For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
"Community garage"
means a group of private garages, not more than one story high, having a capacity of not more than ten cars, arranged in a row or surrounding a common means of access.
means any building wherein is kept or stored one or more motor vehicles, including among others a public or private garage, carport, motor vehicle repair shop or filling station; it does not include an auto body or paint shop.
"Self-service station"
means that type of business wherein the licensed motor vehicle operator dispenses his own motor fuel.
"Service station"
means any building or premises wherein, or upon which, gasoline or other motor fuel is sold at retail.
"Special garage"
means any building wherein is kept or stored one or more motor vehicles for the purpose of conducting the business of an auto body shop or paint shop.
(Prior revision § 7-25.1; C.O. 77-9 § 2)
Before an application for a license, required by General Law, Chapter 148, Section 13, may be approved or a permit issued for the keeping, storage, use, manufacture, sale, handling, transportation or other disposition of inflammable liquids, compounds, solids, explosives or gases for which a license or permit or both such license and permit may be required by this revision or other ordinance, law of the Commonwealth or regulation of the State Department of Public Safety, the chief inspector shall inspect and approve or disapprove the application for a permit or license.
If a permit or license is issued, a fee as prescribed in Table I of this revision shall be collected. All permit fees shall be paid to the chief inspector of the division of fire prevention or his or her assistants, and all fees in connection with a license shall be paid to the city clerk.
(Prior revision § 7-25 (part))
Notwithstanding the provisions of this title, any license granted under this chapter for a "retail gasoline filling station" or a "service station" prior to December 1, 1973 shall be amended to read "garage" unless the use of such license has been limited to the sale of gasoline and motor oil, and such license has no provisions for the repair or lubrication of motor vehicles.
(Prior revision § 7-25 (part))
Notwithstanding any provisions of this title, or provisions of Sections 8.16.020 or 8.16.030, no license for a self-service gasoline station shall be granted which would allow the pumping of gasoline for retail sale without an attendant present to hold the gas nozzle while gasoline is being pumped into the tank; without a special permit having been granted by the city council after a public hearing has been conducted by the city council pursuant to the public hearing requirements of Chapter 148, Section 13 of the General Laws.
(Prior revision § 7-25 (part); C.O. 77-9 § 1; C.O. 81-29)
Any inspection conducted by any member of the fire prevention division shall be made at reasonable hours except in cases of emergency as determined by the chief of the fire department.
(Prior revision § 7-26)
Any permit issued by the chief of the fire department may be continued in force for such period of time as may be specified upon the permit, unless suspended or revoked by the chief of the fire department.
(Prior revision § 7-27)
All garages and service stations, as defined in Section 8.16.010, shall provide an air hose for use of consumers during business hours.
(Prior revision § 7-25.2; C.O. 79-230 § 1)
No person shall place, or cause to be placed, any material within ten feet of any fire hydrant within the city or in such a way as may hinder or interfere with the use of such hydrant by the fire department. A free passage shall be left to all fire hydrants at all times.
(Prior revision § 7-2)
It is the duty of the chief of the fire department to order the supervisors of public, private and parochial schools to have at least one fire drill a month during the school period and to keep all doors and exits unlocked during school hours.
The parking of motor vehicles in any driveway connected with a school building is prohibited.
(Prior revision § 7-3)
It is unlawful for any person to allow combustible rubbish to accumulate in any building or part thereof, or on any land belonging to themselves or others, to such an extent that such combustible rubbish presents, in the opinion of the chief of the fire department, a fire menace.
(Prior revision § 7-31)
No person shall construct or maintain a building or other structure within the city, if such building or structure is to be used to manufacture or refine any petroleum products, and no permit or license shall be issued for either of such purposes by the licensing authority having the power to grant same.
This section shall be construed to mean that no building or structure shall be used as a refinery of petroleum products within the city.
(Prior revision § 7-32)
The storage or sale of Christmas trees, wreaths and other types of flammable decoration in or near any gasoline station is prohibited.
(Prior revision § 7-33)
Marinas and boat yards in the business of storing boats shall maintain sufficient spacing in their yards to provide access for effective firefighting operations. Also, provisions shall be made to ensure an adequate supply of water in these occupancies for firefighting purposes.
(Prior revision § 7-34)
All holders of common victuallers' licenses shall provide at least one extinguisher, of a type that has been approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories. Extinguishers shall be maintained in proper condition at all times so that they are readily accessible for immediate use. The head of the fire department shall prescribe the number and locations of such devices.
(Prior revision § 7-35; C.O. 83-52 § 40)
During a performance in any public theater and for one hour before and one hour after a performance it is unlawful for any person to smoke in any part of such theater, including all rooms connected directly with the theater and controlled by the owner or manager of the theater.
(Prior revision § 7-36)
In any building or part thereof used as a dancehall and having a capacity for more than fifty persons, it is unlawful for any person to smoke on that part of the floor used for dancing during the time when patrons are assembled for dancing.
With the written consent of the chief of the fire department, smoking may be allowed in certain parts of a dancehall under such restrictions as may be prescribed by the chief of the fire department.
(Prior revision § 7-37)
It is unlawful for any person to smoke in the auditorium or assembly hall of any school building at a time when twenty or more persons are assembled in such auditorium or assembly hall.
(Prior revision § 7-38)
The owner or management of any occupancy referred to in Sections 8.16.150, 8.16.160 and 8.16.170 shall post in conspicuous places not less than two "NO SMOKING" signs. Such signs shall not be smaller than twelve inches by fourteen inches in size.
(Prior revision § 7-39)
No person shall set, maintain or increase, or allow property owned or under his control to be used to set, maintain or increase, a fire in the open air, or in a barrel, container, on the ground, in an outdoor fireplace, in so-called incinerators, or in any other outdoor receptacle or place without first receiving a written permit to do so to be granted by the chief of the fire department.
This section shall not prevent a person from maintaining a reasonable briquette or charcoal block fire solely for the purpose of an outdoor cookout; provided, that such charcoal fire or briquette fire is in an approved cookout receptacle and proper precautions are used.
The open burning of wood, lumber, paper, debris, branches, trees, grass or any like substance is expressly forbidden.
(Prior revision § 7-40)
No person shall have in their possession, or use, or explode, or cause to explode, any combustible or explosive composition or substance, or any combination of such compositions or substances, or any other article, including fireworks, which was prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation within the city limits of the city of Revere unless they are permitted to do so by express approval of the Revere Fire Department.
For the purposes of this chapter the word "fireworks" shall include compositions, substances or other articles and shall also include blank cartridges or toy cannons in which explosives are used, the type of toy balloon which requires fire underneath to propel the same, firecrackers, cherry bombs, silver salutes, M-80's, torpedoes, sky-rockets, Roman candles, rockets, wheels, colored fires, fountains, mines, serpents, or other fireworks of like construction or any fireworks containing any explosive or flammable compound, or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance.
Whoever shall have in their possession or under their control, or whoever shall use or explode or cause to explode any fireworks in violation of this chapter shall be punished by a civil fine of: not less than fifty dollars for the first offense, not less than one hundred dollars for the second offense, and not less than one hundred and fifty dollars for subsequent offenses. Any officer qualified to serve criminal process shall issue a civil fine in accordance with the section of this chapter and shall seize all of the fireworks mentioned herein without a warrant. The fireworks seized shall, upon conviction of such violation, be forfeited to the Commonwealth.
Notice of such seizure of the fireworks shall immediately be sent to the marshal by the officer making the seizure, and the fireworks seized shall be held and securely stored by the Revere Police Department until the marshal or their authorized representative takes them into their possession for disposal.
(Prior revision § 7-40.1; C.O. 23-175, § 1, 9/11/2023)
No action shall be taken against any person until such person has been first notified, in writing, of violation and has been allowed at least seventy-two hours after receipt of order to procure the necessary permit or remove the condition that may be in violation of this chapter and Chapters 2.51, 2.54 and 8.20 through 8.32 of this revision; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to Section 8.16.080 and Section 8.16.200.
(Prior revision § 7-30; C.O. 23-175, § 2, 9/11/2023)
No person shall sell or discharge an aerosol canister which emits string confetti by means of a flammable propellant within the city of Revere.
(C.O. 90-221 § 1)