Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote land use compatibility, traffic safety, and to improve air quality by providing sufficient off-street parking and maneuvering areas on appropriate surfaces for all uses.
Applicability of Standards. Every use or additions shall, prior to building, occupancy, or permit issuance, provide off-street parking and traffic movement areas consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
Minimum Standards. The standards in this chapter are considered minimums, and more extensive parking provisions as a condition of project approval may be required by a review authority for a discretionary permit.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
New Parking Facilities. The design of new parking facilities not otherwise exempt from the requirements of this chapter shall be reviewed in conjunction with the Building Permit and any other land use or development permit required for a project. A site plan shall be submitted to the Director in conjunction with the required permit(s) and shall include sufficient detail to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Modification of Existing Parking Facilities. Modification or improvement to an existing parking facility that changes the parking space layout, configuration, number of stalls, or landscaping shall first require Director review and approval.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
The following parking facility improvements are considered minor in nature in that the number or configuration of parking spaces is not altered. These and similar minor improvements shall be exempt from permit requirements:
Resurfacing, slurry coating, and re-striping of a parking area with identical delineation of parking spaces;
Repair or replacement of damaged planters and curbs in the same location; and
Repair of any defects in the surface of the parking area, including holes and cracks.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Parking Spaces Required by Type of Use. Table 3-8 (Off-Street Parking Space Requirements) includes the number of off-street parking spaces required for specific land uses. These standards shall apply at the time a new structure is erected, when an existing structure is altered or enlarged, when a new land use is established, and/or when a land use is intensified by the addition of floor space or seating capacity, unless otherwise specified in this chapter.
Uses Not Listed. Where the parking requirements for a land use are not specifically listed in Table 3-8 (Off-Street Parking Space Requirements), below, the parking requirements for the use shall be determined by the director. The director shall establish a parking standard based on the similarity and parking demand of listed uses.
Calculation of Spaces Required.
Gross Floor Area. For this chapter, "floor area" for offices, merchandising, or service types of uses shall mean the gross floor area used, or intended to be used, for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients, patients, or tenants, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for display or sale of merchandise. Floor area does not include areas used principally for non-public purposes, including kitchens, storage, incidental repair, processing or packaging of merchandise, show windows, offices incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or structures, toilet or restrooms, utilities, dressing rooms, or fitting or alteration rooms.
Fractional Spaces. Fractional parking space requirements shall be rounded up to the next whole space.
Parking Required On Site. All required parking shall be located on the same parcel or development site as the uses served, except for parking located off site in compliance with Section 18.38.130 (Off-Site Designated Parking: Alternate Parking Location).
Parking in Density Bonus Projects. For the number of parking spaces required for density bonus projects see Section 18.66.050(B) (Parking Requirements in Density Bonus Projects: Number of Parking Spaces Required).
Permanent Availability Required. Each required parking and loading space shall be permanently available and maintained for parking purposes for the use it is intended to serve.
Storage of Inoperable Vehicles-Residential Zones. All motor vehicles incapable of movement under their own power, other than in cases of emergency, shall be stored in an entirely enclosed space or carport in any residential zone. Exceptions to this provision shall be for all agricultural zones.
Restrictions. The parking of vehicles shall not obstruct sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, and vehicular driveways and aisles.
Multi-Ton Vehicle Restrictions.
Residential Zones. The on-street and front setback storage, keeping, or maintaining of commercial vehicles of more than five-ton rating, except recreational vehicles, is prohibited in the R-1, R-1-5000, R-2, R-3, R-4, and M-H zones. See Merced County Code Section 11.12.040 (Parking Commercial Vehicles in Residential Districts). Nonconforming status shall not be granted.
Residential Parking Location. For all residential uses, required off-street parking areas shall be located not more than 200 feet from and conveniently accessible to the dwelling unit served by the parking space.
Nonconforming Parking and Loading. Land uses and structures that are nonconforming due solely to the lack of off-street parking or loading facilities required by this chapter, shall be subject to the provisions of Article 5 (Nonconformities).
ADA Accessible Parking.
ADA accessible parking shall be provided in compliance with the requirements in Table 3-9 (ADA Parking Space Requirements) and with the standards specified in the Building Code.
ADA parking spaces shall be a minimum of 14 feet wide by 19 feet in length.
ADA accessible parking spaces shall be located to minimize travel distance to primary structure entrances and shall attempt to avoid conditions in which any disabled person is required to wheel or walk behind parked vehicles while traveling to or from parking spaces to the primary structure entrances.
One- and two-family residential units are exempted from the ADA Accessible Parking Standards.
Accessory Dwelling Unit Parking.
Required Parking. One additional off-street parking space shall be provided for an ADU, except that parking is not required for an ADU in any of the following instances:
The ADU is located within one-half mile of public transit; or
The ADU is part of an existing accessory structure.
Tandem Parking. A parking space for an ADU may be provided as tandem parking on an existing driveway.
Conversion. When an existing garage is converted to an ADU, or when a carport or covered parking structure is demolished in conjunction with the construction of an ADU, the required replacement spaces must be located on the same parcel and may be covered, uncovered, or tandem spaces.
Table 3-8
Off-Street Parking Space Requirements
Land Use
Number of Spaces Required
Residential Uses
Accessory dwelling units
1 space per ADU.
Short-term rentals
1 space per short-term rental, and the parking space requirements per single-family dwelling as specified below.
Mobile home park or trailer park
2 spaces for each unit or 1 space for seniors (62 years or older), plus 1 guest space for every 5 units; spaces may be tandem.
1 1/4 spaces per 1 bedroom, 2 spaces for each unit having 2-4 bedrooms, or 3 spaces for 5 or more bedrooms or rooms which could be used as bedrooms, plus 1 guest space for every 5 units. At least 1 space for each unit shall be covered with a garage or carport.
Single- and two-family dwelling
2 spaces per dwelling unit with up to 4 bedrooms, dwelling units with 5 or more bedrooms require 3 spaces at least 1 of which shall be a covered garage or carport (each space must be at least 9 feet by 19 feet).
Single room occupancy (SRO)
1 space per unit or bedroom, 1 space for an on-site manager where applicable, and 1 space for each additional employee.
Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Uses
Assisted living facility
1/2 space per residential unit, plus 1 space per every shift employee.
Colleges; art, craft, music, and dancing schools; and business, professional and trade schools
1 space for every employee, plus 1 space for every 4 students at planned capacity or 1 space for every 4 auditorium seats, whichever is greater.
Commercial indoor and outdoor recreation
1 space for every 4 persons of allowed maximum facility capacity or occupancy.
Convalescent homes, nursing homes, and sanitariums
1 space per staff or visiting doctor, plus one space per 2 employees, plus 1 space for every 4 beds.
Day care centers
1 space for every employee, plus 2 spaces, plus 1 loading space for every 5 children.
Day care homes
2 spaces per dwelling unit, at least 1 space of which shall be a covered garage or carport.
Elementary schools
1 space for every employee, plus 1 3/4 spaces for each classroom, plus a bus loading area.
Emergency shelters
1 space per 10 occupants, plus 1 space for each staff member.
Golf course and driving range
4 spaces for each hole on the course, and 1 space for each tee driving range.
1 space for every 3 beds, plus 1 space per staff doctor, plus 1 space for every 3 staff.
1 space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space per every 5 seats in meeting rooms.
Middle and high schools
1 space for every employee, plus 2 1/2 spaces for each classroom, plus a bus loading area.
Park and recreational use
1 space for every 5,000 square feet of active recreational area within a park or playground.
Places of assembly
1 space for every 4 seats or 1 space for every 50 square feet of net floor area for assembly, whichever is greater.
Theater, auditorium, sports arena, stadium, gymnasium
1 space for every 5 permanent seats or 40 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater, plus 1 space for each shift employee.
Value added agricultural uses and activities (e.g., agricultural tourism, agricultural retail, equestrian facilities)
1 space for each 225 square feet of gross retail floor area, plus 1 space for every 2 shift employees, plus at least 1 space for each truck associated with the operation.
Retail Uses
All other professional offices
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Banks, lending agencies, financial and governmental institutions, public utility offices (including drive-up facilities)
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Boat sales, mobile home sales, retail nurseries, and other open uses not in a structure
1 space for every 3,000 square feet of gross floor area, 1 space for each facility vehicle, plus 1 space for each employee. There shall be a minimum of 4 spaces.
Food establishments with take-out provisions only
1 space for every 200 square feet of gross floor area, 1 space for each facility vehicle, plus 1 space for each shift employee. There shall be a minimum of 4 spaces.
Hotel and motels
1 space per guestroom, plus an additional 6 spaces.
Medical, dental, optometry, veterinarian, or chiropractic offices and clinics
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, or 6 spaces per doctor, whichever is less.
Research facilities
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Restaurant, cafe, night club, tavern, and other similar places where food or refreshments are dispensed
1 space for every 3 seats or 100 square feet of gross floor area devoted to dining, whichever is greater, plus 1 space for each shift employee.
Restaurant with take-out service, walk-up, or drive-up windows and roadside stands
1 space for every 3 seats or 100 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater, plus 1 space for each shift employee, plus 8 spaces or 8 auto waiting spaces for each exterior service window.
Retail uses of any type, unless otherwise listed below
1 space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Service stations and vehicle repair
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each employee, but not less than 3 spaces total (service bays shall not be counted as part of the required parking).
Shopping centers (projects over 200,000 square feet of gross floor area)
1 space per 275 square feet of gross floor area.
Temporary or limited term produce stand (selling products grown on the property)
1 space for each 225 square feet of gross retail floor area, plus 1 space for every 2 shift employees, plus at least 1 space for each truck associated with the operation.
Vehicle sales and repair
1 space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Industrial Uses
Industrial uses of any type, unless listed below, including warehouses or structures used exclusively for storage purposes
1 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each facility vehicle.
Machinery sales and wholesale stores
1 space for every 800 square feet of gross floor area.
Public facility (e.g., communication equipment structure or electrical substation)
1 space for every shift employee.
Truck/car wash and maintenance facility
1 1/2 spaces per service bay, plus 1 space per every shift employee.
Table 3-9
ADA Parking Space Requirements
Number of Off-Street Vehicle Spaces Provided
Minimum Number of ADA Accessible Parking Spaces Required
Over 500
One for each 200 additional spaces
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
The Director shall have the authority to review and modify parking requirements (per request of the applicant) in nonconforming parking situations to encourage economic development.
The parking for any structure(s) or use that becomes substandard by the adoption of this chapter, but which was lawful prior thereto, shall be considered nonconforming. A nonconformity may continue, but any enlargement or expansion of the structure or use shall require the provision of the required number of parking spaces or parking area for the expansion area or use as specified in this chapter. Any change of occupancy or use of an existing structure or parcel, which requires more parking spaces, shall provide the additional parking as required by this chapter.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Required off-street parking, circulation, and access areas shall be used exclusively for the temporary parking and maneuvering of vehicles and shall not be used for the sale, lease, display, repair, or storage of vehicles, trailers, boats, campers, mobile homes, merchandise, or equipment, or for any other use not authorized by the provisions of this Code.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions. Parking lots shall be designed and constructed as indicated in Table 3-10 (Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions) and Figure 3-11 ( Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements).
Table 3-10
Minimum Off-Street Parking Dimensions
Parking Angle
Space Width
Curb Length
Space Depth
Drive Aisle
0 (Parallel)
24 (two-way aisle)
Figure 3-11 Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Maximum Number. For any commercial, office, mixed-use, or multi-family development, up to 20 percent of the required off-street parking spaces may consist of compact parking spaces.
Size. Each compact parking space shall be not less than 15 feet in length and eight feet in width, exclusive of aisles and access drives.
Compact Space Designation. All parking spaces for compact vehicles shall be designated with the word "Compact" on the pavement at the opening of the space.
Tandem Parking. No parking space shall be so located as to require the moving of any vehicle on the premises to enter or leave any other stall. The preceding sentence does not apply if a parking facility has an attendant always present during the use of the facility.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Valet Parking Service License Required. A valet parking service license is required for the operation of valet parking and requires the approval of an Administrative Permit. A valet parking service license shall include the following information:
The name and location of the business to be served;
The hours of operation and the number of employees of the operator who will be assigned to carry out the activity;
Seating or occupancy capacity of the business applying for the license;
A statement from the owner or manager requesting the consideration of the application;
The location where the vehicles will be temporarily parked or stored for the business served;
The location of the designated passenger loading zone;
The routes to be used between the passenger loading zone or other vehicle pickup points and the temporary parking or storage location;
A certificate of general liability insurance subject to approval by the Director;
A statement from the operator of any parking facility designated as the temporary parking or storage location as to that facility's ability to accept 50 percent of the required off-site parking for vehicles, the number of spaces to be reserved for the licensee's operation, the total number of spaces in the parking facility, and estimates of the percent usage of the facility prior to, and subsequent to the proposed activity for which the license is sought. In cases where the parking facility is part of a structure or premises devoted to other uses which require off-street parking, the statement shall also include information as to the number of parking spaces which were required by law to be provided in the parking facility to serve the other uses when the uses were established;
A copy or written contract or covenant between the applicant and the operator of the parking facility designated as the temporary parking or storage location, which contract, or covenant shall contain a provision that it cannot be canceled without at least 30 days' notice to the other party and to the County;
The location of any proposed signs for the valet service and any proposed attendant stands and waiting areas; and
In the event the off-site designated parking location is not available for use by the applicant for off-site parking, the applicant shall come to the County with an acceptable alternative location within 15 days from the loss of the use of that site.
Short-Term License. In a circumstance involving a non-reoccurring special event or special needs of an applicant to commence operations prior to the time an application can be processed for a regular valet parking service license issuance, a short-term license for a period of operation not exceeding seven calendar days may be issued by the Director upon the submittal of a Temporary Use Permit application in compliance with Chapter 18.124 (Temporary Use Permits), accompanied by the applicable fees, and the certificate of insurance. Any other requirement of this section may be waived by the Director in connection with a short-term license if the Director determines that it would be impractical for the applicant or licensee to comply with the requirement and that compliance with the requirement is not necessary in order to protect the interest of the County or the public peace, health, or safety.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
The required parking spaces shall be located on the same site with the primary use or structure, on premises contiguous to them, or in a location conforming to an approved Site Plan. Property within the ultimate right-of-way of a street or highway shall not be used to provide required parking or loading facilities. Parking shall not be allowed in the front yard setback other than in the driveway for a single-family residential use or within a driveway in a multi-family development that is specifically designed for and has sufficient length to provide off-street parking for a specific dwelling unit.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
The Director or Commission may, upon application by the owner or lessee of any property authorize the shared or joint use of parking facilities by the following uses or activities by the specified conditions:
Allowable Usage. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a use considered to be primarily a daytime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use and up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a daytime use, provided that the parking area shall meet the conditions specified in paragraph 3 below.
Daytime and Nighttime Uses.
Daytime Uses. The following uses are considered typical daytime uses: banks, business offices, retail stores, service shops, clothing or shoe repair, manufacturing and wholesale, and similar uses.
Nighttime Uses. The following uses are considered typical nighttime uses: theaters, bars, night clubs, auditoriums, and other similar or incidental uses.
Required Conditions. The following conditions are required for shared or joint use parking:
The structure or use for which the application is being made for authority to use the existing off-street parking facilities provided by another structure or use, shall be located within 150 feet of a parking facility.
The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the structures or uses for which the joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed.
The applicant of the project proposing to use parking already established for another use shall submit a signed contract (covenant) between the applicant and the other property owner(s) providing the off-street parking spaces subject to the shared parking arrangement.
The covenant shall be subject to the approval of the Director.
The covenant shall also be subject to review by County Counsel, as to form and content.
The covenant shall stipulate that the title and right to use the parcel or parcels upon which the parking space is to be provided will be subservient to the title to the premises upon which the structure is to be erected and that the parcel(s) is not and will not be made subject to any other covenant or contract for use without prior written consent of the County.
The covenant shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
Shared Parking within Common Facilities.
Common parking facilities may be provided in place of the individual requirements specified in this chapter and shared between the uses they serve provided the total number of off-street parking spaces, when used together, shall not be less than the sum of the various uses computed separately taking into consideration allowable reductions of joint use as specified in subsection A above.
When any common parking facility is to occupy a site of 5,000 square feet or more, then the parking requirements as specified in this subsection for each two or more participating structures or uses may be reduced by not more than 10 percent of the total area of the common parking facilities required upon approval of development plans by the Commission in the manner specified for a Conditional Use Permit as specified in Chapter 18.116 (Conditional Use Permits), unless parking reductions are addressed under a Planned Development Permit.
Mixed Uses. In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as specified in joint use.
Parking Demand Study. The Director may require the applicant to submit a parking demand study, prepared by a person/firm experienced in preparing parking plans, to assist in determining the appropriate shared parking reduction.
Low Demand. The number of required parking spaces may also be reduced if the use will not use the required number of spaces due to the nature of the specific use, as demonstrated by a parking demand study submitted to and approved by the Director.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. It is the intent of this section to establish regulations that apply to the storage and/or parking of trailers, boats, and other recreational vehicles in the County. As applied to this section, "storage" and "parking" shall be used interchangeably.
Residential Zones.
In residential zones, recreational vehicles, boats, and trailers may be stored only on property on which the vehicle's owner resides. Storage is permitted outside a structure on a paved, graveled, or approved alternative material driveway, provided all of the following conditions exist:
Storage is permitted in the front setback only when space is not accessible in the rear or side setback, or the parcel is not on a corner and has no reasonable access to either the side or rear setback;
Inside storage is not possible;
The vehicle is stored perpendicularly to the front curb;
No part of the vehicle extends over the public sidewalk or public thoroughfare (right-of-way);
No more than one recreational vehicle, boat, or trailer is stored in the front setback of each residential unit;
The vehicle is stored at least three feet from side and rear property lines; and
The vehicle does not block access to or occupy any required parking spaces.
Stored recreational vehicles and trailers shall not be:
Used for dwelling purposes, except for temporary residential use during the construction of a permanent dwelling with the approval of a temporary use permit (See Chapter 18.124 Temporary Use Permits).
Permanently connected to sewer lines, water lines, or electricity. Temporary electrical connections for charging batteries and the use of electricity or propane fuel are permitted only when necessary to prepare a recreational vehicle for immediate use.
Used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those items considered to be part of the unit or essential for its immediate use.
Temporary Parking of Recreational Vehicles. Recreational vehicles may be temporarily parked on public or private rights-of-way in front of residences for not more than 48 continuous hours. A total of 48 hours must elapse before the start of a new 48-hour period, together with movement of the vehicle a distance of at least 500 feet.
Non-Residential Zones. An operable recreational vehicle, boat or trailer may be stored in all nonresidential zones, where the vehicle belongs to the property owner or the property owner provides written permission allowing the storage. Storage allowed under this subsection shall be limited to a maximum of three vehicles at any one time. Storage of more than three recreational vehicles, boats, and/or trailers shall be considered a commercial use and shall follow applicable Zoning Code requirements regulating that use. The following rules shall apply to recreational vehicle, boat, and trailer storage in non-residential zones:
Storage is permitted inside any enclosed structure that conforms to the requirements of the particular zone in which the structure is located;
Storage is permitted outside in a side or rear setback, provided it is not nearer than three feet to the parcel line;
Stored recreational vehicles, boats, and trailers shall not be:
Used for dwelling purposes,
Permanently connected to sewer lines, water lines, or electricity. Temporary electrical connections or the use of propane is permitted for charging batteries and to prepare a recreational vehicle for immediate use,
Used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those items considered to be part of the unit or essential for its immediate use;
The vehicle may not block access to or occupy any required parking spaces.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
Permit Approval. Approval of an Administrative Permit in compliance with Chapter 18.114 (Administrative Permits) shall be required for a parking facility or any portion of required parking that is not located on the same site as the use it is intended to serve.
Findings. In order to approve an Administrative Permit for an off-site parking facility, the Review Authority shall make all of the following findings in addition to those required for the approval of an Administrative Permit:
The parking facility is located within 1,000 feet to the use it is intended to serve;
On-street parking is not being counted towards meeting parking requirements;
Use of the parking facility will not create undue traffic hazards or impacts in the surrounding area; and
The parking facility will be permanently available and maintained for the use it is intended to serve.
Parking Agreement. A parking agreement, which guarantees the long-term availability of the parking facility for the use it is intended to serve, shall be recorded with the County Recorder's office. The agreement shall be in a form approved by the County Counsel and the Director.
Loss of Off-Site Parking.
Notification to County. The owner or operator of a business that uses an approved off-site parking facility to satisfy the parking requirements shall immediately notify the Director of any change of ownership or use of the property where the spaces are located, or changes in the use that the spaces are intended to serve, or of any termination or default of the agreement between the parties.
Effect of Termination of Agreement. Upon notification that the agreement for the required off-site parking has terminated, the Director shall establish a reasonable time in which one of the following shall occur:
Substitute parking is provided that is acceptable to the Director; or
The size or capacity of the use is reduced in proportion to the parking spaces lost.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
County Urban Areas. All parking and maneuvering areas and driveways required by the County in urban areas shall be paved with an asphaltic or concrete surface subject to standards of the Department of Public Works.
County Agricultural Areas. All parking and maneuvering areas and driveways required by the County in agricultural zoned areas shall be surfaced with appropriate materials based on vehicular characteristics, soil conditions, and surrounding land uses, subject to approval by the Department of Public Works.
Other Improvements. Parking lots in urban areas shall have concrete wheel stops, or as allowed in Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping), striping three inches wide, handicapped identification and directional arrows for angle or parallel parking. Wheel stops shall be placed so that vehicles do not overhang sidewalks, walkways, or areas planted with landscaping.
Drainage. Parking areas shall be designed to dispose of accumulated rain water subject to approval by the Department of Public Works in one of the following ways:
Uniform on-site percolation over widespread area;
Use of on-site detention or retention basin; or
Off-site drainage to community drainage system.
Lighting. Parking in urban areas that will be used at night shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. The minimum requirement is one foot-candle, maintained across the surface of the parking area. Lighting standards shall be in scale with the height and use of the on-site structure(s). Any illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed downward and away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
Fences, Walls, and Hedges. See Chapter 18.34 (Fences, Walls, and Hedges).
Landscaping. See Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping).
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Electric and alternative fuel vehicle parking shall be provided for all new residential projects and non-residential projects, additions, or alterations that add 10 or more vehicular parking spaces, in compliance with the requirements in Table 3-11 (Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parking Space Requirements), the standards specified in the California Building Code, and the California Green Code.
Preferential parking for alternative fuel vehicles is encouraged and each space shall be provided with a sign/marking that identifies the parking space as designated for use by alternative fuel vehicles only. Preferential parking spaces shall be located as close as possible to the primary entrance without conflicting with parking provided to meet the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements or preferential parking provided for carpool/vanpools.
For those sites already containing parking spaces for vehicle recharging stations, those spaces may be dually designated as vehicle recharging stations only and as preferential parking for electric vehicles.
Electric and alternative fuel vehicle parking areas shall be illuminated by exterior lighting for security reasons and so users can easily operate the charging stations. Exterior lighting shall be focused downward and shielded to reduce glare on adjoining properties.
All parking spaces for "low-emitting," "fuel efficient," and "carpool/vanpool" vehicles shall be clearly marked on the pavement as required by the California Building Code. Electric vehicle (EV) recharging stations installed to charge electric vehicles parked within a properly designated on-site space shall not block or impede pedestrian access or passage of a sidewalk.
Additional questions concerning mandatory standards that have not been addressed in this chapter for electric vehicles (EV) charging infrastructure for parking spaces in multi-family dwelling and non-residential developments should be referred to the Building Official.
Pursuant to the California Green Building Code, the Director may approve an exception to the electric and alternative fuel vehicle parking space requirements on a case-by-case basis, where EV charging and infrastructure are not feasible based one or more of the following conditions:
Where there is insufficient electrical supply;
Where there is evidence substantiating that additional local utility infrastructure design requirements, directly related to the implementation of this requirement, may adversely impact the construction costs of the project; or
Where there is evidence substantiating that meeting the requirements will alter the local utility infrastructure design requirements on the utility side of the meter so as to increase the utility side cost to the homeowner or the developer by more than $400.00 per dwelling unit.
Table 3-11
Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parking Space Requirements
Number of Off-Street Vehicle Spaces Provided
Minimum Number of Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parking Spaces Required
None Required
Over 200
At least 8% of the total number of vehicle spaces
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Parking lot landscapes shall be installed to ensure consistency with submitted landscape plans and shall conform to the standards specified in Section 18.36.050(G) (General Landscape Standards: Parking Lots).
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
All parking areas including parking spaces, driveways, maneuvering aisles, turnaround areas, and landscaping areas shall be kept free of dust, graffiti, litter, and weeds. Striping, paving, walls, light standards, and all other facilities shall be permanently maintained in good condition.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Applicability. Short-term and/or long-term bicycle parking shall be provided for any new use, major alteration, or enlargement of a commercial structure or multi-family dwelling over 50 percent. Bicycle parking areas and racks shall not block pedestrian traffic on sidewalks.
Short-Term Bicycle Parking. Every business establishment (i.e., newly permitted, rehabilitated, or remodeled) with 10 or more visitor parking spaces shall provide short-term bicycle parking in compliance with the following provisions:
Provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the entrance to the structure readily visible to passers-by.
The number of required bicycle racks shall be as established by the California Green Building Code with a minimum of one, two-bike capacity, rack provided for any new project or an addition or alteration.
Long-Term Bicycle Parking. For new structures, additions, or alterations that add 10 or more tenant vehicular parking spaces, secure bicycle parking shall be provided for five percent of the tenant vehicular parking spaces being added, with a minimum of one space. Acceptable long-term bicycle parking facilities shall be convenient from the street and shall meet one the following standards:
Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles;
Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks; or
Lockable, permanently anchored bicycle lockers.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Motorcycle parking shall be required for any new use, major alteration, or enlargement of a multi-family, commercial, mixed-use, or industrial site or structure as shown in Table 3-12 (Motorcycle Parking Requirements).
Space Size. Motorcycle parking spaces shall be a minimum of four feet in width and eight feet in length.
Design Standards.
Motorcycle parking spaces shall be clearly marked with signage and/or bollards to prevent vehicle usage.
Motorcycle parking areas shall be paved with concrete to prevent damage from motorcycle kick stands and center stands.
Table 3-12
Motorcycle Parking Requirements
Number of Off-Street Vehicle Spaces Provided
Minimum Number of Motorcycle Parking Spaces Required
1-25 spaces
None required
26-50 spaces
1 space
50-100 spaces
2 spaces
Greater than 100 spaces
2 spaces, plus 1 space for each 100 vehicle spaces
None required
Greater than 6 spaces
½ space for every 6 vehicle spaces for more than two dwelling units
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Agricultural Uses.
Trucks parked on agricultural zoned parcels shall be part of the on-site agricultural operation or agricultural business.
Trucks not part of on-site agricultural operations shall not to park on site, except when permitted under the appropriate discretionary permit.
Off-street truck parking areas shall be surfaced with a dust-minimizing treatment or other all-weather surface to reduce impacts from dust and air pollutants.
Access areas shall have cattle grates to ensure on-site debris (i.e., gravel, mud, rocks) is not carried off site by truck tires.
Commercial Uses.
One off-street parking space shall be provided for every commercial use with 3,000 square feet or more of gross floor area.
Designated off-street truck parking areas shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or other all-weather surface. For commercial uses on agricultural zoned parcels, designated off-site truck parking areas shall adhere to the requirements in subsection A above.
Industrial Uses.
One off-street parking space shall be provided for every industrial use with 3,000 to 20,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for industrial uses greater than 20,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Designated off-street truck parking areas shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or another all-weather surface. For industrial uses on agricultural zoned parcels, designated off-site truck parking areas shall adhere to the requirements in subsection A above.
Design Standards.
Spaces shall be a minimum of 75 feet in length and 20 feet in width, and shall have a minimum height clearance of 14 feet;
Spaces shall be provided and maintained on the same parcel as the agricultural, commercial, or industrial use;
Spaces shall not interfere with on-site vehicular circulation or parking, or with pedestrian circulation;
Parking areas shall be screened from the public right(s)-of-way, subject to the approval of the director;
Parking areas shall be maintained in compliance with Section 18.38.170 (Parking Area Maintenance); and
Parking areas shall provide outdoor nighttime lighting for security and safety. The minimum requirement is one foot-candle, maintained across the surface of the parking area. Lighting standards shall be in scale with the height and use of the on-site structure(s). Any illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed downward and away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
Truck Terminals.
Driveway aisles between truck parking areas shall be a minimum of 35 feet wide.
Parking is not permitted in the driveways, parking aisles, or maneuvering areas.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
Commercial, mixed-use, and industrial facilities, including hospitals, hotels, and institutional uses, shall provide sufficient on-site maneuvering and loading areas as provided in Table 3-13 (Off-Street Loading Requirements) subject to all the following conditions:
Loading Spaces Abutting an Alley.
When the parcel upon which the loading spaces are located abuts upon an alley, the loading spaces shall adjoin or have access directly from the alley.
The length of the loading space may be measured perpendicular to or parallel with the alley.
Where the loading area is parallel with the alley and the parcel is 50 feet or less in width, the loading area shall extend across the full width of the parcel.
The length of a loading area need not exceed 90 feet for any two spaces.
Loading Allowed in a Setback. Where the loading is allowed in a setback, the setback may be used in calculating the area required for loading, providing that there be no more than one entry or exit to 60 feet of parcel frontage or fraction thereof.
Loading Spaces Shall Be Maintained. Loading space being maintained in connection with any main structure existing on the effective date of this chapter shall thereafter be maintained so long as the structure remains, unless an equivalent number of spaces are provided on the same or a contiguous parcel in compliance with the requirements of this section and as approved by the Director provided, however, that this regulation shall not require the maintenance of more loading space than is required for a new structure, or the maintenance of the space for any type of main structure other than those specified as allowed.
Loading Space May Occupy a Required Setback. Loading space required by this chapter may occupy a required setback as provided in the subject zones, but in no case, shall any part of an alley or street be used for loading.
Loading Space Minimum Dimensions. The loading spaces shall be not less than 12 feet in width, 40 feet in length, and with 14 feet of vertical clearance.
Number of Loading Spaces Required. The number of loading spaces required for various uses shall comply with the number of spaces specified in Table 3-13 (Off-Street Loading Requirements), below.
Allowed Hours of Operation. Where a loading area abuts a residential zone, loading shall only occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; otherwise, the area shall be located not less than 50 feet from the zone or be completely enclosed.
Loading Areas Screening. Loading areas within 50 feet of a residential zone shall be screened by a solid masonry or concrete wall at least eight feet in height. Loading areas visible from a public street or highway shall be screened with planting of not less than six feet in height as required by Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping).
No Loading Allowed on Streets. No loading shall be allowed on a public road, street, or highway.
Additional Loading Spaces Required. Where loading facilities do not conform to the provisions of this section, or where no facilities have been provided for structures constructed prior to the effective date of this section, the structure shall not be expanded nor may additional facilities be provided within the structure until after the requirements for loading space have been complied with for those facilities added or enlarged. Applicable loading requirements under this section may be reviewed/modified, upon request, if determined appropriate by the Director as needed to encourage economic development.
Table 3-13
Off-Street Loading Requirements
Gross Floor Area
Loading Spaces Required
Commercial and Mixed-Use Uses Including Hospitals and Institutions
Less than 3,500
3,500 – 15,000
15,001 – 40,000
40,001 – 80,000
80,001 – 100,000
Greater than 100,000
Hotels and Offices
Less than 3,500
3,500 – 40,000
40,001 – 100,000
Greater than 100,000
Industrial Uses
Less than 3,500
3,500 – 40,000
40,001 – 80,000
80,001 – 100,000
100,001 – 160,000
Greater than 160,000
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)