A fee shall be established by the Township Board of Commissioners to defray all Township costs incurred in the review fee charged to an applicant. The applicant shall pay all such fees.
Applicants shall be subject to municipal stormwater fees in accordance with the Bethlehem Township Stormwater Fee Ordinance, latest edition.
The fees required by this chapter shall at a minimum cover:
Administrative and clerical costs. Unless otherwise required to provide an escrow account as part of a subdivision or land development application, the developer shall establish an escrow account as defined in the Township Fee Schedule and execute a professional services agreement with the Township to cover the costs connected with drainage plan review and inspection.
The review of the drainage plan, including the BMP operations and maintenance plan, by the Township.
Attendance at meetings.
The site inspection.
The inspection of required controls and improvements during construction.
The final inspection upon completion of the controls and improvements required in the drainage plan.
Any additional work required to monitor and enforce any permit provisions, regulated by this chapter, correct violations, and assure the completion of stipulated remedial actions.
The Township may require an "as-built survey" of all stormwater BMPs including a survey of any detention/retention basin prior to installation of liner and/or topsoil as applicable, as well as basin stage storage calculations, and an explanation of any discrepancies with the drainage plan.