The provisions of this article shall apply to permits for the laying, constructing, reconstructing, or repairing of curbs, sidewalks, gutters, driveways, highway surfaces, retaining walls, storm drains, culverts, highway lights or lighting systems, or other appurtenance structures.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987)
If, in the opinion of the Director, the work proposed to be done requires the making of plans or the setting of stakes, or both, the Director may require that the application be accompanied by the necessary plans, which plans shall be prepared by a competent licensed engineer.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987)
Before a permittee performs any work prescribed in this chapter, he shall obtain from the City the approved lines and grades therefor.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987)
Driveways shall be constructed of cement concrete where a cement concrete curb exists.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987)
A driveway shall not be constructed or maintained where fences, buildings, natural grades, or any other obstacle will prevent a vehicle from being stored entirely off the public right-of-way after entering such driveway.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987)
The width of an individual driveway shall be considered as being the net width thereof, exclusive of side slopes and returns, measured along the line of the curb or center line of the highway. The width of an individual driveway or aggregate widths shall be as prescribed in the adopted City Standards.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987, as amended by § 3, Ord. 673, eff. June 8, 1990)
The minimum intervening distance between the side slopes or returns of adjacent driveways serving the same lot or parcel shall be 25 feet. In the case of adjacent driveways serving two adjoining lots or parcels, the intervening distance between the side slopes or returns shall be at a minimum of three feet.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987, as amended by § 4, Ord. 673, eff. June 8, 1990)
Where topographical or traffic conditions are such that a modification of the provisions of Section 7-1.202 of Article 2 of this chapter or Section 7-1.305, 7-1.306, or 7-1.307 of this article is necessary for the promotion of traffic safety, and the Director so finds, he may permit a deviation from the provisions of said sections to the extent he finds necessary.
(§ 1, Ord. 645, eff. March 12, 1987, as amended by § 5, Ord. 673, eff. June 8, 1990)