The fire department of the city shall consist of a chief, six deputy chiefs, thirteen captains, twenty-nine lieutenants, two linemen and such number of firefighters as may be appointed by the mayor and provided for by the city council.
There shall also be such number of reserve firefighters as is provided for in Sections 59B to 59D of Chapter 48 of the General Laws.
There is hereby created and established in accordance with the provisions of Section 60, of Chapter 31 of the General Laws an intermittent fire force which shall be subject to the applicable civil service law and rules.
(Prior revision § 7-4; C.O. 91-285A § 1)
The chief of the fire department shall prescribe, subject to approval by the mayor, rules and regulations for the organization and conduct of the fire department, which shall be posted in each fire station, and which shall cover the following:
Discipline and conduct of the officers and firemen, in the fire station and attending fires;
The care of the fire stations, the apparatus and other property of the fire department.
(Prior revision § 7-5)
The chief of the fire department shall be in general charge and control of the fire department and shall be responsible directly to the mayor. The chief shall also have general care, management and control of the telegraph and telephone wires, of the fire alarm and police signal system, other than radio, and of all other electric wire systems owned by the city.
(Prior revision § 7-6)
At all fires the chief of the fire department, or in the chief's absence the officer exercising the chief's authority, shall have command not only over all members of the fire department but over all persons who may be present at the fire and they shall obey the chief's orders and render such services as the chief may require.
(Prior revision § 7-7)
Whenever at a fire it is deemed necessary by the chief of the fire department, or the officer exercising the chief's authority, that any building or structure be demolished or torn down to check a fire from spreading, it shall be done according to law, under the direction of the chief.
(Prior revision § 7-8)
The chief of the fire department shall prescribe a complete system of records and reports covering:
The activities and history of the department, its companies and each of its members;
The fire records of the city;
The purchase, distribution and use of all supplies in the fire department;
The cost, use and maintenance of each item of fire apparatus and each fire station;
The fire prevention work, inspections and results.
These reports shall be kept and submitted annually to the mayor as a part of the records of the fire department.
Any member of the department sustaining injuries, while on duty, who subsequently applies for leave with pay pursuant to the provisions of Section 111F of Chapter 41, M.G.L., shall immediately report said injury to the chief of the department, who shall immediately notify the city auditor and the city solicitor, if liability for said injury can be derivatively enforced against the person causing the injury in a third party claim.
(Prior revision § 7-9; C.O. 86-96 § 1)
The mayor shall provide for the organization and maintenance within the fire department of a drill school for the better training and preparation of all officers, firefighters and reserve firefighters. The school may be open, upon such conditions as the chief of the fire department may prescribe, to those citizens who may desire to become permanent members of the fire department.
(Prior revision § 7-11)
Any contractor, private contractor or person who hires the services of any member of the fire department, reserve or regular, shall compensate such firefighter according to the terms of a contract made pursuant to General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 178I.
(Prior revision § 7-12)
The chief of the fire department is authorized to enter into a mutual aid system with such cities or towns as the chief may deem advisable. Such agreement shall be subject to the approval of the mayor.
In order to comply with this provision, the chief is authorized to send fire apparatus and men to such cities and towns which enter into such mutual aid agreements.
(Prior revision § 7-13)
No fire apparatus or firefighters shall be sent or taken from the fire station except upon the conditions prescribed by the chief of the fire department, and they shall always return or be returned as soon as possible to their respective fire stations.
(Prior revision § 7-14)
Badges may be given to proper persons by the chief of the fire department, with the approval of the mayor, admitting them within the firelines established by the chief at any fires, and no person, other than firefighters and those under orders of the chief or who might be connected with public service departments, shall be admitted within such firelines unless they have such a badge.
(Prior revision § 7-18)