The City finds that there is a recurring problem that public discussion of proposed multi-family rental housing development projects with deed-restricted affordable units results in failed communication because the commonly understood meaning of "affordable" and the legal meaning of "affordable to persons of moderate, low, very-low, extremely low, or acutely low income" are not the same. The City adopts the ordinance codified in this chapter to regulate certain aspects of written commercial speech by developers to require precision, clarity, and transparency, thereby helping to ensure that written communications by developers about a proposed deed-restricted affordable multi-family rental housing project include accurate information about the anticipated maximum rent levels, stated in publicly understandable "dollars per month" figures.
(§ 2, Ord. 944, eff. December 28, 2023)
For purposes of this chapter the following terms are defined as follows.
means any of the following persons or entities: the applicant of record for any proposed rental housing development project; the property owner or owners of any proposed rental housing development project, if not the same as the applicant of record; and any person or entity acting on their behalf.
"Proposed rental housing development project"
means any proposed multi-family housing development project in the City of Ojai with at least one deed-restricted affordable unit.
(§ 2, Ord. 944, eff. December 28, 2023)
A developer of any proposed rental housing development project must include in every written communication to the public regarding the project, and in the developer's first written communication to the City regarding the project, and in subsequent written communications to the City if the project description changes, the following information, in at least 12 point font:
The anticipated maximum household income limits in dollars per year and the anticipated maximum rents for each proposed deed-restricted affordable unit stated in dollars owed for rent each month, calculated using the current affordable housing State income limits as published by the State Department of Housing and Community Development effective at the time of the communication for the applicable affordable unit type [moderate, low, very low, extremely low, or acutely low income], bedroom count, and maximum occupancy limit of each type of deed-restricted affordable unit for sample households of one person, two people, and four people, as applicable given each unit's type and bedroom count and anticipated financing requirements;
A statement that the anticipated maximum deed-restricted affordable unit rents, stated in dollars per month, may change as income limits change under State law, and that the applicable income limits for each type of affordable unit are maximum combined household income limits and that the anticipated maximum rents may vary by each unit's bedroom count and other factors as required by applicable law;
The number, bedroom count, and type [moderate, low, very low, extremely low, or acutely low income] of deed-restricted affordable units proposed within the project, including "zero" for any unit type not included in the project;
The number of years of each deed-restricted affordable unit's deed-restriction;
The number and proposed size, in square feet and bedroom count, of each proposed market rate, unrestricted unit proposed within the project;
A statement that the market rate, unrestricted units would have no restrictions on rents, unless otherwise provided by law; and
Whether, and how, the project complies with the requirements to replace any housing units protected by applicable law from demolition without replacement, including under the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, Government Code Section 66300, et seq., Ojai Municipal Code Section 10-2.904, and any other applicable law protecting housing units from demolition without replacement.
(§ 2, Ord. 944, eff. December 28, 2023)
Code enforcement officers, and any other person designated by the City Manager shall enforce this chapter and may publish written regulations in the manner required by law for the publication of ordinances and may take any and all other actions rational and necessary to enforce this chapter.
In addition to any other remedies available by law and under this Code, a violation of this chapter is subject to the administrative enforcement provisions of Section 1-2.03 of this Code.
The remedies specified in this chapter shall be cumulative and the City may resort to any other remedy available at law or in equity and resort to any one remedy shall not cause an election precluding the use of any other remedy with respect to a violation.
The City Attorney may seek injunctive, legal, or other equitable relief to enforce this chapter.
Violations of this chapter shall not affect the validity or invalidity of any land use entitlement or development permit approved by the City of Ojai. Revocation of any land use entitlement or development permit must proceed separately under other applicable provisions of this Code and State law.
(§ 2, Ord. 944, eff. December 28, 2023)