[Added 5-3-2017 by L.L. No. 1-2017]
Purpose. The purpose of the Light Industrial District is to provide for light manufacturing, assembly and storage facilities as well as research and development activities and offices which will not in any manner interfere with nearby uses.
The following principal uses shall be permitted, by special use permit only, subject to the terms and conditions of Article XI hereof:
Research institutions and laboratories.
Scientific research or experimental development of materials, methods or products, including engineering and agricultural research, processing and fabrication incidental thereto.
Manufacture or assembly of electric, electronic or optical instruments or devices.
Light manufacturing, assembling, fabricating or packaging of products from previously prepared materials.
Precision machinery; tool and die work.
Office buildings for executive engineering and administrative purposes.
Administrative, educational and other related activities and facilities in conjunction with a permitted use.
Other non-nuisance uses which, in the opinion of the Town Board, are similar in nature and scale to those permitted above.
Commercial greenhouse.
[Added 7-25-2022 by L.L. No. 2-2022]
Permitted accessory uses are as follows:
Signs, as regulated in § 185-43K hereof.
Private garage and storage buildings, which are necessary to store any vehicle, equipment, or materials on the premises.
Off-street parking space subject to the provisions of Article X hereof.
All uses in the L-I District shall be subject to the following terms and conditions, which shall be cumulative and in addition to the requirements of Article XI hereof:
All assembly, research, engineering, administration, storage and other related activities shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings.
All equipment for the handling of materials and processes shall be enclosed in a suitable building. Equipment as used in this section includes, but is not limited to, conveyors, elevators, storage silos, hoppers, storage tanks and unloading docks.
At no time shall any use result in or cause dissemination of dust, smoke, smog, observable gas, fumes, odors, radiation or other atmospheric pollution, objectionable noise, glare or vibrations or hazard of fire or explosive or any other physical hazard to any adjacent buildings or to any plant growth or any land adjacent to the site.
The architectural treatment and general appearance of all buildings and grounds shall be in keeping with the purpose of this district and shall be of such quality and design as to be a visual asset to the area in which they are located as well as to adjacent development.
Industrial structures shall be located so as to be a minimum of 75 feet from any nonindustrial district. A natural buffer strip 30 feet wide shall be placed and maintained so as to provide visual screening and separation between industrial and nonindustrial uses.
All uses permitted in this district shall set aside not less than 20% of the lot to be devoted to seeding, planting, retention of tree cover, or other landscaping. This area shall be used for no other purpose.
The Planning Board shall conduct site plan review of all principal uses in the L-I District prior to the issuance of the special use permit.
Area requirements.
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Front yard depth: 50 feet.
Side yards: total of 25% of lot width, with a 20 feet minimum.
Rear yard: 50 feet.
Height: No building shall be erected in excess of 35 feet in height.
Frontage: Lots shall have a minimum frontage of 150 feet.