To provide for the design, construction, operation, and management
of animal confinement facilities in the County by regulations contained
in this chapter deemed to be necessary for the protection of the quality
of the environment and safeguarding the health, safety, and general
welfare of the population. It is the intent of this chapter to provide
a single, comprehensive regulatory program that will meet all Federal,
State and local requirements.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Agronomic rate.
An application rate, which matches the nutrient requirements
for specific crop on an annual basis.
Animal confinement facilities.
Cattle, calves, horses, sheep, goats, swine, or rabbits,
corralled, penned, or otherwise caused to remain in restricted areas
for agricultural-commercial purposes where feeding is other than grazing
for more than 45 days during the year. Range pastures for livestock
are exempt from the definition of animal confinement facilities. School
projects, 4-H, fairs and other individual educational projects are
exempt from the definition of animal confinement facilities.
Application area.
Usable cropland area, including pasture, for the application
of solid and liquid manure being utilized from the retention pond,
corral areas, or other animal confinement areas.
California comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP).
A grouping of conservation practices and management activities
which, when combined into a system, will ensure that both production
and environmental goals are achieved. It incorporates practices to
utilize animal manure as a beneficial resource rather than a waste.
The plan must be approved by the Division of Environmental Health.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS), California CNMP or equivalent, including
the Regional Water Quality Control Board and San Joaquin Valley Air
District requirements, will be utilized. It is the intent of this
chapter that only one document must be prepared to comply with Federal,
State and local environmental requirements. The property owner may
be required to conduct groundwater and/or plant tissue monitoring
as a condition of approval. The plan must be signed by the property
owner and kept on site.
Dry manure.
Manure that has had sufficient bedding or soil added or has
received sufficient air drying to raise the solids content to where
it will stack with little or no seepage. Also known as solid manure.
Includes any animal confinement area, retention pond, settling
basin, corrals, milk barn, freestalls, feed storage, and mechanical
Liquid manure.
Manure that by its nature, or after being diluted by water,
can be pumped easily.
Retention pond.
A constructed holding pond for temporary storage of solid
and liquid animal manure, prior to cropland application.
Settling basin.
A structure in which wastewater flow velocity is reduced
to permit suspended solids to settle by gravity.
Feed preserved by an anaerobic fermentation process.
Surface water having fallen as rain or flowing through a
field as irrigation collected through a series of ditches, pipes,
and pumping mechanisms for return to a reservoir or other holding
Tilewater system.
A series of buried perforated pipe designed to remove excess
water from soils.
Water that has been in contact with animal manure. This includes
storm drainage water that has been in contact with animal manure.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
A. Animal confinement facilities, retention ponds and settling basins
are permitted on certain land parcels and in certain specified zones
as listed in Table 2-1 (Agricultural Zone Allowed Uses and Permit
Requirements) in Article 2 of this Code.
B. Applicability. The raising or keeping of animals as either an incidental
or principal use shall comply with the requirements of this chapter,
regardless of whether a land use permit is required. The following
animal raising and keeping activities are separate land uses, and
subject to a use permit.
Animal boarding facilities;
Animal confinement facilities;
Commercial apiaries (bees);
Horse boarding and training facilities;
C. Limitation on Uses. The raising and keeping of specific types of
animals shall be allowed in the following zones (See Table 4-3):
D. Additional Regulations.
R-R Zone. Up to two large animals (e.g., horses, cows, ostriches,
and swine) or up to five birds, other than household pets, are permitted
per acre parcel. More require director approval. No commercial operations
are allowed.
R-1 Zone. Agricultural uses permitted in the R-R zone may be
allowed in the R-1 and R-1-5000 zones only until surrounding parcels
are subdivided with the smaller lots normally found in these zones
and homes are being built on them. The director may also permit FFA,
4-H, and other educational projects in the R-1 and R-1-5000 zones,
subject to certain standards.
SPZ Zone. Animals in SPZ zones are covered by the standards
in each SPZ zone.
Fowl and Poultry. Up to two roosters are permitted. More shall
be subject to the animal confinement facilities requirements. An exception
may be made by the planning director for FFA, 4-H, and other educational
poultry projects.
Llamas, Ostriches, and Other Exotics. Wild animals may require
state and/or federal permits.
E. Operation and Maintenance. Requirements and standards for odor and
insect control shall be as required by the Division of Environmental
F. Specific Types and Numbers of Animals Permitted. Requirements and
standards for the keeping or raising of specific types of animals
shall be as required by the Division of Environmental Health.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
All animal confinement facilities shall conform to the following
A. Dead
animals shall be removed from the site within three business days
and be disposed at a licensed rendering facility or by other methods
approved by the Division of Environmental Health. Dead animals should
be shielded from public view and not constitute a nuisance.
B. The
animal confinement facility, including manure (liquid and dry) handling,
storage areas, feed areas, corrals, water troughs, and washout systems,
shall be managed in such a manner as to minimize a nuisance caused
by fly or mosquito breeding, dust, and/or odors.
C. Feed
storage facilities shall be designed, constructed, and managed in
such a manner as to minimize air emissions and restrict entry, harborage,
or breeding of rodents and/or vectors.
D. The
State requirements contained in the
California Code of Regulations,
Title 27, Division 2, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Article 1, Sections
22560—22565 or its revisions and the requirements in the latest
edition of the water quality control plan (basin plan) for the Sacramento
River Basin and the San Joaquin River Basin or its revisions shall
be met.
E. All
stormwater that is or has been in contact with manure and wastewater
shall be maintained on site and directed to the manure management
system or onto properties with a signed written agreement between
the owner of the animal confinement facility and property owner receiving
the stormwater/manure. All grading operations on the property shall
result in no storm drainage that has been in contact with manure,
or wastewater, being allowed to flow or seep onto adjacent properties
or public roads, or into any waterway.
F. Application
of manure (liquid and dry) to fields or crop lands shall be at rates
and times which are reasonable for the crop, soil, climate, special
local situations, management system and type of manure. Applications
shall be timed and managed to minimize nitrogen movement below the
root zone and to minimize percolation of waste constituents to groundwater.
G. The
operator shall notify the Division of Environmental Health and regional
board within 24 hours of any off-property discharge of facility wastewater.
This notification will be followed by a written report that shall
be submitted to the Division of Environmental Health within 14 days
of the discharge. The written report shall contain:
1. The
date the discharge began;
2. Duration
and estimated volume of the discharge;
4. Specific
source of discharge (e.g., overflow from holding pond, rainfall runoff
from manure storage areas);
5. Steps
taken to mitigate the effects of the discharge;
6. Steps
taken to prevent such discharge in the future.
H. Liquid
manure utilized for irrigation purposes shall be managed so that it
does not stand in the application field for more than 24 hours.
I. If
liquid manure is applied on property not under the control of the
operator or owner, a copy of the writ-ten agreement regarding use
of the application area shall be included in the CNMP.
J. Off-site
property owners with property identified in the CNMP and a written
agreement to accept liquid manure from an animal confinement facility
owner, shall agree to apply the liquid manure or other fertilizers
at rates and times which are reasonable for the crop, soil, climate,
special local situations, management system, and type of manure, unless
the written agreement states that the generator of the liquid manure
is responsible for proper application.
K. Neither
the storage nor the discharge of manure shall create a condition of
nuisance or pollution as defined by Section 13050 of the California
Water Code.
L. New
facilities shall be protected from 100-year peak stream flows as determined
by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Rate Map.
M. New
and existing structures shall have gutters to prevent rainwater from
entering canals or areas of manure storage unless adequate storage
capacity for the additional rainwater is provided in the retention
N. Each
animal confinement facility shall conduct the following routine inspections
and maintenance of the facility:
1. Between
November through April, all channels that convey stormwater such as
roof gutters, shall be free of debris that could interfere with the
diversion of clean stormwater.
2. All
stormwater channels that convey contaminated stormwater to manure
storage and waste containment structures, are properly constructed
and free of debris, thereby ensuring that contaminated stormwater
reaches the storage or waste containment structure.
3. Water
lines providing drinking water to the animals shall be free of leaks
that could contribute an unnecessary volume to liquid storage systems
or cause dry manure to become too wet.
4. Retention
ponds and settling basins shall be visually inspected for seepage,
erosion, vegetation, animal access, and reduced freeboard. Any deficiencies
found as a result of these inspections shall be expeditiously corrected.
Records of inspection activities shall be kept in the CNMP.
O. Manure
(liquid or dry) shall not be applied, stored, or accumulated within
100 feet of any domestic well, irrigation well or surface water body.
Application of manure (liquid or dry) may be closer than 100 feet
to a surface water body or irrigation well if adequate protection
to the surface water body or irrigation well is provided. Surface
water bodies include creeks, streams, lakes, and reservoirs, but does
not include canals constructed above grade. Adequate protection of
surface water bodies or irrigation wells shall prevent discharge or
infiltration of manure constituents to the water body or well.
P. Manure
application equipment must be calibrated annually if used for land
application of dry manure and/or wastewater.
Q. If
dry or liquid manure is transported off site, the most recent analysis
shall be provided, in writing, to the recipient.
R. If
an animal confinement facility is permanently closed, all liquid and
dry manure must be removed from the facility within 120 days (weather
conditions permitting) and soil samples taken beneath the retention
pond, settling basin, and corral areas to determine the levels of
nitrogen in the soil. The specific constituents to be sampled, number
of samples, and sample depths will be determined by the Division of
Environmental Health on a site-specific basis.
S. The
construction of any part of a new facility shall not start until the
appropriate land use permit is approved.
T. When
groundwater pollution or the discharge of manure from the operation
of an animal confinement facility or application area causes groundwater
to contain manure constituents in concentrations statistically greater
than background water quality the property owner shall submit a plan
for review and approval to the Division of Environmental Health for:
1. Determining
the source and the lateral and vertical extent of the degradation;
2. Identifying
steps to prevent further degradation;
3. Abating
the groundwater impacts (if necessary). Statistical concentrations
greater than background will be determined by statistically evaluating
groundwater monitoring results in monitoring wells down gradient of
potential sources relative to background groundwater quality as represented
by monitoring wells up gradient of potential sources.
U. The
animal confinement facility and access roads shall meet the requirements
of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District.
V. The
animal confinement facility shall meet the requirements of the appropriate
irrigation and/or drainage district for issues related to the animal
confinement facility operation, including, but not limited to, meeting
discharge requirements of drainage water from cropland application
W. The
following Merced County Department of Public Works, Road Division
requirements shall be applicable to animal confinement facilities:
1. New
animal confinement construction, construction of a dairy milk barn,
or expansion of more than 10 percent of herd size of an existing facility
(based on the number of mature animals existing on the facility on
the adoption date of the ordinance codified in this chapter) will
be subject to road impact evaluation by the Merced County Department
of Public Works, Road Division. A truck route plan shall be submitted
to the Road Division. The facility owner may be required to contribute
funds for public road improvements such as road widening paving and
intersection improvements, identified during the land use permit process.
Prior to issuance of a building permit, the owner shall dedicate road
right-of-way, if required. The facility owner shall obtain an encroachment
permit from the Road Division or the State of California Department
of Transportation (Caltrans) and construct driveway approaches at
all access points subject to truck traffic.
2. For
all other animal confinement facility-related construction subject
to building permits, the dairy owner shall obtain an encroachment
permit from the Road Division or Caltrans, and construct driveway
approaches at all access points subject to truck traffic.
3. Road
right-of-way shall not be used for the operation of the animal confinement
facility, including, but not limited to, feeding activities.
4. A
minimum setback of 50 feet from the ultimate road right-of-way line
shall be maintained for barns, corrals, pens, feed lanes, and milk
X. The
project shall meet the requirements of the Merced County Mosquito
Abatement District.
Y. The
storage of silage or composting materials shall be located at least
300 feet from any pre-existing off-site residence.
Z. Manure
solids shall be stored on impervious surfaces and protected from stormwater
run-on. Corrals are excluded from this requirement.
AA. Manure
shall be removed from corrals at least two times per year (spring
and fall) and free stall exercise pens at least once a year.
BB. Dry
manure shall be uniformly applied and incorporated into the soil (excluding
pasture) at the appropriate agronomic rates. Dry manure shall be stored
and applied in a manner that prevents a vector or odor nuisance and/or
groundwater or surface water contamination.
CC. Dry
manure with less than 75 percent moisture shall not be applied during
periods when the surface wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour.
DD. Manure
removed from the bottom of a settling basin or retention pond shall
be analyzed at a frequency determined by the Division of Environmental
Health for total dissolved solids, total nitrogen and other constituents
as determined by the Division of Environmental Health.
EE. Where
the commingling of water containing manure can take place with irrigation
wells and irrigation and/or drainage district facilities, these facilities
must be protected from pollution by a backflow device or method that
is approved by the Division of Environmental Health and/or the appropriate
irrigation/drainage district. It is the obligation of the property
owner to install and maintain or cause to be installed and maintained
the backflow device or method. This also applies to off-property parcels
receiving water containing manure under agreement.
FF. Salt
and other mineral feed supplements shall be limited to that required
to maintain animal health and optimum production according to the
National Research Council.
GG. Vegetative
barriers may be required by the Division of Environmental Health to
filter suspended air particles from animal confinement facilities.
HH. New
or expanding animal confinement facilities shall provide and maintain
one or more of the following dust control measures on unpaved roads
within the facility area:
1. A uniform layer of washed gravel; or
2. Chemical/organic dust suppressants; or
5. Any other method that effectively limits visible dust emissions to
20 percent capacity.
II. Any
violation of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit, State regulations relating to animal confinement facilities
or State waste discharge requirements is a violation of this chapter.
JJ. Corrals
shall have a slope of at least 3 percent where the available space
for each animal is 400 square feet or less. The slope in areas more
than 400 square feet per animal may be reduced proportionately to
not less than one and one-half percent at 800 square feet or more
per animal and drain to the waste management system.
KK. Tailwater
from cropland irrigated with liquid manure shall be returned to the
animal confinement facility liquid manure management system.
LL. Tile
drainage discharges from liquid manure application areas, corrals,
retention ponds, settling basins, or feed storage areas shall be:
(1) discharged into the animal confinement facility liquid manure
management system; or (2) the tile drainage water discharged off-site
shall be monitored for total dissolved solids, nitrate, selenium,
and any other constituents as determined by the Division of Environmental
Health and/or the appropriate irrigation/drainage district. The frequency
of testing and specific types of constituents shall be included in
the CNMP.
MM. The
off-site discharge of tailwater or tile drainage water shall meet
the discharge and receiving water standards of the appropriate irrigation
or drainage district and Regional Water Quality Control Board.
NN. Silage
storage areas shall be constructed of impervious materials to prevent
groundwater degradation with leachate drainage conveyed to the wastewater
collection system. Silage storage areas shall be protected from stormwater
OO. Animal confinement facilities constructed and expansions of existing facilities resulting in more than a 10 percent increase in mature animals, after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter that exceed the significance threshold for new sources for either reactive organic gases (10 tons/year) or PM10 (15 tons/year) established by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, shall reduce air emissions for these compounds to a level below the significance threshold. Air emission thresholds will be determined by the inclusion of the total air emissions from the facility. The schedule for compliance is as follows: (1) Submit plans and calculations showing compliance no later than January 1, 2007; (2) Construction of improvements and/or implementation of reduction measures must be completed no later than January 1, 2008; (3) New animal confinement facilities constructed after January 1, 2008, shall submit plans as part of the CNMP indicating compliance to the PM10 and reactive organic gas (ROG) threshold criteria. If the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District adopts regulations for the control ROG and/or PM10 emissions for animal confinement facilities, this subsection i
s void.
PP. The
Division of Environmental Health shall make a final inspection of
the new or expanding facility to confirm compliance to the requirements
of this chapter.
QQ. Spreading
of manure (liquid or dry) on soil, when frozen or saturated soil conditions,
is prohibited.
RR. Any
violation of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
rules and regulations related to animal confinement facilities is
a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
New or modified retention ponds (modified means an increase
in capacity) and settling basins shall conform to the following construction
A. The
total retention pond(s) and settling basin(s) capacity shall be designed
and constructed for at least a 120-day storage capacity for liquid
manure generated at the facility and a 25-year, 24-hour storm. The
re-tention pond/settling basin capacity shall also be adequate to
store tail or tile drainage water (if returned to the retention pond/settling
basin) and liquid manure to assure that the timing of the land application
is appropriate for the nitrogen needs of the crop.
B. The
retention pond(s) and settling basin(s) shall be surrounded by a road
at least 14 feet wide and suitable for safe passage of vector control
vehicles and equipment. The road should be accessible at all times
to provide for the use of vehicle-mounted mosquito control equipment.
C. The
inside banks of all pits, sumps, retention ponds, and settling basins
shall be maintained free of vegetative growth in order to prevent
a breeding habitat for mosquitoes or other vectors.
D. Retention
ponds and settling basins shall be constructed according to the United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resource Conservation
Service guidelines, specifically, USDA National Engineering Handbook,
Part 651-Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Appendix 10D-Geotechnical,
Design, and Construction Guidelines effective at the time of construction
and shall comply with the additional design criteria contained in
this chapter.
E. The
bottom of the retention pond and sealing basin, including liner, shall
be at least two feet above the highest anticipated groundwater table.
In sensitive groundwater areas, the separation shall be at least five
feet, unless a synthetic liner or equivalent, approved by the Division
of Environmental Health, is constructed.
F. A retention pond or settling basin must maintain a minimum setback pursuant to Section
G. The
property owner shall apply for and obtain a permit from the Division
of Environmental Health prior to the construction of a new or modified
retention pond or settling basin. An inspection and approval of the
retention pond and/or settling basin by the Division of Environmental
Health is required prior to discharging into the retention pond or
settling basin.
H. The
liner of the retention pond or settling basin shall be designed and
constructed with a permeability of 1 x 10-6 cm/s or less. The minimum
design standard of 1 x 10-6 cm/s shall not include credit for sealing
of the retention pond or settling basin by manure. USDA-NRCS criteria
specifically, USDA National Engineering Handbook, Part 651-Agricultural
Waste Management Field Handbook, Appendix 10D-Geotechnical, Design,
and Construction Guidelines, shall be utilized to determine compliance
to the 10-6 cm/s sealing standard.
I. Plans
for retention ponds and settling basins shall be designed and signed
by a California-registered civil engineer or a California registered
engineering geologist and shall have a maintenance plan, approved
by the Division of Environmental Health. As-built drawings signed
by a California-registered civil engineer or a California-registered
engineering geologist certifying that the retention pond/settling
basin was constructed as designed are required to be submitted to
the Division of Environmental Health within 30 days of completion
of the retention pond or basin.
J. Settling
basins shall not exceed 60 feet in width and retention ponds shall
not exceed 100 feet in width, unless reviewed by the Merced County
Mosquito Abatement District. The district may charge the owner/operator
for the cost of mosquito control.
K. Any
liner installed by importing soil shall have a thickness of at least
one foot.
L. Natural
and constructed liners shall be protected from the erosive forces
of waste liquid entering the pond or settling basin and damage due
to cleaning operations and scour due to agitation equipment.
M. Retention
ponds and settling basins located near an irrigation or drainage district
facility must maintain a minimum 50-foot separation between the outside
toe of the retention pond or settling basin bank and the nearest irrigation
district facility (either physical facility or right-of-way), and
maintain a drainage area between the two facilities that will ensure
that all water generated on the animal confinement facility is maintained
on site.
N. Retention
ponds, settling basins, and ditch conveyances must maintain a minimum
50-foot separation from the ultimate public road right-of-way line.
O. A minimum
20-foot separation must exist between the outside toe of the retention
pond or settling basin bank and the facility property boundary.
P. A retention
pond must have a marker on the inside slope which clearly indicates
the design volume and the minimum freeboard necessary to allow for
the 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event. A minimum of two feet of freeboard
is required for new and existing retention ponds.
Q. Retention
ponds and settling basins shall be protected against 100-year stream
R. New
and existing retention ponds and settling basins shall not create
obnoxious odors, excessive vector breeding, or create a condition
of nuisance or pollution as defined by Section 13050 of the California
Water Code.
S. New
facilities shall install a flow meter and associated plumbing on the
effluent line from the retention pond or describe how flow rates to
application fields will be accurately determined.
T. Synthetic
liners shall meet the guidelines established by NRCS Conservation
Practice Standard, Pond Sealing or Lining-Flexible Membrane No. 521-A
or its revisions.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
A. It
shall be the duty of the Director of Community and Economic Development
or designee to enforce the requirements of the County Zoning Code,
Title 18, relating to animal confinement facility zoning issues.
B. It
shall be the duty of the Director of Community and Economic Development
or designee to enforce the provisions of this chapter pertaining to
the location and/or construction of buildings and/or structures up-on
the property as shown on the plot plan approved and dated by the Planning
and Community Development Department, Planning Commission or Division
of Environmental Health.
C. It
shall be the duty of the Director of the Department of Public Health
or designee to enforce the provisions of this chapter pertaining to
management practices relating to the production of insect vectors,
rodents, obnoxious odors, dust, and surface and groundwater pollution.
The Division of Environmental Health shall inspect each animal confinement
facility at least once every three years. Facilities located in sensitive
zones shall be inspected once every two years. Facilities not in compliance
will be subject to a corrective action schedule and an enforcement
order issued by the Division of Environmental Health and/or State
or Federal regulatory agency. The Division of Environmental Health
shall maintain the Merced County Dairy Operation Guidance document
(which includes the format for the CNMP and annual report) to assist
animal confinement facility operators in complying with Federal, State
and local regulations. All Division of Environmental Health staff
who review and/or approve CNMP shall be appropriately certified through
a USDA-recognized certification program within California, when such
a program is available.
D. Any person authorized to enforce this chapter shall follow the procedures in County Code Chapter
1.16, Right of Entry for Inspection.
E. Any
person authorized to enforce this chapter shall follow the biosecurity
guidelines as established by the State Department of Food and Agriculture.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2002 § 4, 2021)
Where there is a conflict between the regulations of this chapter
and any other chapter of local, State or Federal regulation, the greater
or more stringent regulation or restriction shall apply and shall
be enforced by persons authorized in this chapter.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)