All private water systems that serve private fire hydrants shall be metered. All plans shall be reviewed and approved through Public Works.
For new developments, approval of metering vault, isolation valves, backflow preventer, and metering devices (at a minimum) shall be addressed through the development and/or redevelopment process of a property.
For existing properties, with a private water system, which does not have the ability to meter the private fire hydrants prior to December 31, 2023, shall install a meter vault, isolation valve, backflow preventer, and water meter (at a minimum) at the property owner's expense by June 30, 2028.
Water meter and associated appurtenances shall comply with standard details and shall be installed at the point of service to the private system.
To protect the integrity of the public water system, each private fire hydrant shall be secured with a lockable security device approved by Public Works.
A property owner shall obtain a security device by submitting the applicable fee to the City. Security devices shall be sold only to authorized water providers. The City shall charge the owner the cost of the device and shipping. Public Works shall install the device on the private fire hydrant on the property upon receipt of payment of the applicable installation fee.
A property owner shall inform Public Works if a security device breaks or is tampered with. The property owner shall be responsible for replacement. If Public Works or the Fire Department identifies an issue with the security device during normal use, Public Works shall provide guidance to the owner regarding repairs or replacement of the security device.
A property owner shall coordinate with Public Works to temporarily remove security device during periods of routine maintenance.
If a property owner fails to comply with this section, after notice to the property owner Public Works may procure and install a security device on each private fire hydrant. The City shall levy upon the responsible owner the charge for the performance of said work and the costs of necessary security devices plus an administrative fee of 15%, not to exceed $250.
Each private fire hydrant shall be maintained in operable condition by the property owner. The owner shall promptly repair, and report immediately to the Fire Department and the Department of Public Works, any leaks or malfunctions.
Every private fire hydrant shall be exercised, tested, and inspected to ensure that the device is in good, safe and operable condition.
The testing shall be performed by a licensed water utility contractor in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association 25; Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection System (current edition).
The property owner shall contact Public Works in advance for any testing. Barring any emergencies or operational issues with the public water system, flushing of private hydrants may only occur during the months of April to October with a seventy-two-hour prior notice to Public Works. The City shall have the authority to cease and/or suspend testing in the event of an emergency to the public water system.
A certificate indicating compliance with § 268-9 of this article, signed by the agent of the testing organization, shall be provided to Public Works by December 31 of each calendar year.
In the event that a property owner fails to comply with § 268-9 of this article, Public Works, after notice to the owner, may hire a third-party contractor to enter onto owner's property and test the private fire hydrant. The City shall levy upon the responsible party the charge for the performance of said work and the costs of necessary repairs plus an administrative fee of 15%, not to exceed $250.
Public Works shall have the authority to perform emergency actions necessary to secure and/or isolate a private water system due to an uncontrolled loss of water caused by a break. The responsible party shall provide Public Works with plans regarding the location of private water lines, valves, and private fire hydrants. Upon the completion of emergency actions, repair of lines and hydrants shall be the responsibility of the property owner.