For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
"Private taxicab stand"
means one established only upon private property.
"Public taxicab stand"
means one for the common use of all licensees under Section 5.44.040.
means each vehicle used or designed to be used for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within the city, except a street railway car or trackless trolley vehicle, within the meaning of Section 2 of Chapter 163 of the General Laws, or a motor vehicle, known as a jitney, operated in the manner and for the purposes set forth in Chapter 159A of the General Laws, or a sightseeing automobile licensed under Chapter 399 of the Acts and Resolves of the 1931 Massachusetts Legislature.
(Prior revision § 18-1; C.O. 83-52 § 34)
Except as otherwise provided in the General Laws of the commonwealth, the chief of police shall have exclusive authority to make rules and orders for the regulation of taxicabs and taxicab stands, within the city, with penalties for the violation thereof not exceeding the penalty set forth in Section 1.16.010 of this revision. Such rules and regulations and orders shall not take effect until they have been published at least once in a newspaper published in the city.
(Prior revision § 18-2; C.O. 83-52 § 35)
No person shall drive, operate or have charge of a taxicab, nor shall any person set up and use a taxicab for hire in the city, unless licensed to do so by the chief of police of the city; nor shall any person having the care or custody of such vehicle in the city suffer or allow any person other than a driver or operator so licensed to drive such a vehicle.
No person shall offer for hire or operate a hackney, carriage or other vehicle for the purpose of transporting, soliciting or picking up passengers for hire within the city unless licensed to do so by the chief of police of the city.
(Prior revision § 18-3)
The chief of police shall annually grant taxicab licenses in the city to suitable persons who are owners of vehicles known as taxicabs, if such person, or one member of such firm, has resided in the city for a minimum of two years preceding application for license, or if the principal place of business of such corporation is in the city.
No license shall be issued to any person or firm which contains any member therein who has a criminal record for larceny, deceit, robbery, breaking to enter, rape, attempted rape, concerned in a lottery, illegal sale of alcoholic beverages, or any immoral conduct which, in the opinion of the chief of police, is unsuitable for the care of passengers in taxicabs. The chief of police may, in the chief's discretion, issue a license to an applicant who has a criminal record for any of the above offenses in which the last conviction thereof is more than five years immediately preceding the date of the application for license, or petition for assignment of transfer of license.
(Prior revision § 18-4)
Licenses granted under this chapter shall be assignable, subject to the approval of the chief of police, and shall be subject of such other terms, conditions and limitations, and be issued subject to the payment of such fees and costs, as the chief of police shall from time to time prescribe.
(Prior revision § 18-5)
At any time within one year after expiration of a license issued under this chapter, the holder thereof shall be entitled as of right, upon payment of the proper fee, to a renewal of such license, unless after a hearing before the chief of police it appears that the chief has good cause to issue the same.
(Prior revision § 18-6)
The chief of police shall fix a limit for the number of licenses to be issued under this chapter, which limit shall be based upon the number of licenses then issued and outstanding but shall not be in excess of seventy-five, and the chief may from time to time, after reasonable notice and hearing, decrease the limit so fixed, but in no event to a number less than fifty. If an applicant is refused a license under the provisions of this chapter by reason of the fact that the maximum number of licenses limited under this chapter has been issued, the city council, on petition of such applicant, may, after a hearing, determine that public convenience and necessity require a higher limit than that fixed by the chief of police, or previously established by the city council, and shall establish the limit so required, in which case the limit set by the council shall be considered final until again changed as provided in this section.
This chapter shall not affect, in any way, the rights of any existing licensee to any annual renewal of that license under the provisions of this chapter. Until further notice or action by the chief of police, licenses may be granted to the number established before the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives; except, that no further original license shall be granted until the number of the taxicab licenses outstanding has been reduced to less than fifty by cancellation or revocation or the failure of holders of licenses to apply for renewals, and thereafter taxicab licenses may be granted only up to a total set by the chief of police as instructed under this chapter or to future limits set by the city council.
(Prior revision § 18-7)
The chief of police shall from time to time fix and establish uniform rates of fare to be charged by licensees under the provisions of this chapter for use of taxicabs, and no person licensed under this chapter shall charge or collect any fare in excess of the rate established and shall not offer service at less cost than the established rate set by the chief of police.
(Prior revision § 18-8)
All taxicabs shall have affixed thereto, facing the passenger, a taximeter of the size and design approved by the chief of police, and the use of such taximeter shall be mandatory when such taxicab is engaged for hire. No taxicab shall be licensed to be used as a vehicle to transport passengers for hire until the taximeter attached thereto has been officially approved by the sealer of weights and measures. After sundown the face of every taximeter shall be illuminated by a suitable light, so arranged as to throw a continuous steady light thereon. All operators of taxicabs in the city shall comply with the provisions of Sections 41, 42, 43, and 45 of Chapter 98 of the General Laws. At any time, upon order of the chief of police, a licensee shall have his or her taximeter reinspected.
(Prior revision § 18-9)
For the purposes of this chapter, the chief of police is authorized to set up a special division within the police department, assign officers to supervise and enforce the provisions of this chapter and all ordinances, regulations and orders pertaining to this chapter, and to collect all fees established by law for licenses and any additional costs assigned to each licensee for identification badges, medallions, etc., and submit such collection to the office of the city treasurer on the first day of the month succeeding such collection.
(Prior revision § 18-10)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offense and any licensed owner or driver or operator under the provisions of this chapter who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall, in addition to such penalty, thereupon become liable to suspension and forfeiture of that person's license, and may be disqualified to hold a license thereafter.
(Prior revision § 18-11; C.O. 86-99 § 1)