No person shall permit dishwater, slops, soapsuds, sewage or any kind of liquid or filth to run down his lot or premises in his possession, occupation or use, into or on any gutter, street, highway, alley, avenue or any public place in the Village of Buchanan, except water which has accumulated on the surface of such lot or premises in case of rain or snow.
[Amended 5-7-2024 by L.L. No. 3-2024]
A notice of violation of any provision of this chapter may be issued to any violator by either the Village Engineer, the Sewer Inspector, the Building Inspector or the Chief Sewage Treatment Plant Operator. In the event that the violation is not remedied within the time requirement set forth in the notice of violation, an appearance ticket requiring the alleged violator to appear before the Village Justice of the Village of Buchanan shall be issued by the official who issued the notice of violation. The Village Police Department shall be authorized to serve any notices or appearance tickets set forth in this chapter, as well as any Village official authorized to issue said notice or appearance ticket.
Any person, persons, firm, association or corporation or agent thereafter convicted of a violation of this article shall be required to reimburse the Village for any fines from state or county agencies, or costs for any remediation, corrective action required to restore or repair the condition to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer or any other permitting or regulatory authority.
Any person, persons, firm, association or corporation or agent violating any provision of this article shall be guilty of a violation and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of $250 or imprisonment up to 15 days, or both. Each day shall constitute a separate and distinct offense, punishable by a like fine or penalty as herein set forth herein.
Notwithstanding the penalties hereinabove provided, the Village of Buchanan may maintain an action or proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation of any provision of this article.
The foregoing provisions for enforcement of the regulations in this article are not exclusive but are in addition to any and all laws applicable thereto.
The Village reserves the right to deny water and/or sewer service to any violator who fails to promptly correct any violations, pay fees, or appear in court. All disconnections from the sewerage system shall be made in accordance with § 155-19.
Should a violation pose an immediate health concern to the welfare of the Village and the property owner in negligent in correcting the violation, the Village reserves the right to perform the necessary corrective actions with its own or contracted forces. All costs thereof shall be provided for and defrayed by a special tax bill to be assessed in favor of the Village against the property on which said corrections are made, and such special tax bill shall become a lien on said property. If the property is not within the Village, the Village will seek all legal actions available under the Village Code.