This chapter may be cited as the "Single-Use Plastic Product Ordinance."
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
This country, and our entire globe, is being severely impacted by plastic pollution. The World Economic Forum estimates that, global plastic production will triple by 2050, and that the world's oceans will contain more plastic waste than fish (by weight). Thousands of single-use plastic bags, expanded polystyrene containers and other single-use plastic and polystyrene products contribute to public litter, and deteriorate the health of our ecosystem. A plastic bag has on average, a 12-minute lifespan from when it's initially used by a customer at a retail establishment, to the time of being discarded. It is estimated that those same plastic bags may persist in the environment for hundreds of years while they photodegrade, breaking down into micro-plastics that never go away and that have been shown to harm wildlife and human reproductive health.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
The production and disposal of single-use plastic bags, single-use polystyrene containers, single-use food ware products. Single-use polystyrene containers create non-recyclable and non-degradable refuse streams while more environmentally sensitive alternatives are available. The purpose of this chapter is to protect and enhance the county's unique and precious environment, wildlife, and beauty through the reduction of single-use non-compostable or non-recyclable bags and containers, and to encourage the use of reusable or sustainable options.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
Condiment packets.
Metal or plastic containers which hold catsup, mayonnaise, and other sauces or spices.
Expanded polystyrene plate, cup, or food container.
A product made of expanded polystyrene foam that is manufactured, sold or provided by a retail establishment to a customer for the sole purpose of being utilized once and then disposed of by the end user. This includes products intended for use on-site at a retail establishment, food boxes manufactured for single items, such as hamburgers, and larger take-out containers and take-home food cartons.
Plastic splash guard.
A device that fits into the sip-hole of a beverage container lid, intended to prevent a beverage from splashing, that is made of plastic and designed as a single-use product.
Plastic utensils.
Service ware such as a knife, fork, spoon made of plastic.
Pre-check out bags.
Single-use plastic bags provided to customers to contain or wrap:
Loose items, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, ground coffee, grains, candies, or small hardware items;
Uncooked meat, fish, poultry, or seafood; or
Any other item for the purpose of separating it from other items to avoid contamination, prevent damage from moisture, or for sanitary, public health, or environmental protection purposes.
Recyclable cardboard box.
A box made of non-waxed cardboard or paper.
Recycled content paper bag.
A paper bag that contains at minimum forty percent post-consumer recycled content and is one hundred percent recyclable.
Retail establishment.
Any retail business including, but not limited to, a convenience store, restaurant, grocery store, pharmacy, food truck, home improvement store, liquor store, gas station, seasonal or temporary business, farmers market or farm stand, food or good delivery service provider, and seller of merchandise and dry goods to consumer. For purposes of this chapter, food banks and dry cleaners are not retail establishments.
Reusable carryout bag.
A bag that is designed and manufactured for multiple uses, is made of cloth or other machine-washable fabric and has stitched handles; or a polypropylene or recycled-content polyethylene terephthalate bag that has stitched handles.
Single-use plastic bag.
A carryout bag made from plastic that is provided to a customer at the point of sale for the purpose of transporting groceries, food or other goods and is not specifically designed and manufactured for multiple uses.
Single-use plastic stirrer.
A device that is used to mix beverages and designed as a single-use product made of plastic.
Single-use plastic straw.
A single-use, disposable tube made of plastic derived from either petroleum or a biologically based polymer, such as corn or other plant sources, used to transfer a beverage from a container to the mouth of the person drinking the beverage.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
Single-use plastic bag.
Retail establishments shall not provide single-use plastic bag or any other bag or box that is not a reusable carryout bag, recycled content paper bag or recyclable cardboard box for the purpose of carrying groceries, food or other goods from the point of sale. This subsection shall not apply to the following:
Pre-check out bags provided to customers;
Bags provided for prepared takeout food with a high liquid content or potential for leakage, as determined by the retail establishment, that is intended for consumption away from a retail establishment's premises;
Laundry, dry cleaning or garment bags, including bags provided by hotels to guests to contain wet or dirty clothing;
Bags used to contain or transport live animals, such as fish or insects sold in pet stores;
Bags used to transport chemical pesticides, drain-cleaning chemicals or other toxic chemicals sold at the retail level;
Bags used to protect paper newspapers from inclement weather when delivered to customers at their homes; or
Plastic wrappings, bags or containers distributed by the manufacturer for packaging or preparing goods for display prior to sale.
Retail establishments are encouraged to charge a fee for recycled-content paper bags. Retail establishments are also encouraged to waive such fee for any persons with a voucher or electronic benefits card issued under Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC), the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Temporary Assistant to Needy Families Program (TANF), or the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) also known as basic food stamps.
Expanded polystyrene plate, cup or food container.
A retail establishment shall not provide to any customer any expanded polystyrene cup, plate, or food container from the point of sale. No retail establishment or food or beverage vendor shall serve or sell prepared food or beverage in polystyrene packaging and shall not package eggs, bakery products, fruits or vegetables, or other prepared food in polystyrene packaging. This subsection does not apply to any groceries, food or other goods that that have been pre-packaged in expanded polystyrene by the manufacturer or distributer.
Single-use plastic stirrer and plastic splash guards.
A retail establishment shall not provide a single-use plastic stirrer or a plastic splash guard to a customer.
Single-use plastic straw, plastic utensil, and condiment packet.
A retail establishment shall not provide a single-use plastic straw, plastic utensil or condiment packet to a customer for in-house, take-out, or delivery orders, unless that customer expressly requests a single-use plastic straw, plastic utensils, or condiment packets. This subsection shall not apply to the following:
Retail establishments providing food for consumption both on-site or off-site with self-service stations in-house; or
Retail establishments when providing drinks to persons with disabilities that need straws or otherwise complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
The board shall annually appoint persons to serve as code enforcement officers and who will be primarily responsible for enforcement of this chapter.
If confirms county code enforcement officer confirms that a violation has occurred the code enforcement officer may issue a notice of violation to the offending party that indicates the nature of the violation and that the violation must cease immediately. If the offending party agrees to remedy the violation, then the offending party will have twenty-one (21) calendar days to come into compliance. If the offending party refuses to remedy the violation or fails to come into compliance within twenty-one (21) working days, the county code enforcement officer may issue a final notice of violation and file a criminal complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction seeking penalties as outlined below.
Each calendar day during which the violation occurs shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
Any owner of a retail establishment who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a petty misdemeanor, and, upon conviction shall be subject to the following penalties:
First offense.
Upon conviction of a first offense of violating this chapter, an owner of a retail establishment shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $50.00.
Second offense.
Upon conviction of a second offense of violating this chapter, an owner of a retail establishment shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $150.00.
Third and subsequent offenses.
Upon conviction of a third or subsequent offense of violating this chapter, an owner of a retail establishment shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $300.00 and/or imprisonment for a period not exceeding three (3) days.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)
Nothing herein shall preclude the county from instituting any appropriate action in law or equity to restrain, correct or abate any violations of this chapter.
(Ordinance 2024-06 adopted 3/27/2024)