No uninhabited territory shall be annexed to the City unless and until there has been paid to the City for deposit in its General Fund an annexation fee; provided, however, where annexation procedures are initiated by action of the Council, there shall be no annexation fee.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961, as amended by § 1, Ord. 399, eff. August 21, 1968)
For the purposes of this chapter, uninhabited territory shall have the meaning prescribed by Section 35303 of the Government Code of the State.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961)
Such fees shall be equal to the amount required to meet the expense of the publication of legal notices of the proposed annexation as required by State laws.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961, as amended by § 1, Ord. 314, eff. April 24, 1963, and § 1, Ord. 399, eff. August 21, 1968)
Such fees shall be determined and paid with respect to each proposed annexation as a condition precedent to the effective date of final discretionary action by the Council with respect to such annexation.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961)
In the event that uninhabited territory annexed requires the extension of streets, sewers, or other City utilities, it shall be the policy of the Council not to take final discretionary action approving the proposed annexation until arrangements are made for such extensions to be made without cost to the City. Such arrangements may provide for the owners of the uninhabited territory to be annexed to make such extensions at their own expense, or in the alternative may provide for the City to make such extensions and for such owners to reimburse the City for their cost.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961)
In the absence of special circumstances, it shall be the policy of the Council to not take final discretionary action approving any proposed annexation unless the territory to be annexed will be subject to taxation to pay all then existing bonded indebtedness of the City.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961)
In the absence of special circumstances, it shall be policy of the Council not to take final discretionary action approving any proposed uninhabited territory unless the improvements in the territory proposed to be annexed comply in all respects with then existing City regulations applicable to improvements, including, but without limitation, regulations relating to fire protection, trailer parks, buildings, plumbing, electrical installations, sign regulations, and zoning regulations.
(§ 1, Ord. 280, eff. August 1, 1961)