The purpose of Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 33 (Interpretations) is to ensure the consistent interpretation and application of the provisions of these Zoning Regulations and the General Plan.
(§ 3, Ord. 771, eff. February 13, 2004, as amended by § 109, Ord. 941, eff. November 10, 2023)
The Director shall have the responsibility and authority to interpret the meaning and applicability of all provisions and requirements of these Zoning Regulations.
Terminology. When used in these Zoning Regulations, the words "shall," "will," "is to," and "are to" are always mandatory. "Should" is not mandatory but is strongly recommended; and "may" is permissive. The present tense includes the past and future tenses; and the future tense includes the present. The singular number includes the plural number, and the plural the singular, unless the natural construction of the word indicates otherwise. The words "include," "includes," and "including" mean "including, but not limited to...".
Number of days. Whenever a number of days is specified in these Zoning Regulations, or in any permit, condition of approval, or notice issued or given as provided in these Zoning Regulations, the number of days shall be construed as calendar days, unless business days are specified. Time limits will extend to the following business day where the last of the specified number of days falls on a day that the City is not open for business, except as otherwise provided for by the Subdivision Map Act.
State law requirements. Where these Zoning Regulations reference applicable provisions of State law (for example, the California Government Code, Subdivision Map Act, Public Resources Code), the reference shall be construed to be to the applicable State law provisions as they may be amended from time to time.
Minimum requirements. When interpreting and applying the regulations of these Zoning Regulations, all provisions shall be considered to be minimum requirements, unless stated otherwise (e.g., height limits and site coverage requirements for structures, and the numbers and size of signs allowed are maximums, not minimums).
Conflicting requirements.
These Zoning Regulations and Municipal Code provisions. If conflicts occur between requirements of these Zoning Regulations, or between these Zoning Regulations and other regulations of the City, the most restrictive shall apply.
Development agreements. When conflicts occur between the requirements of these Zoning Regulations and standards adopted as part of any development agreement, the requirements of the development agreement shall apply.
Private agreements. These Zoning Regulations apply to all land uses and development regardless of whether they impose a greater or lesser restriction on the development or use of structures or land than a private agreement or restriction, without affecting the applicability of any agreement or restriction. The City shall not enforce any private covenant or agreement unless it is a party to the covenant or agreement.
(§ 3, Ord. 771, eff. February 13, 2004)
A written request for an interpretation of the provisions of these Zoning Regulations or the General Plan may be filed, together with all required fees, with the Department in compliance with Section 10-2.1805. The request shall state the provisions of these Zoning Regulations and/or General Plan in question, and provide any information to assist in its review. The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Commission. The decision of the Commission may be appealed to the Council.
(§ 3, Ord. 771, eff. February 13, 2004)
All applications shall be subject to the applicable provisions of these Zoning Regulations, including the procedures identified in the following: Section 10-2.1805, Application Filing; Article 29, Public Hearings; Article 30, Appeals.
(§ 3, Ord. 771, eff. February 13, 2004)