[Ord. No. 23-17, 11-21-2023]
Every public street, walkway, and greenways trail right-of-way in Battlefield should be planned, designed, constructed, maintained, and operated to the fullest extent feasible to provide a transportation system such that all users will have transportation options to safely and conveniently travel to their destinations.
[Ord. No. 23-17, 11-21-2023]
The transportation system should accommodate all users, including pedestrians with different abilities, bicycles, motorized two-wheel vehicles, automobiles, buses, and trucks.
Individual streets and off-street transportation facilities serve different functions and user needs, and these needs require flexibility in planning and design to balance the needs and unique circumstances of all users of the street and the surrounding neighborhoods and activity centers.
The Complete Streets Policy will guide the development of a transportation system that creates a network for all modes of travel and includes all roadways and trails within the community that encourages multiple connections to destinations.
Each phase in the life of a roadway, including planning, design, construction, rehabilitation, restoration, operations, and maintenance will be an opportunity to improve the integration of all transportation modes into the roadway.
[Ord. No. 23-17, 11-21-2023]
Elements to accommodate all users, including traffic calming where appropriate and integration of environmentally friendly elements such as landscaping and water quality features, will be considered with the development and modification of design standards and best practices.
Street design solutions shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the community.
The City Administrator or their designate will review all policies, standards, design guidelines for construction of streets and public improvement plans for street construction and provide analysis and recommendations to the City Staff and respective departments regarding conformance to this policy. The Planning and Zoning Commission will provide input and guidance to the City Administrator and other City staff in the development and implementation of strategic plans, standards, design guidelines, and project prioritization for construction of streets and public improvements.
Any design exception to this policy requires review and approval of the City Administrator or their designee.
Planners, engineers, and inspectors will be trained and/or retrained as needed in the art of providing for and balancing the needs of all users.
The City Administrator will prepare an annual report for the Board of Aldermen summarizing progress towards a system of complete streets and transportation facilities in the community.
Design standards will be updated as needed to encompass the safety of all users consistent with the type of roadway, rights-of-way and function.
Performance measures and data collection procedures will be created as needed to track how well the streets are encouraging and serving all users.