A specific use permit allows uses compatible with other permitted uses, provided the uses meet the specific criteria established by the city under this section.
The city council may authorize the granting of a specific use permit, by an affirmative vote, after notice to all parties affected and a public hearing, in accordance with state law, and after recommendation from the planning and zoning commission that the use is in general conformance with the comprehensive plan of the city and containing such requirements and safeguards as are necessary to protect adjoining property.
Specific use permits shall not be used to legalize nonconforming structures or uses, and shall not be used when a variance, deviation, waiver or minor modification could be used to achieve the same result.
A development plan shall be submitted concurrently with the application for a specific use permit. However, development plans will not be approved until the specific use permit is approved by the city council. Approval of the specific use permit does not constitute approval of a development plan.
Uses permitted by a specific use permit shall not be enlarged or substantially modified, structurally altered, or otherwise significantly changed without an amendment to the specific use permit. Amendment to a specific use permit requires the same processes and procedures as an original specific use permit application, specifically, public notice and hearing. Minor changes or alterations or changes that do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property or expand the use into other portions of the building or property and may be approved by the development services director. Changes or alterations that change the uses permitted, increase the density, building height, coverage of the site, off-street parking ratio, or area regulations are not minor changes and must be considered through the amendment process.
All recommendations made by the city planning and zoning commission to the city council shall be considered advisory in nature and shall not be binding upon the governing body; the city council shall have the sole and final authority to grant or deny any request for specific use permits.
The board of adjustment does not have authority to hear an appeal or act on an application for a specific use permit.
A specific use permit may be granted for those uses indicated by "S" in the schedule of uses chart in section 14.03.801(e).
Refer to article 14.04, division 8, accessory buildings, structures and uses for additional regulations.
(Ordinance 2022-05-00950 adopted 5/5/22; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Any individual, partnership, corporation, or group of persons having a proprietary interest in any property, upon proof of such, may file an application with the planning and zoning commission for a specific use permit.
The application for a specific use permit shall be accompanied by a development plan and site plan, as applicable. The city shall make available application forms specifying application requirements. The application shall include:
A site plan that includes the dimensions, bearings, and street frontage of the property;
The location of buildings, structures, and uses;
The method of ingress and egress;
Off-street parking and loading requirements, as applicable;
Screening, lighting, and landscaping, as applicable;
A traffic impact analysis if the development services director determines that the analysis is necessary;
Any other information the development services director, planning and zoning commission or city council determines necessary for a complete review of the proposed development which may include, but is not limited to additional information or drawings, operating data, expert evaluation, or testimony concerning the location, function, or characteristics of any building or proposed use.
The planning and zoning commission shall provide notice and hold a public hearing in accordance with section 14.02.063.
Following the public hearing by the planning and zoning commission, the commission shall make a recommendation for the city council at the properly noticed public hearing, where the council shall consider the granting or denial of the specific use permit.
In recommending that a specific use permit be granted, the planning and zoning commission and city council shall determine that such uses are compatible with the building structures and uses of abutting property and other property in the vicinity of the premises under consideration and shall make recommendations for conditions and requirements to be included in the specific use permit. In approving the requested specific use permit, the planning and zoning commission and city council may consider the following:
Whether the use is compatible with surrounding existing uses or proposed uses;
Whether the use requests by the applicant are normally associated with the permitted uses in the base district;
Whether the nature of the use is reasonable;
Whether any negative impact on the surrounding area has been mitigated;
Any additional conditions specified to ensure that the intent of the district purposes is being upheld.
The conditions and requirements approved by the council shall be set forth in the ordinance granting the specific use permit, including, but not limited to, attached site plan drawings and other depictions of design and use elements.
(Ordinance 2022-05-00950 adopted 5/5/22; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
Each specific use permit granted under the provisions of this chapter shall be considered as an amendment to the comprehensive zoning regulations applicable to such property. When the city council authorizes granting of a specific use permit, the zoning map shall be amended according to its legend to indicate that the affected area has conditional and limited uses, said amendment to indicate the specific use by an "S" designation.
In granting any specific use permit, the city council may impose conditions and requirements as necessary and which shall be complied with by the grantee before any building permit is issued and as an ongoing requirement to retain a certificate of occupancy.
A building permit shall be obtained from the city not later than six (6) months after the effective date of the ordinance granting the specific use permit if new construction is required to comply with the specific use permit, provided however, the director of development services may authorize one extension not to exceed six (6) months.
If the planning and zoning commission denies an application for a specific use permit, the application will not be considered by the city council unless the applicant requests the application be forwarded to the city council within ten (10) days of the planning and zoning commission denial of the application. If the applicant timely requests the application for specific use permit be forwarded to the city council, approval of the specific use permit by the city council shall require the affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the city council.
Following the denial of a specific use permit, no new application for the same or a substantially similar request shall be accepted within one year of the date of denial unless it is determined by the development services director there has been a substantial change in the area or in the request in which the specific use permit has been requested.
(Ordinance 2022-05-00950 adopted 5/5/22; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)
A specific use permit shall expire if a required building permit has not been issued within the time required in this section, or if a building permit has been issued but has subsequently expired. If a building permit is not required, the specific use permit shall expire six (6) months after the effective date of the ordinance granting the specific use permit if a certificate of occupancy is not obtained. If the specific use permit expires in accordance with this section, the property shall conform to the regulations of the original zoning district of such property.
A specific use permit shall terminate if the property for which the specific use permit was issued is vacant, or the building or property, though still occupied, is not being used for the purpose for which the specific use permit was granted for a period of six (6) months. The development services director may grant one six (6) month extension upon written request by the owner of the property. Such written request shall be filed with the development services director no later than one hundred fifty (150) days after the onset of the vacancy. If the specific use permit terminates in accordance with this section, the property shall conform to the regulations of the original zoning district of such property.
A specific use permit may be revoked if the owner fails to meet the conditions and requirements set out in the ordinance granting the specific use permit. Revocation of a specific use permit may be recommended by the planning and zoning commission to the city council after proper notice and public hearing. After proper notice and public hearing, the city council may consider the planning and zoning commission's recommendation for revocation of a specific use permit. If the specific use permit is revoked in accordance with this section, the property shall conform to the regulations of the original zoning district of such property.
(Ordinance 2022-05-00950 adopted 5/5/22; Ordinance 2024-03-00998 adopted 3/21/2024)