An amount of money shall be annually appropriated by the mayor and city council and provided in the annual budget for the purpose of providing certain employees with clothing. "Clothing," as used in this section, means uniforms or any part of a uniform, civilian clothing, work clothing, foul-weather clothing, shoes, boots, etc.
The annual appropriation shall be based on a figure of five hundred fifty dollars per person. The number of persons shall be computed by averaging the number of personnel in the permanent/provisional service of each of the following departments on the first day of December of the year being budgeted with those so employed on the first day of June of the same year:
Fire: all uniformed personnel including signal-alarm personnel;
Parks and recreation: parks maintenance personnel only;
Police: all uniformed personnel including detectives and special police but excluding auxiliary school patrol;
Public works: all personnel assigned to the labor service.
Payment of employees, as covered in subsections A and B of this section, shall be made on the last payday in December and June each year in the amount of two hundred seventy-five dollars to each such employee of record on the first day of December and June, respectively. No receipts for clothing are required; however, it shall be the duty of the head of each department to see that covered personnel in each department are at all times properly attired.
Note: Police and firefighters will not take the amount provided hereunder but will take the amount as set out in their respective collective bargaining agreements. Effective July 1, 1987.
(Prior revision § 2-6.1; C.O. 78-379-B § 9; C.O. 78-379-A § 1; C.O. 85-447 Attachment C § 1; C.O. 87-621 § 1)
Any city employee, excluding members of the fire department and the police department, who incurs a work-related injury while in the performance of his or her duties as such an employee shall, upon certification by the attending physician of the employee and, if need be, by a duly qualified physician so appointed by the city, and after subsequent endorsement of the certification by the mayor and the employee's department head, be entitled to and shall be paid, during the period of incapacitation resulting from the work-related injury, the benefits provided for by the workers' compensation statutes of the commonwealth (G.L. Ch. 152).
In cases where the injured employee has accumulated "sick leave" (as provided for in Section 2.06.160) such injured employee may, for the duration of his or her state of incapacitation resulting from the work-related injury, draw from his or her accumulated "sick leave" only until the point of exhaustion of such funds. Thereafter the employee's weekly benefits must be reduced to two-thirds the average of his or her weekly wage as provided for by the workers' compensation statutes of the commonwealth.
(Prior revision § 2-7; C.O. 83-52 § 63; C.O. 85-4 § 3)
The vacation year for employees of the city of Revere shall be the period from January 1st to December 31st inclusive. Based upon an employee's length of service, vacation leave shall be credited as follows:
For less than one year's service beginning after January 1st and completed on December 31st, vacation leave of one day for each calendar month, not to exceed ten days. New employees who begin work during the first week of a month will receive credit for a full month.
For service of one year beginning January 1st and completed on December 31st up to and including four years service completed on December 31st vacation leave of one day per month to a maximum of ten days per year. If an employee enters city service during the first week of a vacation year, that year shall constitute the first of the four years completed.
For service of four years completed on December 31st up to and including less than nine years of service completed on December 31st vacation leave of one and one-half days per month to a maximum of fifteen days per year.
For service of nine years completed on December 31st up to and including less than nineteen years completed on December 31st, vacation leave of two days per month to a maximum of twenty days per year.
For service of nineteen years and each year thereafter completed on December 31st vacation leave of two and one-half days per month to a maximum of twenty-five days per year.
Employees who are on leave without pay for five working days during a month will not receive credit for that month.
Employees may take vacation leave not actually credited, however, if an employee leaves the employ of the city and used vacation leave prior to being credited the employee will be required to reimburse the city for any unearned vacation leave used. The reimbursement will be deducted from the employees final city paycheck.
Part-time employees earn vacation credit according to this section prorated to the number of hours worked in an average week. Part-time employees are eligible to receive vacation benefits upon the completion of twelve months of part-time regular employment with the city.
Vacation leave earned during any vacation year shall be credited on the last day of each full month worked and shall be available for use on the first working day of the following month.
The words, "length of service," as used herein shall mean years of service as a member of the city of Revere and/or Commonwealth of Massachusetts Contributory Retirement System.
Notwithstanding any policy, procedure or the provisions of this section to the contrary, any municipal employee currently employed by the city on the date of the adoption of this amendment hired on or before October 25, 1993, enumerated in schedules H. A-1 and I. A-2-A, who is not otherwise covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall upon retirement be entitled to receive not less than twenty-five days of vacation time, less any vacation time used between January 1st and December 31st provided that such employee is entitled to accumulate twenty-five vacation days pursuant to this section. The value of said vacation time shall be calculated at the rate of compensation the employee was earning calendar year two thousand.
(Prior revision § 2-3; C.O. 78-379-B, § 10 (part); C.O. 85-447 Attachment C § 2; C.O. 93-379 § 1; C.O. 00-604 § 1, 2000; C.O. 01-35 § 1, 2001)
The assignment of vacation periods within any vacation year shall be arranged by the department head for such time or times as best serve the public interest. Vacation allowance may not be accumulated from one vacation year to another except when, in the opinion of the appointing authority, it is impossible or impractical because of work schedule or other emergencies to do otherwise. In no event shall more than one year's vacation be accumulated. Preferences should be given on the basis of years of employment, whenever possible.
(Prior revision § 2-4)
If a holiday falls within the vacation period it shall not count as part of the vacation period.
(Prior revision § 2-5)
All regular, full-time employees enumerated in Division 1, Table III, Schedules H through J of this revision shall, when entitled thereto, be granted sick leave aggregating not more than fifteen days in any year, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, without loss of pay. Sick leave allowances not used in any particular year may be accumulated to a total of two hundred fifty days, and exclusive of the uniform police personnel, upon retirement or death, employee or their next of kin (estate) will be paid for unused sick leave in accordance with the sick leave buy back incentive program contained herein if current fiscal year funds are available in the employee's salary account at the time of such retirement or death, or as otherwise provided for certain groups of employees and included in executed agreements under the provisions of Chapter 150E of the General Laws. All regular, full-time employees enumerated in Division 1, Table III, Schedules H through J of this revision, effective July 1, 1998, shall be entitled to participate in a sick leave buy back incentive program as follows:
Regular, full-time employees who use a minimum number of sick days each year shall be allowed to annually request the city to buy back a portion of their accumulated sick days. The buy back year shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st, except for calendar year 1998, which will begin on July 1, 1998, and end on December 31, 1998. Provided, however, that the total number of sick days used for all of calendar year 1998 shall be used to calculate the sick leave buy back incentive benefit for calendar year 1998.
On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees enumerated herein, who use four or fewer sick days in a calendar year and who have accumulated at least thirty sick days shall be entitled to participate in the sick leave buy back incentive program.
On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees who have used fewer than three sick days, at the end of the calendar year, shall be entitled to exchange that number of sick days and receive one additional regular week's salary, excluding longevity and overtime.
On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees who have used fewer than four sick days, at the end of the calendar year, shall be entitled to exchange that number of sick days and receive four additional regular days' salary, excluding longevity and overtime.
On the last pay period of each calendar year, regular, full-time employees who have used fewer than five sick days, at the end of the calendar year, shall be entitled to exchange that number of sick days and receive three additional regular days' salary, excluding longevity and overtime.
Regular, full-time employees who have accrued at least fifty sick days, who retire on or after July 1, 1998, on the date of their retirement, shall be entitled to participate in the sick leave buy back incentive program and receive payments as follows:
For any number of the first one hundred or less accumulated sick days, the city shall buy back from the retiring, regular, full-time employee, each of the aforesaid sick days at a rate of thirty dollars per day.
For any number of the second one hundred or more accumulated sick days and less than two hundred and one accumulated sick days, the city shall buy back from the retiring, regular, full-time employee, each of the aforesaid sick days at a rate of forty dollars per day.
For any number of the remaining sick days starting at two hundred and one and ending at three hundred accumulated sick days, the city shall buy back from the retiring, regular, full-time employee, each of the aforesaid sick days at a rate of fifty-five dollars per day.
As used herein "retirement" shall mean any form of retirement provided for by Chapter 32 M.G.L. or amounts due beneficiaries of a deceased member of the retirement system who are entitled to the benefits of Section 11 of Chapter 32 M.G.L.
Department heads shall certify to the city collector/treasurer, on a weekly basis, on a form prescribed by the city collector/treasurer, each employee's accrued sick leave and the amount of sick leave each employee uses weekly. The city collector/treasurer shall certify, weekly, to each employee the employee's accrued sick leave and the amount of sick leave that the employee used the previous week's pay period. The sick and vacation leave records of the city collector/treasurer shall be the official records of the city of Revere relating to sick and vacation leave.
(Prior revision § 2-6; C.O. 78-379-B § 10 (part); C.O. 85-447 Attachment C § 3; C.O. 87-621 § 2; C.O. 98-45 §§ 1—3; C.O. 00-603 § 1, 2000)
Each regular full time employee shall be entitled to two personal days in each calendar year subject to such reason able requirements as the department head may promulgate subject to approval of the mayor.
(C.O. 87-621 § 3; C.O. 98-45 § 4)
A part-time regular employee is a person employed by the city to work more than twenty hours per week on a continuous, regular basis, not less than twelve months per year. Upon the completion of twelve months of part-time regular employment with the city part-time regular employees shall be eligible to receive sick leave, holiday, vacation, and medical insurance benefits. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any employee of the city whose position is included in a collective bargaining agreement that has been negotiated under the provisions of Section 7 of Chapter 150 E of the M.G.L., nor shall it apply to any employees of the city school department, nor shall it apply to any civilian part-time regular employees of the police and fire department employed in the positions of "call taker."
(C.O. 85-165 § 1; C.O. 85-518 § 1; C.O. 95-449 § 1)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 59 of Chapter 33 of the M.G.L., any employee of the city of Revere, who is a member of an armed forces reserve or National Guard unit, called to active duty in the military forces of the United States of America, shall be entitled, during the time of his or her active service in the military forces of the United States of America, to receive pay as follows as an employee of the city of Revere.
The difference between the gross pay of the Military and that of his or her ordinary remuneration, or the base pay, of the City of Revere for a period of time not to exceed one year.
The employee will be paid the difference between his/her salary received by the city of Revere and his/her base military pay, where the salary received by the city of Revere is higher.
The salary received by the city of Revere shall be defined as the gross annual salary, including holiday pay.
The military base pay as defined as pay excluding all allowances, such as housing, uniform, combat pay, spousal allowance, overtime pay, shift differential pay, hazardous duty pay or any other additional compensation received for military.
"Called to active duty" is defined as "being deployed for military duty for a minimum period of nine months and out of the Continental United States including its Territories, Hawaii and Alaska."
An employee eligible for payment under this section includes all permanent part time and full time employees. Seasonal and contract employees are not eligible for pay under this section.
An employee may maintain insurance benefits during a period of active military service as described above, provided that the employee makes the required contribution for payment of premiums. An employee may pay into the Retirement System up to one hundred percent of their city base salary.
An employee while on active military duty shall not accrue additional vacation or sick leave. But, upon return to full time employment, said employee shall be credited with vacation leave and sick leave equivalent to that which would have been earned during military duty. In no event shall the vacation credited exceed one year's accrual.
Periods of deployed active duty shall be included in computation of vacation, seniority and longevity benefits.
Deployment for active duty service shall not include active duty for training purposes in the Army National Guard, Air National Guard or active duty for training as a reservist in any branch of the armed forces of the United States— see compensation during military training below.
Compensation during military training while attending annual military training as a member of the National Guard or Reservist, compensation will be paid in accordance with Chapter 33, Section 59 of the Massachusetts General Laws. If an employee attends annual military training during the city of Revere fiscal year they are entitled to a maximum of seventeen days.
(C.O. 91-27 § 1; C.O. 12-121, §§ 1—3, 6/25/2012)
There is hereby established a career educational incentive program offering base compensation increases to regular full-time employees enumerated in Table III, Division 1, subsections H through J, A-2-B-1 of the ordinance codified in this section. The purpose of the program is both to provide an incentive for employees to further their education and to attract quality candidates to municipal employment.
To facilitate the financial transition of the educational incentive program over two fiscal years, the base compensation of employees enumerated in Table III, Division I, subsections H through J, A-2-B-1 with certified degrees shall be increased as follows:
For employees with certified masters degrees or above, the base compensation shall be increased by five percent effective July 1, 2001 and an additional five percent effective July 1, 2002.
For employees with certified bachelors degrees, the base compensation shall be increased by three and three quarters percent effective July 1, 2001 and an additional three and three quarters percent effective July 1, 2002.
For employees with certified associates degrees or equivalent collegiate academic credits, the base compensation shall be increased by one and three quarters percent effective July 1, 2001 and an additional one and three quarters percent effective July 1, 2002.
All degrees shall be earned in an educational institution accredited by the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools or by the Board of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The treasurer/collector shall certify the amount of the educational incentive compensation increases to be allocated to the personnel of the various departments enumerated herein from information filed with said office on or before February first of each year for the succeeding fiscal year budget. Said information shall be filed on a form to be furnished by the office of the treasurer/collector. Any employee who fails to file said form by February first shall not be entitled to collect the educational incentive for the following fiscal year. An employee may receive an increase in base compensation for only the highest degree attained.
Any employee required to have a license issued by the State Board of Building Regulations and Standards, the State Board of Examiners and Electricians or the State Board of Examiners and Plumbers and Gas Fitters as a condition of employment who subsequently obtains a more advanced license issued by the same entity shall have his/her compensation increased by one and three quarters percent effective July 1, 2001, and an additional one and three quarters percent effective July 2, 2002, except that no such increase shall be available to any employee receiving an educational degree incentive under this section, and no employee shall receive payment for more than one license.
(00-603 § 2, 2000; C.O. 01-299 § 1, 2001)