, and whether such person is engaged solely in such purchase, sale, or dealing or buys, sells, or deals therein in connection with engaging in, conducting, managing, or carrying on another business, similar or dissimilar; provided, however, any person who accepts secondhand goods, wares, or merchandise in part payment, and coincidentally with the sale by him or her of new goods, wares, or merchandise in the regular course of his business, shall not, with respect to such goods, wares, or merchandise so acquired, be deemed to be a secondhand dealer within the purview of this chapter.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
Every pawnbroker and secondhand dealer shall make out and deliver to the Chief of Police, on a blank form to be obtained by such pawnbroker or secondhand dealer from the office of the Chief of Police for that purpose, a full and complete report of all goods, wares, merchandise, or things acquired or received on deposit, pledged, or purchased during the day preceding the filing of such report; provided, however, no report need be filed for any day in which no such goods, wares, merchandise, or things were acquired, received on deposit, pledged, or purchased.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
The report required by Section 6-2.02 of this chapter shall show the hour of the day when such article was acquired, received on deposit, pledged, or purchased and the true name and address, as nearly as known or can be ascertained by such pawnbroker or secondhand dealer, of the person by whom such article was left, left on deposit, pledged, or sold, together with a description of such person. The description to be given of every such person shall show the style, color of mustache or beard, or both, where the same was worn, and, if neither is worn, such fact should be noted. If a pawn, such report shall also show the number of the pawn ticket, the amount loaned, and a complete description of each article left on deposit or pledged. If any article so left on deposit, pledged, or purchased has engraved thereon any number, word, or initial, or contains any settings of any kind, the description of such article in such report shall contain such number, word, or initial and shall show the kind of settings and the number of each kind. Blanks to be obtained from the office of the Chief of Police, as provided in Section 6-2.02 of this chapter, shall bear a caption providing blank spaces in which shall be written or printed the date of such report, the name and place of business of the person making the report, and the hour of the day when the report is received at the office of the Chief of Police. Such blanks shall be so printed and subdivided as to contain spaces with proper captions for the furnishing of the information required by this section. A copy of this section and Section 6-2.02 of this chapter shall be printed upon each such blank or upon the back thereof.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
Every pawnbroker and secondhand dealer shall keep a complete record of all goods, wares, merchandise, or things pledged to, purchased, or received by him, which record shall contain all of the matters required by him or her to be shown in the reports referred to and described in Section 6-2.03 of this chapter. Every such record and all goods, wares, merchandise, and things pledged to, purchased, or received by any such pawnbroker or secondhand dealer shall be open at all times during business hours to the inspection of the Chief of Police or any police officer of the City.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
The Chief of Police shall file in a secure place in his office all reports received pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and such reports shall be open to inspection only by persons charged with the enforcement of this chapter or upon an order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
It shall be unlawful for any pawnbroker to sell or dispose of any article or thing within 21 days after such article or thing has been purchased or received by such pawnbroker.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in conducting, managing, or carrying on the business of a pawnbroker or secondhand dealer, or for any agent or employee of any such person, to accept any pledge of, or to loan any money upon, personal property, or to purchase or receive any goods, wares, merchandise, article, or thing, or in any manner whatsoever to engage in or conduct any such business between the hours of 10:00 p.m. of one day and 6:00 a.m. of the following day.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)
Every pawnbroker and secondhand dealer shall maintain on the premises where such business is located a sign, plainly printed in the English language of sufficient size so that the sign may be easily read from the sidewalk in front of such place of business, stating that he is a pawnbroker or secondhand dealer. Where such business is conducted in an office building, the sign shall be placed at the door to such office. Where such business is conducted in a department of any building, the sign shall be placed at the entrance of such department.
(Part I, Ord. 428, eff. May 27, 1971)