The purpose of the carport overlay zone is to allow carports to be built closer to front and side property lines than normally allowed by zoning in established residential neighborhoods. The overlay zone will allow Odessa residents to provide covered parking, shade, and protection from the elements for their vehicles in situations where there is insufficient space to meet required city zoning setbacks. Carports will now be allowed within those zoning setbacks and in front of a home provided certain standards are met.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
The carport overlay zone shall be the area shown on the attached exhibit A to Ordinance 2024-17. Properties within this area may erect carports subject to the applicable allowances and restrictions below. Any regulations within this overlay zone will override those in the base zoning district. Where the overlay is silent, the base zoning district standards shall rule.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
Carports for single-family dwellings not prohibited by deed restriction may be located within required front and side yard setbacks if located within the carport overlay zone as shown on exhibit A to Ordinance 2024-17, subject to obtaining a building permit, and located within the following zoning districts:
SF-2, Single-family residence district-2;
SF-3, Single-family residence district-3; and
SF-4, Single-family residence district-4.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
Carports located within a required front or side yard setback must be either attached to or abutting the principal dwelling, or if detached, they shall be at least 6 feet from the principal dwelling or any other structure.
No portion of the carport including eave or roof extensions may be erected closer than five (5) feet of the front property line, and 10 feet from back of curb or street edge in the absence of a curb, as shown on exhibit 1.
No portion of the carport including eave or roof extensions may be erected closer than three (3) feet of the interior side property line, as shown on exhibit 1.
The allowed setbacks in (3) and (4) [subsections (b) and (c)] above shall rule over any setback line shown on a plat of record, unless there are associated deed restrictions requiring the platted setback, then the deed restrictions shall prevail.
Any other applicable setbacks as outlined in the zoning ordinance, International Building Code (IBC), or International Fire Code (IFC) shall be complied with.
Carports may not be located within a required front yard or side yard facing a street if located on an arterial or collector street.
On a lot with two (2) street frontages, no portion of the carport including eave or roof extensions may be erected closer than five (5) feet to the property line facing the side street, and 10 feet from back or curb or street edge in absence of a curb.
014 Exhibit 1.tif
The carport shall be designed with a gutter system that diverts rainwater away from the structure but within the same property.
No portion of the carport shall be located within an easement, or on a corner lot within a 20-foot by 20-foot sight triangle beginning where the two (2) property lines intersect, or where there is a curve, where the two (2) property lines would meet if extended past the curve as shown on exhibit 2.
014 Exhibit 2.tif
Carports shall count towards the maximum lot coverage allowed in the respective zoning district.
A maximum of one (1) carport is allowed within the required front and side yard setbacks, with a maximum area of 500 square feet.
The roof height of the carport shall not exceed the height of the roof of the principal dwelling. Additionally, the eave height of the carport shall not exceed the eave height of the principal dwelling. On a property with a principal dwelling greater than one-story in height, the eave height of the carport shall not exceed half of the height of the abutting wall. Eave height shall be measured from the adjacent grade to the underside surface of the eave.
Parking underneath the carport shall be exclusively for residential vehicles such as cars, light trucks, and motorcycles for the occupants of the property and their guests. Commercial vehicles as defined in the zoning ordinance and city code, and nonvehicle storage is prohibited.
Parking underneath the carport shall be on a paved surface of concrete or asphalt with a paved connection of the same material extending to the street edge.
All parking spaces shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements under the zoning ordinance.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
A minimum seven (7) vertical feet from finished grade to under the roof shall be free and unencumbered by any walls, screening, or ornamentation, except for vertical support posts a maximum of 24 inches in width and any portion attached to the principal dwelling as shown on exhibit 3. Support posts not required for structural safety shall not be allowed.
014 Exhibit 3.tif
The following design standards shall apply in the carport overlay zone:
The color of the carport roof shall be the same as the color of the principal dwelling roof, and the carport posts must be painted the same as one of the colors on the principal dwelling (see exhibit 4).
The material of the carport roof shall be the same as the material of the principal dwelling roof unless the carport roof is flat in which case there shall be fascia (trim), and any gutters, at least four (4) inches wide with the fascia painted one of the same colors as the principal dwelling (see exhibit 4).
Where the principal dwelling roof is flat, the carport roof shall also be flat with fascia (trim), and any gutters, at least four (4) inches wide, and the fascia painted one of the same colors as the principal dwelling (see exhibit 4).
The carport shall be structurally integrated with the principal dwelling if attached.
Any lighting on the carport shall be shielded or directed so as not to project directly onto surrounding residential property, and an electrical permit shall be obtained from the building inspection division.
Carports must be permanent structures, constructed of hard surface materials with support posts set in concrete. Cloth, fabric, or other tent-like structures shall not be allowed as carport roofing materials.
014 Exhibit 4.tif
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
The applicant shall submit as part of the required building permit to the building inspection division:
A site plan, showing the location and setbacks of the carport to property lines, and all existing structures on the property, drawn to scale.
Construction elevations, showing the front and side view of the proposed carport, including the proposed materials, colors, and roof pitch, drawn to scale.
Drawings shall be reviewed by the planning manager or his or her designee for compliance with this section of the zoning ordinance. The planning manager or his or her designee shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the drawings within 30 days upon permit submission and provide a decision letter to the applicant.
The applicant may appeal the decision to the zoning board of adjustment (ZBA) by submitting a letter to the planning manager which must be received by mail or in person within 15 calendar days from date of the decision letter.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
Carports legally existing prior to the original Odessa Zoning Ordinance of September 26, 1950, that do not comply with one or more of these requirements but located on private property are considered legal nonconforming and shall be allowed to continue so long as the carport is not enlarged, expanded, or extended. Any enlargement, expansion, or extension shall comply with all applicable provisions of the current ordinance.
Carports built on or after September 26, 1950, and before January 1, 2008, that do not comply with sections 14-21-4 or 14-21-5 shall be allowed to continue so long as no portion of the structure is in violation of another city ordinance such as fire or building codes. Any enlargement, expansion, or extension shall comply with all applicable provisions of the current ordinance.
Any portion of a carport located within a public right-of-way shall be removed.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
The city may proceed with enforcement for any violations of this ordinance as outlined in section 1-1-9 "general penalty" of the City Code of Ordinances.
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)
Notwithstanding the definition of a carport under section 14-19-1 of the Zoning Ordinance, carports in the carport overlay zone shall be open on all sides not attached to a building.
Immediately next to another structure.
At least 6 feet from another structure.
Flat Roof.
A roof slope of under 2/12
(Ordinance 2024-17 adopted 4/9/2024)