The city council shall exercise all legislative powers as provided by General Laws, Chapter 43.
(Prior revision § 2-10)
The city council after its election shall meet and organize as provided in General Laws, Chapter 43.
(Prior revision § 2-11; C.O. 85-4 § 4)
Regular meetings of the council shall be held in the council chamber on the first, second and third Monday evenings of each month, commencing at the time designated by the council. The clerk of the council shall notify the councilors of all meetings of the council by notice delivered personally or by an officer or sent by mail. The council may by majority vote dispense with any regular meeting or change the day and hours of holding or adjournment of any regular meeting.
(Prior revision § 2-12 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 64 (part); C.O. 85-4 § 5 (part))
The mayor or the president of the city council or any four members thereof may at any time call a special meeting of the council by causing written notices stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting and signed by the person(s) calling such meeting to be delivered in hand to each member of the council or left at each member's usual dwelling place at least forty-eight hours before the time for such meeting.
(Prior revision § 2-12 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 64 (part); C.O. 85-4 § 5 (part))
There shall be held on the fourth Monday of each month a meeting of the city council for the purpose of conducting public hearings. This meeting shall be only for this purpose unless called for some other purpose of which due notice shall be given as provided in this chapter. Such a meeting shall commence at the time designated by the council. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the city council is not in session on the third Monday of the month the order of business on the fourth Monday of the month shall be the same order of business as a regular meeting of the city council as described in Section 2.12.030.
(Prior revision § 2-12 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 64 (part); C.O. 95-82A § 1)
If a person behaves in a disorderly manner during any meeting of the city council, and after notice from the presiding officer persists therein, the presiding officer may order him to withdraw from the meeting, and on refusal may order the constables or any other persons to take him from the meeting.
(Prior revision § 2-12.1)
The person so refusing to withdraw when requested as provided in Section 2.12.070 shall for such offense be punished as provided in Section 1.16.010 of this revision.
(Prior revision § 2-12.2; C.O. 83-52 § 10)
A majority of all the members elected to the city council shall constitute a quorum.
(Prior revision § 2-13)
The president of the council, if present, shall preside at the meetings of the council. In the absence of the president, the vice president of the council, if present, shall preside. In the absence of the president and vice president, a member of the city council, designated in alphabetical order, shall preside.
(Prior revision § 2-14; C.O. 83-52 § 65)
All final votes on questions involving expenditure of one thousand dollars or more, or upon request of any members, shall be by roll call vote.
(Prior revision § 2-15; C.O. 82-41 § 1)
Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of the General Laws or Special Acts, within seventy-five days following the commencement of each fiscal year the city council shall have acted upon, by voting thereon, all of the recommendations for supplemental appropriations submitted to the city council by the mayor for the operation of the city government for the fiscal year. Any supplemental appropriation not acted upon within the required time period shall not be included as a supplemental appropriation for submission to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Revenue, for the purpose of certification of the fiscal year tax rate.
Within eighty days following the commencement of each fiscal year the city council shall have conducted a public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 56 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws and acted thereon to establish the minimum residential factor so that the board of assessors may proceed with the establishment of the fiscal year tax rate.
(C.O. 98-55 § 2)
Whenever the city council is presented with an application or request for a home rule petition or special legislation for changes or adjustments to Chapter 32 of the Massachusetts General Laws or any other statutes pertaining to the retirement allowances for municipal or school department employees and/or their dependents, no city council vote on such petition or legislation may occur until such time that the city of Revere Retirement Board provides the city council with a detailed analysis of the full cost of such petition or legislation to the city's retirement system. Further, any such petition or legislation shall require for approval a two-thirds vote of the city council, as well as a favorable vote of the retirement board. In all cases, no such vote shall occur until the retirement board has been provided with at least thirty days to give an advisory opinion to the city council on the merits of the petition or legislation.
(C.O. 09-95, § 1, 3/23/2009)
Prior to the final vote on any matter which comes before the city council, as the result of a motion offered by a member of the city council, which may require the expenditure of five thousand dollars or more, the matter shall first be referred by the city council to the director of finance who, with the assistance of the appropriate city department, shall provide the city council with a financial impact statement detailing the actual or estimated financial impact of said matter to the city. Upon receiving the financial impact statement the city council shall record the statement in the city council documents and thereupon shall take a vote upon said matter.
(C.O. 09-80, § 1, 3/23/2009)