It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle including motor bikes, motorcycles, mini-bikes and automobiles upon any public school ground located in the city.
[Code 1984, ch. 10, § 36]
Riding motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and motorbikes on public property prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a motorcycle, ATV or motorbike on any unpaved public property or on any public sidewalk or on any paved or unpaved public property along a street and behind the curb or on any paved or unpaved shoulder of a public road.
Riding motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and motorbikes on private property restricted.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a motorcycle, ATV or motorbike on any utility easement, vacant lot, or any other unpaved private property not owned by the rider, or his immediate family, without the express written consent of the owner carried on the rider's person.
[Code 1984, ch. 10, § 37]
No person shall drive, operate or park a motor vehicle upon or over a sidewalk within the corporate limits of the city.
No person shall drive, operate or park a motor vehicle upon, across or over a curb in any public street within the corporate limits of the city.
No person shall turn or maneuver any vehicle upon any street, sidewalk or curb within the corporate limits of the city in such a way as to cause damage to the surface or structure of such street, sidewalk or curb.
No person shall park or leave unattended a bicycle upon a street or sidewalk as to obstruct traffic or pedestrian movement.
The owner of a motor vehicle used in driving, operating, or parking upon or over a street, sidewalk or curb in violation of this section is presumed to be the driver or operator of the motor vehicle so driven, operated or parked in violation of this section. The presumption shall be rebuttable and shall have the effects and consequences set forth in V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 2.05.
Any person causing damage to any street, sidewalk or curb shall, in addition to such criminal penalty specified in this section, be liable in a civil suit or proceeding for all damages, attorneys fees and costs which the city shall incur or sustain as a result of such damage and the recovery thereof.
[Code 1984, ch. 10, § 24; Ord. No. 1493-24 adopted 3/11/2024]
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor-assisted scooter on any alley, street or highway within the city, including the parkway of any alley, street or highway.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor-assisted scooter on any public property, including but not limited to, any public park, easement, sidewalk, trail, path or parking lot, within the city, except for paths and trails which are expressly posted as allowing such use, and for paths and trails reserved for the exclusive operation of bicycles.
A neighborhood electric vehicle may only be operated on a street or highway within the city, including the parkway of any alley, street or highway, for which the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less.
[Ord. No. 977-03, § 2, 12-9-2003; Ord. No. 1340-17, § 1, 11-13-2017]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Parking area
means a privately owned or publicly owned access way or parking area commonly used by the general public without charge, maintained for the convenience of customers, clients, or patrons of one or more business establishments or public offices.
[Code 1984, ch. 7, § 14(A)]
No person in control or possession of a motor vehicle in a parking area may:
Accelerate or race the motor of a vehicle so as to cause a loud noise in a manner calculated to disturb the person or persons present or nearby;
Bring a motor vehicle to a sudden stop or start or sound the horn of the vehicle when there is no necessity for the protection of a person or property in such a manner calculated to disturb the person or persons present or nearby; or
Hold a race or contest for speed with another vehicle or vehicles without the written consent of the parking area owner or his authorized representatives.
[Code 1984, ch. 7, § 14(B)]
No person in a parking area may:
Fight with another person;
Use loud, obscene, vulgar, indecent language, swear, curse, yell or shriek in such a manner calculated to disturb the person or persons present or nearby;
Throw any object capable of causing bodily harm or property damage at another person or property with intent to injure or damage;
Congregate with another person or persons or loiter after entering the premises and willfully refuse to leave after the premises have been posted for no loitering and/or having been notified to leave by the owner or the person in possession and control of the premises, his agent, or a police officer.
[Code 1984, ch. 10, § 14(C)]
No person may throw or deposit any trash, litter or other waste on a parking area in any place other than receptacles provided for that purpose.
[Code 1984, ch. 7, § 14(D)]