Parking prohibited in certain places.
An operator may not park, stand, or store any vehicle in the front yard, rear yard, or side yard unless the vehicle is parked on hard paved surface of concrete or asphalt not less than nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet, or at least of sufficient size to accommodate the horizontal area projected by the extreme limits of the vehicle. A vehicle may be parked or stored on an unpaved surface in the side yard or rear yard provided it is screened from public view by a solid fence that is not less than six (6) feet tall. Items parked or stored in or on a side yard shall maintain a minimum three-foot clearance to the property lines. No more than two vehicles shall at any one time be parked in the rear yard of a residential lot of less than one-half acre, and no more than three vehicles shall be parked in the rear yard of a residential lot of one-half acre or more in size. On residential lots greater than one acre in size, farm implements shall be exempted from the requirements of this subsection and shall not count as vehicles in calculating the maximum number allowed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, vehicles which are parked in an enclosed garage or carport shall not count as vehicles in calculating the maximum number allowed, and shall be permitted in unlimited numbers.
Parking space requirements.
All parking spaces constructed for the purposes of abating this nuisance shall be constructed with a driveway adjoining an existing on-site driveway or with a driveway and approach adjoining a public right-of-way. All screening fences constructed for the purpose of abating this nuisance shall comply with setbacks contained in the city's code.
Properties that do not have an existing concrete or asphalt driveway as of the effective date of this article shall be exempt from this requirement. In the event that a concrete or asphalt driveway is constructed after the effective date of this article, the provisions of this section shall apply.
[Ord. No. 1493-24 adopted 3/11/2024]
Parking prohibited.
An operator may not stop, stand, or park any automobile, boat, trailer, or any other type of vehicle upon any private property, including parking lots or driveways of residential or commercial lots with any type of sign or writing upon the vehicle which offers the vehicle for sale. The owner or person entitled to possession of any real property commits an offense by allowing the parking of a vehicle on the property that violates this section.
It is a defense to prosecution under this section if the vehicle is offered for sale upon real property on which a certificate of occupancy has been issued for automobile sales, or if the vehicle is offered for sale on private residential property and no more than two vehicles have been offered for sale upon that property within any one calendar year.
[Ord. No. 1493-24 adopted 3/11/2024]
Parking prohibited in residential areas.
No person shall park or store any oversized commercial vehicle or commercial equipment upon any private property located in a district zoned for residential use including any portion of a front yard, driveway, side yard, or rear yard unless the oversized commercial vehicle or commercial equipment is:
Parked in a district zoned for residential use between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of providing a service to an adjacent residential property; or
Parked or stored in an enclosed building constructed in compliance with all other codes and ordinances of the city.
It shall be a defense to prosecution under this section if the oversized commercial motor vehicle or commercial equipment is:
Utilized in providing an urgent service to a business or residence which cannot be performed during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; or
Utilized by the city (or its contractor) or by a public or franchise utility (or its contractor) in constructing, maintaining, or repairing public infrastructure.
[Ord. No. 1493-24 adopted 3/11/2024]