[Added 7-27-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-12]
There is hereby established a Hagerstown Youth Council, which is an advisory board to the City Administrator and to the Mayor and Council pertaining to promoting and encouraging youth involvement in the City of Hagerstown government and issues impacting City youth.
There shall be established a Hagerstown Youth Council of the City of Hagerstown, which shall consist of at least five members and no more than 19 members. The Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the City Council, at least five members and no more than 19 members, who shall be high school students who are residents of the City of Hagerstown or those who attend school in the City of Hagerstown.
[Amended 9-26-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-18]
Members shall serve for either a two-year term or until they graduate from high school, whichever occurs first.
Members shall be recommended for appointment through an application process conducted by the Department of Community and Economic Development.
The Council shall select a Chairperson who will:
Act as spokesperson for the Council; and
Conduct meetings and ensure that detailed records are maintained or designate another member of the Council to do so.
The City Administrator shall see that staff assistance is provided for the Council, as may be required in his/her discretion. Staff shall not vote.
The Council shall meet as needed.
It is the responsibility of the Hagerstown Youth Council to provide commentary and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council as it deems necessary in reference to matters impacting youth on both a national and local scale.
The Council shall serve solely in an advisory capacity and shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for its review and consideration.
[Added 9-26-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-18]
The Mayor and City Council may appoint a Hagerstown Youth Council Partner Group to assist in selecting Hagerstown Youth Council Members and to serve as mentors and advisors to the Youth Council. The Partner Group shall consist of at least three and no more than five adults each of whom shall be over the age of 21, and each of whom must be affiliated with, employed by, or serve as a board member for one of the following: (a) a nonprofit entity with a mission/function related to youth development, education, wellness and/or housing; (b) a nonprofit entity with a mission related to community diversity and/or culture; or (c) the Washington County Board of Education. The term of the Partner Group shall be one year, and any Partner Group presently having been appointed on an ad hoc basis as of the effective date of this section shall continue to serve for the balance of its ad hoc term. Candidates for the Partner Group shall be recommended for appointment through an application process conducted by the Department of Community and Economic Development. The Partner Group shall meet as needed.