The Fire Marshal, or designee, may issue a permit for the use or discharge of fireworks and pyrotechnic devices only where the persons in charge of the display have obtained a license from the State Fire Marshal for a public display or special effects. The application, investigation and decision process shall be as follows:
Permit Application. All permit applications shall include the following:
The name of the person or organization sponsoring the proposed activities, together with the names and license numbers of persons actually in charge of the activity;
A full description of all proposed activities;
The date and time of day the proposed activities would occur;
The exact location of the activities;
The size and number of all fireworks to be involved in the proposed activities, including the number of set pieces, shells and other items. Shells shall be designated by diameter specifying single, multiple break or salute;
The manner and place of storage of all fireworks;
A diagram of the grounds on which the activities are proposed to occur showing all points at which fireworks are proposed to be stored or discharged, the location of all buildings, roads, and other means of transportation to and from the site, the lines behind which the audience will be restrained, and the location of all nearby trees, telegraph or telephone lines and other overhead obstructions;
Proof that satisfactory workers' compensation insurance is carried for all employees in compliance with Labor Code Section 3700;
Documentary proof of conformance with the insurance requirements of Health and Safety Code Sections 12610 and 12611; and additional insurance requirements identified by the city;
A State Fire Marshal license for the public display of fireworks or special effects; and
The name and license number of the wholesaler(s) supplying all items used in the display.
Investigation. When evaluating whether a permit should be granted, the Fire Marshal, or designee, shall evaluate the following:
Whether the proposed activity will be of such character or so located that it may be hazardous to property or dangerous to any person.
Whether the activity will comply with all requirements of the California Fire Code, and the State Fireworks Law (Health and Safety Code Section 12500 et seq.) and regulations promulgated thereunder.
Grant or Denial. The Fire Marshal, or designee, shall exercise reasonable discretion to either grant or deny the permit, and may impose any conditions he or she deems necessary or appropriate to ensure there is no adverse impact to the public health, safety or general welfare.
(Ord. O2024-08, 5/21/2024)